Would you guys pay $88/month to workout at Cowboys Fit?

Yes, but people from some states are unprepared for the property taxes.

Agreed. You're going to fund the state that you live in one way or the other. Either through a state income tax. Or through Sales and Property taxes.

I've talked to many coming from state income tax states moving to Texas how much they were looking forward to not having to pay state tax anymore.

Then when they go to buy a home, they are like.........."WTH?". Sales tax is high in Texas as well relative to state income tax states.

So if you think you will be getting a boost just by moving to Texas.........think again.
Is it open yet? Any forum member go there? I just would think it's totally packed. I pay $20 for a very spartan gym but there is a pool and some racquetball courts. I almost exclusively swim and I almost always have a lane to myself. I'd hate to pay $88 and have to wait and battle a crowd every time I wanted to do anything.

In NH we have the same issue with taxes, btw. No income tax, but the state needs money from somewhere so the RE taxes are crazy. Then there are the true idiots like me who work in MA so we pay income tax to MA and still have to fork out the insane real estate taxes.
Why are you moving?

Hate New York now lol planned on moving down years w my dad mom wife and kids but my dad passed away over year ago so planned stalled. But have the opportunity to make the move and would love to.
if you live close and want eye candy while you work out then yes.
any other scenario is a nope.
the team works out inside the facility and parks on the opposite side of the complex so there will be plenty of hot young women hoping to run into NFL guys but that's a severe long shot for them and once they realize it not sure how long they maintain 88 a month themselves.

my advise is get a personal trainer at about 25-30 a session. you'll pay more like 200-250 a month but get insane results.

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