World Series Astro's VS Dodgers

I'm a life long Laker fan and Magic is my favorite basketball player ever, on top of that the Dodgers are originally from Brooklyn, i could never go against the Dodgers because of those details. If the Astros win game 7 i will be happy for their whole organization and fan base regardless.

Sports is separate from natural or man made disasters, i believe the US government should help Houston in any way they need, but that is not the kind of thing to sway my sports fandom.

May the best team win.
Ok so they play Thursday right? Let’s come up with some good excuses to call in on Fryday...

Uhh boss, uhhh, what day is this? Is this a week day?
Sorry, I got a big headache. This is a tough series on the diehard fan. GD I am watching it with no dog in the fight and is tough. Great series no matter what club wins. They both should be very proud.

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