I would fault him if he got in the car and pre-planned a shooting with those guys. But those guys acted WHILE he was in the car. That's not any fault of his. People like you Crack me up because despite the law finding him innocent, hypocrites like you deem him guilty of a crime he didn't commit.
I'm sure you don't have a problem hanging out with people in the military. Do you judge them when they slaughter innocent people including kids?? No you dont!!
But you choose to be hypocritical against people like him because he was AROUND someone he knew that committed a crime. I guess your judgment is greater than the police, detectives and all other investigators.
You're a total hypocrite. You have no problem with someone being in a tank killing hundreds of innocent people... but you have a problem with someone who COMMITTED ZERO CRIMES, but was in a car with others who are grown enough to decide to commit a crime.
Your values are trash!!!
The law found KJ free, clear, and innocent of any crimes or wrong doing.... but you pass judgment on an innocent man.
There are 10s of thousands of people who were wrongfully put in prison because of hypocrites like you. People like YOU are EXACTLY what's wrong with the legal system. Thank GODDDDDD, you aren't a judge!!!