Would you guys vote for me for Cowboys Contest to Thousand Oaks *Contest Over*

i know sounds kinda weird to say your going to do a poll and then you adjust it yourself, how in the world can you tell whom truly has the correct votes and whom doesnt

i agree BigDFan, sounds kinda creepy, im going to study you know, but right now my heart isnt in it, finding this all out, but if i can, and get in it, the 2nd round wont try to let you guys down,
Sounds like KTTB just got upset that two guys were getting all the votes and wanted to "even it up" and then adds, "to the chagrin" of the two in the lead.

Sounds pretty crappy to me. If they were going to do it like that, then they just needed to say "we're going to pick out a guy who we want to go", and just leave it at that.

Sorry Joe. We tried. :bang2:
you're only about 400 behind now so you should be able to catch up and take the lead back unless they decide to "fix" it again
Katherine Harris must be running this contest. I tried to vote again (last time was Saturday) and could not.
That sucks to hear that KTBB selects who they want and not the amount of votes cast for that person gets to go. Might as well just select who they want rather than have a poll. It could be that they wanted the results to be more competitive so they rigged it to revive hope for those who were falling behind to visit the site (more clicks). l I still voted again for you anyway Joe, since it can't hurt. It shows that the gap is closer now with you 2976 and the leader with 3337. I am not sure if that's something to get excited about though because its funny how the person who went from 193 votes went to 3158 votes in a matter of mins, now after 2 days only has 3334. Good luck and I'll continue to vote when I can and just see how it goes.
the problem is there's no good way to stop people from cheating. a local band i help and has become part of my "renegadenetwork.net" family had a chance to open for godsmack and they had like 8 bands you could hear clips of a song for and vote.

well the voting went nuts on one side, then another band. my band was trying to figure it out and this particular poll was cookie related. vote, delete your cookie, vote again.

most places/polls are and if not, account related. so just create account after account on free hotmail / gmail accounts.

in the end we just setup an HTML page that would vote, clear cookie, vote. open up 4-5 browsers each with 8+ windows open doing that and we had millions of votes on that bad boy. the radio station didn't care and didn't even get into it. they said if you wanna do that, do it. we got our band over the top and they did fantastic.

not sure about this poll however. i'd have to dig into it a bit and see what it's based on. but with no way to validate who you are i'd have to think "cookie" and so forth but i load up mozilla and it won't let me vote. so maybe IP?
Guys the poll voting is over,

anyway, that was all yesterday guys, time to move on, learn where i missed on some questions in the trivia, learn what i need to learn that the Lord wants me to change in my life, to me, sometimes you have to keep going through things till you get it right. And believe me, sometimes the Lord has to take me by my heels, turn me upside down and shake me good to get my attention to learn what he wants me to learn.

, and if im still in the contest wednesday not to let you guys down or my friends that have been voting for me.

so, i really appreciate you guys believing in me, thats means a lot to me and the time you took to vote everyday, my other friends at church, I have about 250 members plus that voted, my friends at college Baylor(she got her friends to vote there) and a friend at another college, (he got his friends to vote)that have voted for me and you guys that voted

ive got to be more positive too, like smoaky said, be more positive, gosh I could have kicked myself for one of the questions, one of them I knew, but forgot, another one I had just talked to one of my friends the night before smoaky asked me one of the questions; 2 defensive backs everson walls and mike downs top interceptors for the cowboys that I had just talked to my friend about the night before the question, I just froze on that question,

here is what smoaky said about the contest;
Meanwhile, we'll notify our audience of the six semifinalists on Wednesday's show, but if you're into the semis, you'll be notified by me---personally and we'll tell you when you'll compete next.

Semifinals will be on Monday and Tuesday, June 16th and 17th.

Finals will be on Wednesday, June 18th.

We'll have the winner live on Thursday, June 19th.

And the money is now up to $1,500 for the winner.


so thanks again, and i guess we need to get a moderator to close out this post,
guys i did post earlier in case some of you missed it, about the contest smoaky was giving, here is what i said;

Guys, a chance to win trip to Calif to broadcast w/ David Smoak for Cowboys training
guys, you have a chance to win a trip to california out at training camp, what you have to do is call in, toll free 1-800 477-5822;

you have to give good reasons why you could cover the cowboys, and be a broadcaster for the show, why your a die hard cowboys fan, the prize when you get out there besides coverng cowboys, getting a press pass etc, and a thousand dollars, but you have to pay for your food, plane flight and hotel room, but the 1000 dollars should cover your expenses, david will give you the money when you get out there, you have to call in to the show, he announces times to call in, good luck guys

go to www.ktbb.com then go to dallas cowboys blog, then at top right, click on that, for chance to read rules,

good luck, joe
ps if you call in, tell smoaky joe sent you thanks

cut off date is june 18th best i remember before he chooses winner
Last edited by cowboyjoe : 05-05-2008 at 06:14 PM. Reason: fixing better so guys can read

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