Words of wisdom appreciated.

10x harder than you think it will be, but 1000x more rewarding. check your PM's.
Tricked;4543614 said:
Hey everyone.

I've been a follower of the zone since it launched, just not an often poster. I admire many of the different inputs I see in articles and topics, so I figured I'd ask my fellow cowboy fans.

Today I found out that I'm going to be a dad. It excites me and scares me at the same time.

Any stories you all can share and advice would be greatly appreciated. In the end, I know that no ones prepared, but I want to be the best I can.

congrats, man. BEST. THING. EVER.

I would just say love him/her and everything will be fine.

I had never changed a diaper in my life until my son. My wife had a c-section so when we were in the hsopital right after he was born, she couldn't get up. It was all on me to change him when it was needed. I dove right in like it was nothing. When you have YOUR kid there needing something, it is not hard at all.

One piece of advise I would give, if someone hasn't already - When you are in the hospital, and the nurses offer to take the kid to the nursery for the night, LET THEM. Once you get home you will have plenty of time to get up throughtout the night to feed and change him. When they are offering up that much needed rest, go for it.
WoodysGirl;4544277 said:
I don't have any kids, but I can't tell you how many first birthdays I've gone to where the parents have totally gone overboard. lol

My little nephew turns one at the end of the month and my brother has scheduled a 3-day extravaganza that we must ALL attend. *blank stare*

This is one thing I do not like. The kid is never going to remember it, why are we busting our buts to throw some huge party? I guess it's normal, but I thought it sucked!!
Having your babies is one of the most exciting things that can happen in your life. However, in my case, when they turned into teenagers, I really should have ate them when their bones were still soft!


You will find true love that will last forever. Some parents divorce and that is to bad because sometimes people just fall out of love...but, that love will never fade with one of your children.

Congrats to you and her...


My advice would be to use your instincts. Every kid and parent are unique with no one "right" way.
Oh and try not to shoot their laptops. CZ will be all over you for it :)
Congrtualations. As a father of twins if the best feeling in the whole life. Looking at life through children eyes put alot of things in perspective. The only advice I will give you bring your kid up the way your wife and you want to bring him up. You know what is best for child, no one else. Enjoy it and have fun.
...is an amazing coat to put on.

You have to have courage and tenacity to put on the coat and keep it on, but your blessings will be many.

Tricked;4543614 said:
Hey everyone.

I've been a follower of the zone since it launched, just not an often poster. I admire many of the different inputs I see in articles and topics, so I figured I'd ask my fellow cowboy fans.

Today I found out that I'm going to be a dad. It excites me and scares me at the same time.

Any stories you all can share and advice would be greatly appreciated. In the end, I know that no ones prepared, but I want to be the best I can.

My wife and I went through the same thing. We had our first child - our daughter - Jan 17, 2011. I've been around kids all my life. Watched many cousins and my own brother and sisters.

But, it's a whole different ballgame when it's your own child.

1) Relax, people have been doing this for 1000's of years. You'll be fine.
2) Take 'battle naps' the first few months. Never know when you're going to get a chance to sleep.
3) Take a lot of pictures/videos. You'll never get this time back.
4) Buy a bottle warmer. It's cheap and well worth it.
5) Use Lansinoh baby wipes. Best. Ever. No rash.
6) Make sure you love him/her with all your heart.
You are about to experience love. Not love as you now know it. Trust me. AND, if it's a little girl, you'll be wrapped around her little finger in 3 months or less. Again, trust me.

Do yourself a favor and watch your child be brought into this world. Even if you are thinking you don't want to do that........do that. You will NEVER be witness to anything of that magnitude. The word 'Incredible' does not do it justice.

Oh yeah. Hang on to your lug nuts...........it's a fantastic ride!!

So much good advice here.....

I dont know what more to say....I wish I could do it all over again....being a dad...nothing is like it. My kids are my life.

Enjoy your kids as much as you can...spend quality time with them. They grow so fast.

They are like a young tree....when they are young you can mold them...show them the right way ...teach them...etc but there will come a age...mid teens when its hard to bend them. Like a tree...sometimes if you bend them to much they will break. There is no perfect way in being a Dad.

Anyways brother....I envy you....there isnt anything better in life then being a Dad.
Like Hos said,you are about to discover love like you never imagined existed.
I have 2 boys(4,5),and I simply cannot imagine life without them.
The house is a sad lonely place when they are not there.
Patience & love, patience & love, patience and love!

Let them be who they are, and not push them to be what you want them to be.

Treat them as if they already are what you want them to become.

Discipline is great, ... but pour on love, and sprinkle on the discipline. Once the discipline is over, .. let the love begin again.

The very best thing you can do for your child, especially a boy, is unconditionally love their mother.
Mash;4546071 said:
Anyways brother....I envy you....there isnt anything better in life then being a Dad.

Wait until you are a grandpa my friend! :D

Baby Emmalynn was born at 7:48pm on November 20th, 2012. She was released today, so it's a great day for me and I am very thankful for it.

Only disappointment today is the cowboys losing :( Ohwell, my joy overcomes my sorrow.

Thanks to all for your input!


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I wasn't a part of this thread earlier and know nothing about children and the reaponsibility that comes along with them but congrats and good luck man!
Tricked;4856742 said:

Baby Emmalynn was born at 7:48pm on November 20th, 2012. She was released today, so it's a great day for me and I am very thankful for it.

Only disappointment today is the cowboys losing :( Ohwell, my joy overcomes my sorrow.

Thanks to all for your input!


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And who cares about the Cowboys on such a joyous occasion you have a much better team forming to cheer for.

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