Would we dare trade down with NE?


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JJ was on record as saying we weren't looking to move more than a few spots in either direction. KC would seem a logical partner except they don't have a 4th rounder and it's doubtful they'd want to give up a 3rd to move 2 spots. SF is a likely team to draft OLB at 22. Which leaves NE at 21. Outside of the obvious rivalry between the two coaches, NE is also a threat to take whichever LB we covet most. On the other hand they have picks to burn and they might well be interested in jumping ahead of SD and KC for a CB like Tye Hill.

It all depends on the board of course at the time we're picking but would BP have the stomach to do business with BB? Is it worth the risk for us?

Interestingly, NE has an extra early 4th (9th pick) worth 82 points and their 6th is worth 19 points. The drop 3 slots is worth, you guessed it, 100 points- a nice matchup. I really think our target will be Wimbley if he's still there at 21. NE could also be interested in Wimbley, Lawson or Carpenter. But I doubt they'd be likely to trade up to get any of the three. Tye Hill is a smallish player but he may well be the fastest player in the draft and would fill a big hole in their secondary. If they like him and he's on the board at 18 that could be our/their move. Here's what my semi-final mock looks like in the event that trade became a reality:

1) (after tradedown with NE) Kamerion Wimbley, DE/OLB FSU
2) Daryn Colledge, OT, Boise State
3) Demetrius Williams, WR, Oregon
4) (from NE) Antoine Bethea, FS, Howard
5) Lekevin Smith, DT, Nebraska
6) Adam Stenavich, OG, Michigan
6) (from NE) Anthony Schlegel, ILB, OSU
7) Cooper Wallace, TE, Auburn

My top two "8th rounders" are Josh Huston, K, OSU and JD Runnels, FB, OU.


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I believe we will trade down but N.E. may be a tad to far down for us....


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I think if we trade down its a pretty good sign that we don't see the people that we are likely passing up on as that much different from those we see available.

IE Maybe we don't see Manny Lawson as a much better OLB option than Thomas Howard.


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CrazyCowboy said:
I believe we will trade down but N.E. may be a tad to far down for us....

There's only 2 teams closer. If it wasn't for the rivalry between BP and BB I'd say it's a natural fit. But I just don't know...


Federal Agent
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Would we dare trade down with NE?

I would. We'd still get one of "the three" and we'd add an extra 3rd or recoup our 4th.


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DLCassidy said:
There's only 2 teams closer. If it wasn't for the rivalry between BP and BB I'd say it's a natural fit. But I just don't know...

You are correct, their relationship is another good reason we do not deal with them......BP would have for BB to get the best of him in a trade! :starspin


Lost in the Woods
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I'm keeping my eyes out for the Jets and Denver. There might be players available at 18 that they covet and they have the picks to make a deal.


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CrazyCowboy said:
You are correct, their relationship is another good reason we do not deal with them......BP would have for BB to get the best of him in a trade! :starspin

You're probably right...but it could well be one those times both teams put aside personal issues and do something they both could benefit from.

Like "Sally" said to Tom in the Godfather explaining why he had betrayed Michael Corleone, "tell Michael it wasn't personal, just business. Tell him I always liked him".


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DLCassidy said:
Agreed. So do you like my mock?

Oh yeah. That would be a very good first day, and a very solid second day. I like the Bethea pick too.


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CrazyCowboy said:
You are correct, their relationship is another good reason we do not deal with them......BP would have for BB to get the best of him in a trade! :starspin

We traded with Philly last year to get Canty. Anything is possible.


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I was going to point out we traded with Eagles, but you beat me to it. I like your draft picks except for 3rd WR. I've read summaries on several other WRs who might be available (so many of them conflict with one analyst saying good things and 2nd not so good) & I'd rather have Brandon Williams & maybe we could get him later then 3rd. Also OK with your 2nd OT but wouldn't be upset if we took OG Charles Spencer. We've got Peterman (questionable at best) and Gurode who competing for starting C position; he also only signed for 06 season & if we lose a starting OG (or one of them doesn't play well) we up a creek. Of course same goes for OT too; what do we have behind Adams & Fabini--just more questions in Pettiti and Colombo.

How did the Cowboys ever allow our OL to deteriorate to this extent? Some of the great players on our OLs of the 70s and 90s are probably turning in their grave.


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sago1 said:
I was going to point out we traded with Eagles, but you beat me to it. I like your draft picks except for 3rd WR. I've read summaries on several other WRs who might be available (so many of them conflict with one analyst saying good things and 2nd not so good) & I'd rather have Brandon Williams & maybe we could get him later then 3rd. Also OK with your 2nd OT but wouldn't be upset if we took OG Charles Spencer. We've got Peterman (questionable at best) and Gurode who competing for starting C position; he also only signed for 06 season & if we lose a starting OG (or one of them doesn't play well) we up a creek. Of course same goes for OT too; what do we have behind Adams & Fabini--just more questions in Pettiti and Colombo.

And trading with Philly is somehow less awkward than BP dealing with BB, don't you think?

How did the Cowboys ever allow our OL to deteriorate to this extent? Some of the great players on our OLs of the 70s and 90s are probably turning in their grave.

There are quite a few WR's that would be nice values in the 3rd. The top half of the third round really has a lot of good players, including some DB's that could be of interest. Three other guys at WR I like in round 3 are Maurice Stovall, Greg Jennings and Martin Nance.

The two OL guys I have are both guys that can play multiple positions. Colledge could actually compete as a rookie at LG but he's an experience LT and has great feet for pass protection. Stenavich is a guy who played tackle at Michigan but projects as a guard in the pro's. He could even be trained to play OC.

I do agree with you that Spencer is a guy we like and will consider seriously in round 2. The only reason I give Colledge a small edge is he could play LT if needed. But Spencer is a road grader and could easily give Kozier a run for his money at LG right away- I'd be ok with him. I really like Devin Joseph but he may be gone before 49.


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i dont like your draft just for the simple fact that none of those guys will see any significant playing time besides wibley and he still wont start. I think there are better players for out team available.


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tm1119 said:
i dont like your draft just for the simple fact that none of those guys will see any significant playing time besides wibley and he still wont start. I think there are better players for out team available.

Let's go over this, it's an important point. What are the starting positions open this year? On offense I'd say LG and...no that's it LG. And because of his experience Kosier has a leg up on ANY rookie. On defense, there's SOLB and FS. I can't do more than draft an OLB in the 1st can I? Should we draft a FS earlier? I could easily be persuaded in the 3rd if the right guy is there but no earlier. IMO upgrading our OL is a bigger priority than FS. Poor OL depth ruined last season for us.

I happen to think WR depth is an important consideration. Demetrius Williams could start if we have an injury to TO or TG. I'm not sold Crayton can.


Lost in the Woods
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I thought it was a pretty good draft but I'm not sure you trade down and still get Wimbley.


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The_Jackal said:
I thought it was a pretty good draft but I'm not sure you trade down and still get Wimbley.

Maybe not. But that's only crucial if you're married to getting Wimbley. Carpenter would be ok. Lawson would be ok. One of those three will still be there at 21.