Would you guys vote for me for Cowboys Contest to Thousand Oaks *Contest Over*

Half-hour ago it was a two-horse race - joe and shannon. Now their competitors have added thousands of votes in a matter of minutes. What gives here?

I tried to vote again joe - but am unable to... I'm kinda sceptical about process over there.
We'll keep it going here. Contest is not over for over a week so you have time to make up ground.

P.S. some ppl should email the site and let them know what just happened. 3000 votes plus in mins? Fishy.


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Yeah - this is BS, joe. You and shannon are now in like last place.
Wow if I remember correctly it was like at 2,594 last night with joe and shannon ahead of everyone by a ton. Now all of a sudden there are 24,000+ votes. :laugh2: Maybe the pats are at it again.
yeah, i just dont know guys, how can you get like 3000 votes in like 5 minutes, something does seem out of whack there

not sure if i should email smoaky or not or ktbb on that, maybe if one of you guys did,

i dont want to be like unsportsmanlike you know, or get disqualified for saying something about it, but you guys are more than welcome to say something

maybe something like this, i was voting for a friend of miine, and they were close all day, most of the others didnt even have over 200 votes or so, then alll of a sudden 4-5 of them within 5 minutes have over 2000 votes, is your voting system operating right? or something like that, what do you guys think?

sometimes i have been known to put my foot in my mouth, big time, so trying not too do that, main thing dont want to get disqualified for saying something, joe
The problem with internet polling such as this is that it's not scientific. If the votes came from registered members with verifiable email addresses or something similar, the voting would be fairer, imo. Instead, we've got a lot of hanging chads being recounted. ;)

Good luck still, cowboyjoe. :)
SuspectCorner;2109031 said:
Half-hour ago it was a two-horse race - joe and shannon. Now their competitors have added thousands of votes in a matter of minutes. What gives here?

I tried to vote again joe - but am unable to... I'm kinda sceptical about process over there.

It's called a vote-bot. Generally it is illegal when a prize or money is involved.
Thanks guys, I think i have it figured out now, a friend of mine, i just talked to him on the phone, and he remembers sometime today, i had 2400 + points

Next, if you look at the % i keep moving up and down on the percentage, i was at 42%, then i went down to like 15%, then i went back to 27%, then i went down to 7%, then I went to 5% in a minute, and in that time from 7% to 5 % i got like 5 votes, so something is up with their polling system,

could be they havent had that many hits on their system, and it is overloading it or something.

i remember seeing one guy lose 200 to 300 points one time, and he kept losing % too. Like one time he was at 42% then he went down in %

so again, i think they maybe are not used to that many hits on their sites, and when people are voting maybe its overloading and shifting votes, etc too

thats all i can think of, like how can one person get like over 3000 votes in a minute, just doesnt seem possible to me, maybe, but just seems like something is wrong with their polling system or they have some kind of virus or something hitting their site.

maybe one of our gurus on computers thats a cowboy fan can explain it to us, joe
so i think the best thing to do is let them see this monday morning, see how it fluctuates back and forth.

then let them handle it, and go from there, all they have to do is watch it one fulll day and see how the % of the poll voting jumps up and down, and how some people lose votes too.

that way your not complaining and they actually see something is wrong on their end, im open for suggestions on what you guys think,, joe
Voted for you. I hope bots or glitches do not ruin your chances.
thanks Brain, it seems thats what it is, so just have to let them catch it and see it, if not, way i llook at it, just not meant to be. I like to put things like this in God's hands, and let chips fall where they may.

One thing about it guys, at least we tried, we were leading for a good while too, but im a fighter too, im not giving up, i will still get you and my friends to keep voting till the cows come home, joe
I am sorry joe-I voted again but what a turn around.I think the other guys must be students or there is something fishy going on.
Yea, something is fishy. I do some online gaming and there's a lot of bots and macros that players use to get an advantage. Basically it can be set up to vote over and over again without a person having to be present. In games they use it to level up characters by getting experience points (exp). I still voted for you joe since it allowed me to vote again. Maybe its spygate all over again :laugh2:.
thanks guys for explaining it to me, i figured something had to be going on, me i am not going to cheat, period, thats not the way to do it, just let things happen,

i am sure when smoaky sees this come monday morning, he can see, just like i know alittle about networking that you have a system on your network to see how many people have visited your site, how many illegally etc,

so, i think next best thing just see first if smoaky and his crew can see that, then if not mention it in such a way it is subtly, without causing a rif or a stir
hey joe, i voted for you. maybe someone should print screen the #'s that way when it changes, there's some tracker of what happens to the votes.
good ideal vietcowboy, i just thought of that this morning, so i am doing that now,

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