Would you feel better if Dallas got blown out in the NFCCG?

john van brocklin

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Maybe...I think thats the best case scenario for a lame duck coach with a team of quitters.
I hope we have a very bad season next year.
It would hopefully force change.
Jerry appears to want the status quo.
I am sick of it.....


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The only positive you could say is that at least they finally made it there after 29 years.... instead, still counting. Who knows, Jerry might have still organized a parade downtown Frisco to celebrate said occasion. Display a participation trophy at AT&T.

And Jerry would definitely feel he is on the right track....so glad he didn't get there or things would be status quo..., oh wait, never mind.


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It would have been against SF in SF. I know lots of the media and people here were ready to claim progress was being made if only the Cowboys could get drilled by SF in the NFCCG.

I contend that it would just show the arrow was still pointing sideways from the club. Only a victory vs the SF club that had beaten Dallas three straight times could show true progress from other recent seasons.

It’s also funny to see SF back in the NFCCG because some people seem to believe that recent history cannot predict the future. Nothing is perfect, but recent past results and performance are the best predictors of future performance. I think that is why some want to always look to the future, since the past remind them of the accuracy of my last sentence.

The issues facing Dallas are likely insurmountable. Dak has looked poor in most playoff game first halves he has ever taken part in. GB and SF look on a completely different level than Dallas. Detroit could improve even more next season. There could be some other potential NFC squads on the rise next season or in the next couple. This season was the best chance to get just to the CCG and the team got destroyed. The team is supposed to be a contender now, but performs like an annual pretender. SF beating the team that just demolished the Cowboys show just how far away the Cowboys are.
My *feelings* after a team loss are not proportional to my *evaluation* of how good a team they are.

No doubt after losing to SF in the NFCCG I would have *felt* worse than I felt after the GB loss this year, because getting to the NFCCG would have justifiably gotten my hopes up, while getting curb stomped by the 7th seed at home in the wildcard round from the start of the game mostly just had me laughing.

Although I would have *felt* worse after a loss to SF in the NFCCG, going into next season I would be evaluating the team as a better team than I do now. And that would be the correct evaluation.


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I highly doubt we make the playoffs next year. Not after that quit job.
It's good for me to read other blackpillers, because my natural contrariness kicks in and I become the forum Polyanna. For maybe a minute. I'll make hay while the sun is shining.

The defense we trotted out against GB has an *extremely* low bar for improvement at DT and LB. We've dug better players out of the veteran minimum league dumpster on many occasions.

It's reasonable to think that Mazi will improve and Overshown will be a help.

And we will get Diggs back to pair with Bland. That's kind of exciting. Two CBs who had *historic* seasons on the field together. And either Al Harris is just the luckiest coach alive or he's got something in him that improves DBs. 2 seasons like that in 2 years from 2 different players? I'm just not buying that that is a fluke. Nearest common denominator: Al Harris.
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If it was going to be in Santa Clara then I would've expected it and not been upset in the slightest. Winning two playoff games at home and getting to the NFCCG would've been a great season. Everyone knew they were going to lose to their nemesis but they didn't even get close. About as pathetic as it gets.


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At least we wouldn’t have to hear it’s been since 1995 that we made a championship game
And the *team* wouldn't have to hear it next year either. They could just play.

Getting over the snide would likely have decreased how much they pucker up next year should they make the playoffs.


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And Jerry would definitely feel he is on the right track....so glad he didn't get there or things would be status quo...,
There's the Silver Lining we've all been waiting for!

The legend of Jerry's failure to build a legitimate contender without Jimmy has grown with yet another abject playoff humiliation.



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This is one of the worst seasons as a Cowboy fan, simply because of how it ended. Its epically bad. BUT the two minor saving graces are Philly crashed worse and we did not have to sit through seeing them lose to SF in the playoffs for a 3rd straight year because that WOULD have happened. Now maybe us going up 4 spots or so in the draft could be the difference between a qb still being on the board. If that happens, if we "cee dee" a QB in this draft because of being a few spots higher then I will be happy.


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At this point, I would feel better if they MADE it to the championship game, regardless of its outcome.

Risen Star

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They would have won two playoff games.

It's not the ultimate goal but it sure as crap beats getting rolled at home in the wild card round by the 1 seed.


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There will be one taking place in about 75 minutes - it will be shown on NBC. Tune in and watch.
I heard it's very important....winner gets a big crack at going to something called a Super Bowl. Not sure why it's so super, they have it every year i think.


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Unfortunately, my Cowboy team expectations are so compromised from so much postseason losing that I would hafta answer this question with a yes.

Cuz it would have meant at least 2 playoff wins to reach that point.

Not beating an 8-9 playoff team that already had their bags packed for the offseason.

I admit it's pretty sad my standard has dropped to this but almost 30 years of playoff sucking does that to ya.

CT Dal Fan

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This scenario is something I also thought about since the Packers loss.

Yes, it was sickening to have the season end so fast. But it would have hurt worse to get even closer to the Super Bowl and then have it end; especially since it's been so long. Getting to the NFCCG would have changed some opinions on MM and Dak (maybe) but the bottom line would still be no ring.

Guess what I am saying is, if this season was destined to end in heartbreak, we all got it out of the way early. Might be losers mentality to some, but I see it as looking on the bright side (if there is one).