WT: Snyder Willing To Modify Position On Revenue

Yakuza Rich said:
I completely agree. I want to see a cap and I'm not the greedy type, but if I was a consultant for Jerry I'd have to tell that he'd be almost stupid to not try to prevent the CBA from being extended.

His best bet is to still get it extended afterwards because that would really hurt the Skins and he wouldn't have to worry about them and the Giants having equal opportunity to compete in an uncapped league.


The thing I see though, is the NFC East is the toughest division in football. If the Skins fall apart, it won't be quite the same. How many losses did the Commanders have that were 7 points or less this year? 5 out of 6. How many losses did the Cowboys have that were 7 points or less this year? 5 out of 7.
Both teams are close to making a serious breakthrough.

When the NFC East is strong as a whole, the teams tend to do better in the playoffs.
RiggoForever said:
When the NFC East is strong as a whole, the teams tend to do better in the playoffs.

I'll take my chances that a strong Eagles and Giants team will be enough just for the joy of watching Snyders Cap Games finally come home to roost. I can't imagine there is a Boys fan here who wouldn't take a Commander cap debacle over a strong NFC east, nor a Skins fan who wouldn't if the situations were reversed.
RiggoForever said:
But if its not extended now, the union will decertify and there will be no future extension.

And that's why I think eventually they'll come to an agreement down the road.

It would be incredibly stupid for the players, especially in a sport like football, to not have a union.
