Words of wisdom appreciated.

Hostile;4543666 said:
You are about to learn a meaning of love that you never have even imagined. When that tiny baby is asleep on your chest with his/her little face turned towards you and you can smell the baby lotion and feel the tiny breaths on your cheek, it will hit you so hard. You'll wonder how people can ever hurt a child. Every new day is an adventure as they discover the world and you discover it with them. You teach them, but oh my goodness how they teach you so much more.


Really, Hostile nailed this. Love your child and don't be a barrier to their growth. Let them be who they are. Be there to guide them and advise them properly when they stray from a good path in life.

Other than that...

Love them w/ all that you are.

Lol: I am late to this thread. Gratz on the new runt!

Your life should be second. If your life isn't, then you have issues you probably should work on. That is the barrier I mention earlier.

You will succeed.

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