Ryder winning was a shock. I like it though. And loved that the Miz's own arrogance cost him the belt. That was done really well.
Styles and AJ should have been later in the show. Really good match by two great performers.
New Day, League of Nations, Foley, Michaels and Stone Cold. I actually enjoyed it for being a WM moment. Got the double birds and foam swigging. Just not the way I had hoped for.
Women's championship. Finally no more Diva's. A term that should have been tossed years ago. Good match.
Shane does big spots. Shane losses. Not surprising. I enjoyed the match but was really hoping what I figured was going to be a one off thing with Shane was really the start of something. Nothing changes in the WWE but the seasons.
It's Me, It's Me - It's DDP! Other than that, eh to the ATGMBR.
RR wins. Reigns as a single competitor just does not do it for me. He's fine as the hot tag in a group dynamic such as the Shield. It's just not working as a singles, face of the company guy. I was recently re-listening to CM Punk appearance on the Art of Wrestling podcast from late 2014. Something stuck out to me. He said that everybody kept coming up to him as they were planning the match at a 2013 PPV where Punk went 3-1 vs the Shield telling him he had to make Roman look really, really strong. That PPV was 2.5 years ago.