Ok, this is my conspiracy theory for today. I think Jerruh knows full well how much doo-doo Snyder is in & is perfectly happy to hold up the CBA. Think about it--the Boys are in good cap shape for this year, while the skins will be dead & have to cut a LOT of players. Then, for next year (uncapped), Jerruh can go dollar for dollar with the Boy Blunder in spending. And, as the original poster mentioned, Little Napoleon leveraged a lot to buy Six Flags, plus he fancies himself creating a recording company which will also take $$$--so he really needs the team to be successful. (Personally, I'm still betting he wants to sell the team, which would add a crimp to him spending big money in an uncapped year. What potential owner would want to buy a team with lots of expensive players?)
Currently, the Eagles are in good shape under the cap--so this year would be really good for them. BUT, they're not a team that would spend big in an uncapped year. Lurie just won't do that, nor can that market really support big spending. Ditto for the Pats--Kraft bought that team specifically because of the CBA knowing he could make pots of money by not having to pay players. The Vikes? Good shape this year, but not a big-enough market to support big spending should the cap go away. Throw Seattle, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Indy, KC, & a slew of other teams into the boat of not being in markets that can support huge spending should the cap disappear.
So I'm wondering if Jerruh isn't sitting back & chuckling a bit over the whole situation. And if he isn't quietly do as much as he can to NOT get an extension to the CBA. Realistically, if the scenarios being floated play out (uncapped in 2007, & the NFLPA then refuses to ever allow a cap again), the only teams I really see making out over the long run would be...the Boys, Giants, Oakland (maybe), & the Pats (maybe, if Kraft is willing to open his pocketbook).
As I said, just my opinion for the day!