Would Jerry fire Schottenhiemer after 1 season?

Would Jerry fire Schottenhiemer after 1 season?​

Some GM's around the league do this, but can anyone see Jerry doing this. After the long hard search he engaged in to find Shotty, would he do this if we don't have a winning record? Please give your thoughts
Probably depends on the circumstance, the younger Jerry maybe, the new version is more patient and prefers keeping familiarity in place for people he likes.
Some GM's around the league do this, but can anyone see Jerry doing this. After the long hard search he engaged in to find Shotty, would he do this if we don't have a winning record? Please give your thoughts
Only if bottom falls out.
Some GM's around the league do this, but can anyone see Jerry doing this. After the long hard search he engaged in to find Shotty, would he do this if we don't have a winning record? Please give your thoughts
Garrett 2.0 will also get 9 seasons to prove he's the next Tom Landry, LOL
Some GM's around the league do this, but can anyone see Jerry doing this. After the long hard search he engaged in to find Shotty, would he do this if we don't have a winning record? Please give your thoughts
You don't want to hear them, let's put it that way!
LOL, Jerral would rather lose than pay a coach not to work. In fact, he has been doing this for 28 years.
No firing.....this guarantees the owner of 4 more years of a being the only mouthpiece of the Cowboys and being the defacto coach of his team.

Owner, GM, HC, Marketing Director....all rolled up into one liver spotted narcissist
The next time Booger admits to a mistake will be the first mistake he made in 83 years.
Wish the OP would find another hobby. Please give your thoughts. :rolleyes:
First, it's already been said time and again... 2025 is the appointed Season of Famine in the first place... Schotty's a reasonably intelligent fellow, and there almost certainly is some understanding already that the bar for 2025 is exceptionally low.

Second, no one really thinks Jerry would concede defeat after one year anyhow, even if all the Eeyores turned out to be right that Jerry hired a buffoon (... which, he did not). Jerry's only going to point to Jimmy's first season as evidence that you never act that impulsively. (And. He's right. Ya know, Jerry is right every now and then.)
The 2025 season would have to go completely sideways for Jerry to fire Schotty after one season. It would make him look like an even bigger idiot for hiring him. He’ll probably get at least two seasons.
if we win 2 or less games this coming season and we don't suffer a lot of injuries. I can see him being fired.
“Shotty” will be in position for the full four years no matter what happens.
Jerry doesn’t value the HC position hardly at all, let alone enough to pay two at the same time.

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