Working Out...Time Of Day/Motivation


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For those of you that hit the gym, do you typically go before or after work? How do you structure it so you don't make excuses/rationalizations not to go? Do you work out alone or with a partner? I've found that "rest days" for me can easily spiral into much longer than that. The only time I see real results is with consistency, and right now motivation to go has been more difficult as the weather gets colder.


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I don't do the gym because then I would have another potential roadblock thrown down that would keep me from working out every day... plus I would lose the time it takes to go back & forth (as you gets older you learn the truly most valuable commodity you have is time).

Instead I have a 45 minute workout routine that I do every day, after I get up. Weight lifting with dumbbells... exercises... and a little yoga thrown in. Then I do the shower/shave thing. Later on in the morning I do a 1 1/2 mile walk/run.

I've done things that way for the last 7 years.

Doing it every day causes me anguish if I miss a day. And I'm not someone who bleeds for working out! LOL! Trust me if I had my druthers, but again that regular routine is critical.


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I prefer in the mornings around 8 am. Since I've been moved to n 8 to 4 shift go around 5pm now but I much rather go in the mornings.


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I prefer in the mornings around 8 am. Since I've been moved to n 8 to 4 shift go around 5pm now but I much rather go in the mornings.
Agreed, and working out in the morning is actually a lot healthier because it stimulates your metabolism.

I work 9-6 and am just too lazy to get up early, so I go at night. Usually around 830 or 9 when I know its going to be empty.


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I about to start trying something a little different for me as well because I can be really lazy about it too. I'm going to start trying to in 630 to do my cardio in the mornings and then lift at night.


1st Round Pick
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For those of you that hit the gym, do you typically go before or after work? How do you structure it so you don't make excuses/rationalizations not to go? Do you work out alone or with a partner? I've found that "rest days" for me can easily spiral into much longer than that. The only time I see real results is with consistency, and right now motivation to go has been more difficult as the weather gets colder.

I go 4 times a week.

Mon - Tues - Wednesday off - Thursday Friday - Sat & Sun off

4 days a week is plenty. If you're trying to workout everyday then that is why you cant consistently stick with it.

Once you get in your routine over time you just go without thinking twice about it. I've never gone to the gym and worked out and regret going. You just gotta get yourself there even when you don't want to go.

Also morning vs night sessions doesn't matter. IT's whatever works best for you.

If you're not see'ing "real results" because you aren't training consistently it's because of your eating. I have a friend that just lost 35 pounds and he works out once a week for 15 minutes but is on a strict diet.


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Agreed, and working out in the morning is actually a lot healthier because it stimulates your metabolism.

I work 9-6 and am just too lazy to get up early, so I go at night. Usually around 830 or 9 when I know its going to be empty.

Not trying to be a jerk but the time of your workout isn't going to make a difference one way or the other.

If you workout in the morning or in the evening with the same intensity you'll get the same result.

IMO, you would probably have more intense evening sessions because there would be more calories consumed before the workout which would give you more energy for your workout.

But someone could eat the same amount of calories as the evening person or even have no calories and match that persons intensity.

The main thing is just doing it.


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I about to start trying something a little different for me as well because I can be really lazy about it too. I'm going to start trying to in 630 to do my cardio in the mornings and then lift at night.

See I don't know how anyone could stick to something like this over the long haul. That's just too much.

Just lift and do 10 to 30 minutes of cardio. You're eating is what is going to drop the weight.

BTW cardio is not going to get you a great physique. It is just a tool to help burn up calories. Lifting is what will do that and doing compound lifting movements like bench press, shoulder press, deadlift, and squat. I've never seen a marathon person that I would want to look like.

Also, if you guys need some motivation type in CT Fletcher on youtube. He usually gets me pretty pumped up. Or he may just scare me into going I can't tell lol.
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See I don't know how anyone could stick to something like this over the long haul. That's just too much.

Just lift and do 10 to 30 minutes of cardio. You're eating is what is going to drop the weight.

BTW cardio is not going to get you a great physique. It is just a tool to help burn up calories. Lifting is what will do that and doing compound lifting movements like bench press, shoulder press, deadlift, and squat. I've never seen a marathon person that I would want to look like.

Also, if you guys need some motivation type in CT Fletcher on youtube. He usually gets me pretty pumped up. Or he may just scare me into going I can't tell lol.

Always respect and enjoy your view on this.

I'll take that advice and adjust my thought process on this.

Honestly maybe a big part of my problem is exactly what you mentioned and it's that I'm trying to go too often and burning myself out.

I think I'll give your Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday schedule a shot.

Do you have specific body parts you lift on those days or how do you split things up?

What sort of sets and are you doing? And how many different lifts for each body part? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Always respect and enjoy your view on this.

I'll take that advice and adjust my thought process on this.

Honestly maybe a big part of my problem is exactly what you mentioned and it's that I'm trying to go too often and burning myself out.

I think I'll give your Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday schedule a shot.

Do you have specific body parts you lift on those days or how do you split things up?

What sort of sets and are you doing? And how many different lifts for each body part? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I try to hit each body part twice a week.

Monday - Chest and Shoulder

Tuesday - legs and back

Wednedays off

Thursday start my workout with shoulders and then do chest

Friday Legs & back

The reason for hitting it twice a week is because protein sysnthesis (what makes you grow) is at it's highest for 48 hours after your workout.

As far as my exact routine I just make sure I do a compound movment with something heavy enough that I can only do it 8 to 12 times for 3 or 4 sets and then I follow it up with some isolation movements.

I can give you examples but it would be better if I just told you to go to youtube and type in "hodgetwins" and then Chest and shoulders routine or leg and back routine.

Mark Lobliner also has some good videos too. Just type in Lobliner back day, leg day, chest day, or shoulder day.

Youtube has an excellent fitness community and you can learn so much there.


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Do it in the morning. Get the difficult part of your day out of the way early, plus it kick-starts your metabolism and keeps it elevated well into the day. Studies have also shown exercise increases your mental acuity for hours afterwards due to increased blood flow to the brain and production of neurotrophic growth factor.


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I do more of a body-building workout and I do it after school/work. There's lots of workout myths such as working out in the morning on an empty stomach will burn more fat. Don't worry about that. Go to the gym in the morning, afternoon, or night. Whatever it TAKES you to go to the gym. Less talk, more lift!


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Not trying to be a jerk but the time of your workout isn't going to make a difference one way or the other.

If you workout in the morning or in the evening with the same intensity you'll get the same result.

IMO, you would probably have more intense evening sessions because there would be more calories consumed before the workout which would give you more energy for your workout.

But someone could eat the same amount of calories as the evening person or even have no calories and match that persons intensity.

The main thing is just doing it.
Its better for weight loss if you burn calories all day. Its easier to burn off morning calories and then let your metabolism do the work for you the rest of the day rather than trying to burn off everything - which is tough to do unless you are on a strict diet.

A protein bar and a glass of OJ is enough to get through a pretty good workout, imo.


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Its better for weight loss if you burn calories all day. Its easier to burn off morning calories and then let your metabolism do the work for you the rest of the day rather than trying to burn off everything - which is tough to do unless you are on a strict diet.

A protein bar and a glass of OJ is enough to get through a pretty good workout, imo.

I lost 70 lbs in 9 months and never worked out in the morning. Just saying both sides are possible


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I lost 70 lbs in 9 months and never worked out in the morning. Just saying both sides are possible
I'm not saying you can't workout at night, I'm just saying that its a little bit better, for weight loss, in the morning.


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I usually go after class, around 4 oclock, some days my schedule permits me to go between classes, around 130ish, it really just comes down to when I feel like it. Never in the morning, but I could go as late as 830/9 pm


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Weekdays, I workout after 5 p.m. (when I get off work). Weekends, I workout around 9:30 a.m. I prefer to work out in the morning only cause I feel that I am at my strongest and I usually don't have too much on my mind.


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I go at lunch time. My gym is 1 block from my work, so I just walk over there.

My motivation are the man-boobs that I am currently showing off. My back fat adds to the motivation as well.


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I go at lunch time. My gym is 1 block from my work, so I just walk over there.

My motivation are the man-boobs that I am currently showing off. My back fat adds to the motivation as well.

hahahaha :D