Working at Subway.

CATCH17;4590724 said:
This thread makes me want some Subway.

Chicken Bacon Ranch.....
I don't eat as much Subway as I used to, because of the bread. But I love the oven roasted chicken breast w/some chipotle sauce.
CATCH17;4590632 said:
A piece of cheese on a hamburger is one of the reasons why Americans are fat now? Interesting.

not surprising you missed it.

I said cheese on everything is one of the reasons.

I know it is hard for some to figure things out but still...
BrAinPaiNt;4590602 said:
Now I have proof you hate America because you don't like AMERICAN cheese on your burgers.
;) :p:

ony ******* need cheese.
WoodysGirl;4590725 said:
My grandma had triple bypass surgery a few years ago. She went in for something else (I forget what), and ended up having heart surgery. Scary stuff for the fam. Her scar is scary to look at, but I'm just glad to see it. Ya know.

I hate to hear when someone really elderly has had to have open heart surgery.

I was still pretty young at 50, still in good physical health, strong, ... and it was nasty.

I can't imagine going through that when you are older, weaker and frail.

I know what you mean about still glad to see it. :)
I'm glad for you.
burmafrd;4590736 said:
ony ******* need cheese.

Not only do you hate AMERICAN appears you are now talking in furriner languages. :laugh2:
BrAinPaiNt;4590739 said:
Not only do you hate AMERICAN appears you are now talking in furriner languages. :laugh2:

I am completely fair

I hate ALL cheese
burmafrd;4590742 said:
I am completely fair

I hate ALL cheese

Kidding aside. Are you lactate intolerant or something?
BrAinPaiNt;4590748 said:
Kidding aside. Are you lactate intolerant or something?

Must be. Being lactose intolerant is means for suicide IMO. Cheese is easily one of the best food products ever invented.
WV Cowboy;4590738 said:
I hate to hear when someone really elderly has had to have open heart surgery.

I was still pretty young at 50, still in good physical health, strong, ... and it was nasty.

I can't imagine going through that when you are older, weaker and frail.

I know what you mean about still glad to see it. :)
I'm glad for you.

That's the one right there.

I take the view that everyone has to die of something... heart attack... whatever.

But what if you don't die? What is your quality of life then?

One of my friends had quad by-pass a year ago and he was miserable. He still can't do a lot of the same stuff he could prior too.

And his diet?

Let's just say it's changed– A lot. :D

Plus when you carry more weight it just plays havoc on your knees and back. It just degrades your quality of life.
You know, I always like to hear posts like this. It makes me think that not all young people are afraid to work for what they want. I sometimes struggle with my own kids to go out and work even if it's part time or not a job they want. I have been lucky with my oldest Son but my oldest Daughter and youngest Son, I am having a hard time making them understand that work is work and you can't just turn down jobs these days because they may not come around again for a little while.

Good of you Chip. I eat at Subway all the time. I like there sandwiches and I generally have a good experience with their people. Good luck with the job.

WV Cowboy;4590722 said:
I have not had a fast-food cheeseburger, or hamburger for that matter since my bypass surgery in Nov 2004.

My heart was fine, but arteries were massively blocked. (2@100%, 1@90%, 1@80%, 1@70% and 1@60%) They told me eventually I was either going to have a heart attack, a stroke, or just kill over.

I used the analogy that the washing machine was in good working order, but the hoses were clogged up. I got some new hoses and we're doing laundry again !! :D

My wife makes burgers at home a certain way, with lean meat, drains them, .. whatever she does. I eat them sometimes but not the fast-food stuff.

Hope you never find out about the heart Yeager. That surgery is nasty.

I was kidding about the heart stuff. I rarely eat fast food burgers not really for health reasons but they taste like crap.
I'm really kind of excited that they have avocado for their subs now. I'd definitely be down for that. Turkey, avocado and a bunch of veggies!
ABQCOWBOY;4590778 said:
You know, I always like to hear posts like this. It makes me think that not all young people are afraid to work for what they want. I sometimes struggle with my own kids to go out and work even if it's part time or not a job they want. I have been lucky with my oldest Son but my oldest Daughter and youngest Son, I am having a hard time making them understand that work is work and you can't just turn down jobs these days because they may not come around again for a little while.

Good of you Chip. I eat at Subway all the time. I like there sandwiches and I generally have a good experience with their people. Good luck with the job.


I know what you mean. I worked 20 hours a week (a majority of which were on saturday and sunday) from the time I was 14 until I was 21 and moved to go to college. I never understood people who refused to work. I sacrificed my weekends through ALL of high school but it was well worth it because I always had money to do things and paid for things myself instead of relying on handouts.
Faerluna;4590799 said:
I'm really kind of excited that they have avocado for their subs now. I'd definitely be down for that. Turkey, avocado and a bunch of veggies!

That stuff looks like green tile grout :laugh1:
burmafrd;4591085 said:
just do NOT like cheese

My boyfriend doesn't either. And it seems like, without fail, he gets cheese when he doesn't want it. :laugh2: He gets so tired of having to send something back because they put cheese on it when he told them not to.
casmith07;4590225 said:
That's like my local Chipotle telling me that guacamole is extra every time. Drives me nuts!

haha, they all do that. Probably because they've had people flip out once they see they are getting charged extra for it.
CATCH17;4590206 said:
Could you please find out why the roast beef looks rainbow colored for me?

It's because of the myofilaments in the meat. It's normal.

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