Would Parcells Allow The Long Dredlocks?...

CaptainAmerica said:
See that is where I disagree with a lot of people. The look DOES in many cases reveal what is going on inside a player.

Does that include Campbell?

That mane make him a hippy? :rolleyes:
The league ruled a few years ago that it was legal to tackle by the dreads (or any form of long hair). The dreads are traditional in the Rastafarian religion. So either these guys are practicing rastas, paying respect to the rastas, or just embracing the fashion. Of course, Rastafarianism is associated with some stuff that isn't consistent with NFL policy. If I work in the league office I am targeting these guys for drug tests.
I think BP would take Troy Polamalu in a heartbeat. He's got hair down to his knees. (exageration is for emphasis only).
Times have changed....I have no problem with the Dreads...just not on me...cause i'd look MESSED up lol
CaptainAmerica said:
...you can say I'm old -fashioned, too conservative, whatever you want, but I hope to goodness Parcells would never allow the long dredlocks you see on several players these days. Yes I know Keith Davis could have them, but his hair doesn't hang out his helmet and down his back like a lot of the players who have them.

Steven Jackson's are bad enough, but has anyone seen the Lion's db? Those things are "dred-ful".

What do you mean old fashion? Dreads have been around since man first stepped on the planet, Adam was probably a Rasta man.

Don't see anything wrong with the hair
Chief said:
The enigma that is Jeff Garcia.

He looks like a 60-year-old homeless man.

Owens hints that he's gay.

Yet, supposedly this guy dates Playboy playmates.

Go figure.

Not just A playmate. PLAYMATE of the year.
DeWare94 said:

Marion Barber has dreads even though they are not very long they do come out of the helmet. And they are longer than in this picture.

look closely. those are braids my man. dreads are knotted matted hair..i had some sweet white boylocks, til i discovered girls
BP can't comment on hair. He colored his own hair a few years ago :rolleyes: so he's really not in a position (other than head coach ;) to say anything.

Besides, as someone else stated, take a gander at Campbells lid.
CaptainAmerica said:
See that is where I disagree with a lot of people. The look DOES in many cases reveal what is going on inside a player.

I for one, was not the least bit surprised by Bob Marley..err, Ricky's love for the weed.

Point blank. A lot of these guys are wearing dreads because it's "in fashion". Bill Parcells let LT play with an "in fashion" high top fade and a legendary drug problem. Now he's going to crack down on dread locks?

All the Cowboys need now to get to the SB is a fashion guru.
I had my hair braided before, guess i looked like axl rose from guns and roses band cause poeple always commented on that, and yes people made assumptions about my personality and they stare - which was fine with me cause i kind of have the rocker personality anyway. Problem was the braids would come loose to often when i washed my hair.

I thought about letting my hair lock up but the thing is if you ever want to change that look you have to cut it all off cause once its locked you cant reverse that.

Also, i think having the long hair is kind of a naturalist approach to life, rather than having everything trimmed all short and neat.... for some people it is a spiritual thing, an expression of your self that has more to do with being one with nature so to speak than expressing that you are a bad boy drug user type.

Anyway, the guys probably know the stereotyping that goes with that and if they are smoking they need to be real careful. Personally, i would think that when you are getting paid that much money and know that the nfl is testing for substance abuse you can put off the partying during the regular season and keep it to a minimum in the off-season.
Hoov said:
I had my hair braided before, guess i looked like axl rose from guns and roses band cause poeple always commented on that, and yes people made assumptions about my personality and they stare - which was fine with me cause i kind of have the rocker personality anyway. Problem was the braids would come loose to often when i washed my hair.

I thought about letting my hair lock up but the thing is if you ever want to change that look you have to cut it all off cause once its locked you cant reverse that.

Also, i think having the long hair is kind of a naturalist approach to life, rather than having everything trimmed all short and neat.... for some people it is a spiritual thing, an expression of your self that has more to do with being one with nature so to speak than expressing that you are a bad boy drug user type.

Anyway, the guys probably know the stereotyping that goes with that and if they are smoking they need to be real careful. Personally, i would think that when you are getting paid that much money and know that the nfl is testing for substance abuse you can put off the partying during the regular season and keep it to a minimum in the off-season.

Long hair looks bad on guys :D

Seriously if a player is a high quality guy and does his job well then I don't care what his hair looks like...because when he is playing his helmet is on and if it hangs out the back of the helmet I don't care.
I really hope some of these posters are just ignorant and not racist.

Dreads are a ETHNIC hair style, infact, like many posters have previously stated they may have religeous significants and last time I looked this country was founded on relgeous tolerance. So by doing racial profiling you are doing something illeagal and I would have to file a civil suit against you. So profile all you want. :)

But for real, does a hairstyle truly dictate how you act? Does it affect how you play? Or is it just challenging your comfort zone?
What would you do with JJ or Ware or TGlenn or RW or Anthony Henry or Glover or Newman if they all wore dreds? Would you cut them? What if Petitti,and Bledsoe wore white dreds, would you cut them?

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