manuel johnson text interview;
doing ok, was diving in pool and forgot had his cell phone on him;
practice; i feel llike i had my best week this week, finally got everything down and knew plays, i was playing and not just thinking
playbook was alittle more then in college
wasnt that plays were hard, they were just going fast
once we got there first mini camp you didnt know what to expect, they dont practice long, but when the move they move, praphrasing here
kitna and i are developing some rapport, he is slowing me down some what is good and bad, and we clicked on a 2 minute drill
yes had success against jenkins, doenst matter what rounds you are, but how you compete
with just 5 guys when a chance comes you haveto make best of it
we will go in every mornign except fridays and work out with joe jurascack cowboys strength coach;
hodge is a competitor, i think he said, and will play on special teams
talked with travis wilson, we know eaach other, he showed me the ropes, etc, and with plays
its a business to be a professional, they bring players in every day
then talked college; going to check on dfw sports beat, he is on to to give you zoners recap on it if anything worthwhile
hopefully dc or theebs will put up the podcast
here is the todd archer podcast;
tigher spiral, sam my qb at oklahoma, then romo or kitna or oklahome qb
speed of the game with their throws, their quicker with the throws so you have to be there;
got to be pals with rudy carpenter; hodge and travis wilson too as noted above
finally sinking in that im playing and practicing as a dallas cowboy
the cowboys pay for our housing, we get 350 dollars a week for food etc
thats it;