World of Warcraft

My father has been playing WoW since it game out. Through seeing how addicted he has become to it, and the amount of stupid time he wastes playing it, I've never had any desire to so much as consider playing 1 minute of it.

My nephew now also plays it but he plays it a lot more sparingly than my father. My dad is just sick addicted to it. When he's in town (He works for Halliburton in the Special Services division so he's out of town for a month or more at a time) he'll play anywhere from 8 (on a slow day) to 24 consecutive hours on it for the entire time he's in.

I mean don't get me wrong I love to play some games as evidenced by the fact that my wife got me a 360 to play but I don't play every day and I don't play for 8-10 hours straight and never will. I don't think I've ever even played 8 straight hours even when I was younger. I might have but it would have been very rare and I'd most certainly never spend 24 straight hours playing video games.

Too many other great things in life to be doing other than just playing video games.
nyc;3403627 said:
We have guy here in the office that swapped out his normal IM notifier sound with that. :laugh2: Everytime he gets a IM, LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY JENNNKINS! :lmao2:
hahaha, i dont play but i found that video hilarious

id post it but cant remember if language is bad
Ozzu;3403397 said:
With the random dungeon dealie, it's pretty easy to jump in and play for an hour and get some good loot and exp. This current time playing, I haven't felt the need to play more than that. That's not to say that I don't on occasion, but it's not necessary like it used to be.
When I played I was in a guild that focused on a lot of end game raids so we invested a ton of time prepping for that and running those. I quit about a week or two into Ulduar so I'm still sitting there with a enhance shammy in full T7.5. I want to go back but I know that I'll end up getting sucked into all the end game raids again cause those are my favorite parts of the game.
rkell87;3404740 said:
hahaha, i dont play but i found that video hilarious

id post it but cant remember if language is bad

Yes there is some language in it. That's why I didn't post it.
Yeagermeister;3405655 said:
Yes there is some language in it. That's why I didn't post it.

hahaha, ya they are definitely cussing him for being an idiot.
I've got a few characters:
80 Tauren Protection Warrior - Ratliff

80 Orc Restoration Shaman - Discofever

27 Blood Elf Protection Paladin - Olshansky

41 Human Frost Mage - Romosapien
WoW is horrible and it destroyed all MMO's across the board. The piece of **** known as World of Warcraft made so much money that no mmorpg will ever veer away from the horribly low standards set by it.

Even older games like Everquest that were new and inventive when they came out, eventually completely changed their style and mechanics to mimic that of WoW. Every MMO that has come out since WoW has been basically the same **** with different graphics.

Easy to play, easy to do everything. No one is better than anyone else cause everyone can do the same **** with ease. Everyone just has the same generic maxed out character eventually.

All that said, I played Everquest for 6 years straight (Until about 2 years after Wow came out I think) with nearly a year and a half of actual online time (yes, they keep track of your time spent online).

That game ruled my life. But at least in that game people who spent 5 hours a week playing couldn't even compare (gear/stat/accomplishment wise) to those who spent 5 hours a day (or more.. way way.. way more, oh yeah I'm talking about 36 hr straight binges).

Oh well! I'm done with MMO's until something new and innovative comes out.

I know other people here played EQ religiously. Fae where you at? =p
I don't like WoW much myself, but watching friends play Everquest and Ultima Online pretty much killed any interest I might have had for MMOs for years. They were pretty awful and erratic, in my opinion, as well. And their developers weren't all geniuses, they floundered and did dumb things too.

The real problem with WoW was that it reset the bar unnaturally high: Before WoW, a game that had 100k subscribers was a success. Now, if you don't have millions, you are a failure. Companies need to stop trying to be next WoW-killer, or the only thing they'll kill is themselves. Without a really strong IP, they need to have reasonable expectations. And a solid launch, as sloppy failed launches have doomed what would otherwise be decent games.

The Secret War, Guild Wars 2, and Star Wars: The Old Republic are the three games with the most chance of actually doing something innovative, imo. Of course, there may be others running under my radar.
Just play Open Arena (free) and take out your aggressions properly. :laugh2:

No worrying about leveling up, everyone is the same level. Just practice at becoming the perfect marksmen. :shoot4:

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