Wow...Hottest 15 year old ever


Rising Star
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There a big difference between chatting with someone over the internet and driving 140 miles to hook up with someone who you think is 14 years old. Personally I dont see why people get off on talking dirty to each other over the internet but to each their own. These sick mo fos need to be "entrapped" in prison where they can see what its like to be taken advantage of.


Well-Known Member
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dangerdoom4124;1436917 said:
I saw this on another site.

I knew it was this because there is no way a topic with that title would last 2 pages on this site.
i lifted it from ebaumsworld. The title was priceless.


Senior Member
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I dont agree with the whole entrapment idea.

Parents need to educate their kids about this type of stuff and predators who are busted, i dont have a problem with the authorities making it all public. When you have abused a child you forfeit certain rights in my oppinion.


That Guy
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gollum;1436737 said:
Just curious about you guys opinions on using people, be it cops, kids, or whomever, to try to entrap these predators. The reason I ask is I used to play games online and I was talking to this "girl" (because you never know nowadays) and her profile said she was 16. "She" started getting frisky and kept wanting to cyber with me. After I told her she was too young to even know what cybering was, she started insisting she was really 19. I asked if she was a cop or with law enforcement and "she" kept walking around the subject. Finally, they got tired of me asking that question and not biting on her offer and left. To this day I think it was a sting operation trying to trap men, who are prone to flirt, especially with younger women, even those that they know are too young. It makes me sick that there are predators, but I felt creeped out by the fact that there were people/groups out there trying to talk guys into breaking the law to trap them. Thoughts?

Here's some legal jargon for ya.

Entrapment is only a defense when a government agent induces an innocent person (not predisposed to commit the offense) to violate the law. Predisposed means the person is "ready and willing" to commit the offense if presented with an opportunity to do so.

So I'd say if you resisted initially and the person continued to press the issue, you would have a defense, assuming that person was in law enforcement. Entrapment doesn't apply when the person is a private, nongovernmental, party.

Not sure how those justice groups on Dateline would be classified, but sounds like they're private parties... I don't believe any cops get involved until the Perverted Justice or whatever gives them the info or sets up the sting at the house.

But it is hard to prove an entrapment defense IIRC.


The Master of Disaster
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Hostile;1436321 said:
I am a father of 2 daughters, so you tell me. I can and will judge them on their lifestyle choices. I'd like to see all of them caught and castrated.

i agree


Suspicious looking stranger
Reaction score
Hostile;1436321 said:
I'd like to see all of them caught and castrated.
I've got the tools for the job, but I'm not doing the dirty work. I'll leave that up to John Walsh.

"Hatchet, axe and saw."
-Neil Peart​


Mr. Buckeye
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My wife and I watch To Catch a Predator all the time.

One of the more recent one was in Flagler Beach, Fl.

My wife's Uncle owned a Motel there which he just sold a year ago.

We've been there many times and it's a great place.

Quiet place with nice beaches and nobody on you can do anything you want on them...Drink fires and what not legally.


NFL Historian
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calico;1436803 said:
I had a similar thing happen to me a few years ago when I was in college. I was a heavy AOL instant messenger user for a while and I had someone IM me out of the blue once saying she was also from Austin and whatnot.

She said she was 15 and was very open about herself with me while I just basically tried to ignore her. When I told her that I did not talk to minors, she started insisting that we become friends and that I should come over to her house...she even gave me a phone number and address and became angry with me when I said I would not call her. I tried ignoring her, but she kept insisting for days and I finally had to block her from my buddy list.

I still think to this day it was a cop trying to trap me for whatever reason.
I had a similar experience on yahoo messenger. The girl said she was 14 and kept on pressing the issue of sex. I told her she was far too young (i was 19 at the time) and kept saying weird things like "I'm sooo young", stuff you wouldn't expect a 14 year old girl to say. I cut her off soon after.


Reaction score
windward;1437912 said:
I had a similar experience on yahoo messenger. The girl said she was 14 and kept on pressing the issue of sex. I told her she was far too young (i was 19 at the time) and kept saying weird things like "I'm sooo young", stuff you wouldn't expect a 14 year old girl to say. I cut her off soon after.

Actually, that was me. I have a lot of psychological problems.


The Duke
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StarKist;1437776 said:
I've got the tools for the job, but I'm not doing the dirty work. I'll leave that up to John Walsh.

"Hatchet, axe and saw."
-Neil Peart​
I could castrate a pedophile and not feel one ounce of remorse. I grew up on a ranch, I know how it is done.


Suspicious looking stranger
Reaction score
Hostile;1438072 said:
I could castrate a pedophile and not feel one ounce of remorse. I grew up on a ranch, I know how it is done.
If you apply for a job with Dateline you can use me as a reference. You will be highly recommended. :D


Reaction score
Guys, there are lots of sick people in the world, and most of them have internet connections. If you're approached by someone you don't know who claim to be a 14/15/16..etc girl, and she wants to talk to you about sex... more than likely its a 41 year old gay man. Or something like that. You get the point. Not law enforcement or the group that works on To Catch a Predator.

The group on TCAP simply set up profiles saying they are minors, and they spend time in chat rooms. They don't initiate anything -- the pedo's initiate the conversations, and its the pedo's that start talking about sex.


Suspicious looking stranger
Reaction score
gollum;1436737 said:
Just curious about you guys opinions on using people, be it cops, kids, or whomever, to try to entrap these predators. The reason I ask is I used to play games online and I was talking to this "girl" (because you never know nowadays) and her profile said she was 16. "She" started getting frisky and kept wanting to cyber with me. After I told her she was too young to even know what cybering was, she started insisting she was really 19. I asked if she was a cop or with law enforcement and "she" kept walking around the subject. Finally, they got tired of me asking that question and not biting on her offer and left. To this day I think it was a sting operation trying to trap men, who are prone to flirt, especially with younger women, even those that they know are too young. It makes me sick that there are predators, but I felt creeped out by the fact that there were people/groups out there trying to talk guys into breaking the law to trap them. Thoughts?
This happened to me as well on my AOL IM a few years ago.

This person claiming to be a 12 year old lolly pop sucking child looked me up through AOL and attempted to carry on an unusual conversation not typical of a 12 year old.

The first thing that struck me as funny was the fact that this supposed 12 Y.O. typed what appeared to be 70 to 90 words per minute. When I pointed this out and mention that I thought they were trying to trap me, they decided to end the conversation.


Sounds From The Lair
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StarKist;1440791 said:
This happened to me as well on my AOL IM a few years ago.

This person claiming to be a 12 year old lolly pop sucking child looked me up through AOL and attempted to carry on an unusual conversation not typical of a 12 year old.

The first thing that struck me as funny was the fact that this supposed 12 Y.O. typed what appeared to be 70 to 90 words per minute. When I pointed this out and mention that I thought they were trying to trap me, they decided to end the conversation.
