Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

11/25/2024| Framed: 4 ––– Wordle: 5
Framed: Saw Halle Berry and I knew it.
Wordle: 219➧20➧3➧2 left, whiffed on 1.

6 guesses Monday. Would have been 4, but I kept thinking, "They'll go with the less likely letter at the beginning."

Missed Framed. Would have had it on 6, but by then, I'd decided I had no idea, and didn't even look at the guy in the picture.
:laugh: Awesome!! What luck this morning, er....I mean, I totally knew that was going to be the word. ;)

Wordle: 2

Framed: Missed

I totally screwed that one up. I thought I knew what it was on Frame 5, and I had my mind so focused on trying to think of the name of that movie, that I totally overlooked Frame 6.
It's been quite awhile since I've seen that movie, but I don't even remember P. Diddy in it.
:laugh: Awesome!! What luck this morning, er....I mean, I totally knew that was going to be the word. ;)

Wordle: 2

Framed: Missed

I totally screwed that one up. I thought I knew what it was on Frame 5, and I had my mind so focused on trying to think of the name of that movie, that I totally overlooked Frame 6.
It's been quite awhile since I've seen that movie, but I don't even remember P. Diddy in it.
Same here.
11/26/2024| Framed: 2 ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: First tried It's a Wonderful Life.
Wordle: WordleBot 148➧22. A nice day.

Happy Friday!! No idea why I got up at 6:30am on my day off. :laugh:

Wordle: 4

Framed: 1

Boom!!! Honestly surprised I got this one. It's been a long time since I've seen that movie, but I just remember that scene.

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