Wow, Joe Gibbs' BIG game record. Be afraid, very afraid Dallas fans.

NedK said:
Joe Gibbs has won 4 of 5 NFC championship games, and 3 of 4 Superbowls he has been in. That should be scary. Very scary.

At about 7:30p Eastern time on Sunday, when it's all over, and Dallas' playoff dreams have been extinguished for good, Dallas fans everywhere will have ahead of them something like the football fan's equivalent of a dark night of the soul.

They'll walk around the house muttering, scowling, being rude to the wife and kids, and when the dog comes close by they'll give it a ferocious kick!

Commanders fans meanwhile are full of joy to add to the holiday good cheer. Smiles on their faces, backslapping each other, high fives and shouts of "how about them Commanders" filling the air.

Whatever, sure he's great in big games..

just remember that this isn't your Super Bowl teams coming out on Sunday, it's your team that we are knocking out of the playoff hunt. When missing Walt Harris is a bad thing for you guys, I'm not quite sure how you would feel so confidant
NedK said:
Joe Gibbs has won 4 of 5 NFC championship games, and 3 of 4 Superbowls he has been in. That should be scary. Very scary.

At about 7:30p Eastern time on Sunday, when it's all over, and Dallas' playoff dreams have been extinguished for good, Dallas fans everywhere will have ahead of them something like the football fan's equivalent of a dark night of the soul.

They'll walk around the house muttering, scowling, being rude to the wife and kids, and when the dog comes close by they'll give it a ferocious kick!

Commanders fans meanwhile are full of joy to add to the holiday good cheer. Smiles on their faces, backslapping each other, high fives and shouts of "how about them Commanders" filling the air.

so really.... since this isnt a strike year, I dont like your chances. Win a pair non scab then talk.
LaTunaNostra said:

What 'century', SB?

Gibbs hasn't sniffed a playoff game in this millenium.

I was tryin' to be kind, milady... you know me, I just hate making our trolls uncomfortable with too much smack... :D
Irving Cowboy said:
Ned can't hear you... he's back at ES cyber-highfiving Art and the other clowns there for the way he came over here and showed us up... They might award him with Junior Mod status for a day.

Maybe they'll afford him the ultimate honor, for this week only he'll get to be the pivot boy in their circle jerk...

But I rather suspect that he has another perversion-- he's probably into scat, and came over here to see how many of us he could get to defecate on him...

If that's the case, about now he should be one happy little pervert...
Irving Cowboy said:
You mean like these??


Number 70 looks like he's thinkin' about jumpin' Art's bones right there in the parking lot... :D
Hail2DaSkins said:
Its almost like you can see into the future, this is exactly what will happen sunday night.

Slurp, slurp...

You reckon you could nurse on each others' nutsacks somewhere else??
Irving Cowboy said:
You mean like these??


If my gaydar is working correctly, I'm pretty sure the fattie wearing number 50 is a homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The Samoan or Hawaiian or whatever it is wearing 70 is just fat and short and the other thing is just a wannabe POS. That's my take on the Bent Tree Posse or whatever they are called.
My personal wish for the game against the Skins is for us to be losing the ENTIRE game, playing terrible football and then win the game on the LAST play on the worst officicating call ever.
kingwhicker said:
If my gaydar is working correctly, I'm pretty sure the fattie wearing number 50 is a homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The Samoan or Hawaiian or whatever it is wearing 70 is just fat and short and the other thing is just a wannabe POS. That's my take on the Bent Tree Posse or whatever they are called.

Also, if you look in the background, you'll see some wiseguy put a pair of black pants and a red shirt on my Ford f-350.

How'd they do that?
Sarge said:
Also, if you look in the background, you'll see some wiseguy put a pair of black pants and a red shirt on my Ford f-350.

How'd they do that?

That's the kind of groupies you attract if you have press box passes to the Skins game, but are incredibly ugly (tell me he's not a ringer for the actor who played Benny on the old TV series "LA "Law"), and dumber than a box of rocks...

Actually, since it's apparently a female SUV, I figure ol' Art's doing pretty well for himself, certainly better than a veteran polesmoker like him has any right to expect... :D
Well, one thing is for sure, and that is that I personally "believe" that Gibbs has a better imagination and prepares better game plans than does Parcells.

SAME thing with USC and Texas in the Rose Bowl. Pete Carroll is head and shoulders above Mack Brown in game plans and play-calling.

Does that mean that I'm resigning myself to a Cowboys' and Longhorn's loss. No, it doesn't. I believe that both games will be there for the taking by either team. It's just that (for this one game) I'd rather have Gibbs coaching the Cowboys, and Pete Carroll coaching the Longhorns.......

And....(since that ain't gonna happen).....I'll be rooting and screaming my guts out for Dallas and Texas.
Sarge said:
My personal wish for the game against the Skins is for us to be losing the ENTIRE game, playing terrible football and then win the game on the LAST play on the worst officicating call ever.

Nahhhhhhhhh.... Let them feel the pain from the jump. :laugh2:
SouthernStar said:
Well, one thing is for sure, and that is that I personally "believe" that Gibbs has a better imagination and prepares better game plans than does Parcells.

SAME thing with USC and Texas in the Rose Bowl. Pete Carroll is head and shoulders above Mack Brown in game plans and play-calling.

Does that mean that I'm resigning myself to a Cowboys' and Longhorn's loss. No, it doesn't. I believe that both games will be there for the taking by either team. It's just that (for this one game) I'd rather have Gibbs coaching the Cowboys, and Pete Carroll coaching the Longhorns.......

And....(since that ain't gonna happen).....I'll be rooting and screaming my guts out for Dallas and Texas.

If that were the case, which I dont think it is... its not the game plan anyways, its the execution of a game plan where battles are won and lost
silverbear said:
That's the kind of groupies you attract if you have press box passes to the Skins game, but are incredibly ugly (tell me he's not a ringer for the actor who played Benny on the old TV series "LA "Law"),
I've thought the exact same thing...