Always respect and enjoy your view on this.
I'll take that advice and adjust my thought process on this.
Honestly maybe a big part of my problem is exactly what you mentioned and it's that I'm trying to go too often and burning myself out.
I think I'll give your Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday schedule a shot.
Do you have specific body parts you lift on those days or how do you split things up?
What sort of sets and are you doing? And how many different lifts for each body part? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I try to hit each body part twice a week.
Monday - Chest and Shoulder
Tuesday - legs and back
Wednedays off
Thursday start my workout with shoulders and then do chest
Friday Legs & back
The reason for hitting it twice a week is because protein sysnthesis (what makes you grow) is at it's highest for 48 hours after your workout.
As far as my exact routine I just make sure I do a compound movment with something heavy enough that I can only do it 8 to 12 times for 3 or 4 sets and then I follow it up with some isolation movements.
I can give you examples but it would be better if I just told you to go to youtube and type in "hodgetwins" and then Chest and shoulders routine or leg and back routine.
Mark Lobliner also has some good videos too. Just type in Lobliner back day, leg day, chest day, or shoulder day.
Youtube has an excellent fitness community and you can learn so much there.