XBOX Hard To Find & What's Better???

ELDudearino said:
Any more games????

Chronicles of Riddick is a great game. Don't let the name fool you, it's universally thought of as being a great game from a subpar movie instead of vice versa.

It's $30 at Best Buy but you could probably find it for less on eBay. They routinely sell for a shade under $20 there.

Don't be afraid to buy used games. I do it all the time since they're essentially the same as new ones.
Woody'sGirl said:
I'm thinking even though the PS3's are about to come out, I'd wait before buying it until all the bugs have been worked out. As is what happened with CP's XBOX. In the meantime, I might just go ahead and get the PS2, just because it is 150.00 and should be able to play whatever games I might be interested in.
Sony is much more reliable than microsoft. My ps2 is 3 years old and i sent it to get fixed for free last month. I hadn't had any problems with it for a year and a half.
word to the wise: don't by a gaming system in it's first year of production. wait until the price drops 30-40%. it gives the manufacture time to build up a nice catalogue of releases you can snag for 1/2 off retail at the gamestop or pawnshop. but be careful to check disc condition and presence of instruction booklets.

i got my XBox for $179 about two years ago. i still love the original "splinter cell". you can download all your CDs onto the XBox and if it's hooked up to your stereo - it makes a kickass jukebox.

nintendo sucks. their old releases become obsolete with each new system they develop.

but for sheer volume of titles - Sony PS is da king. each new system they come up with accomodates titles going all the way back to their seminal Playstation. that builds consumer loyalty deluxe.
I say neither. Play games on your computer. Consoles still seem to be aimed towards kids with their gaming selection. The best strategy games are on the computer. Great stuff like Rome Total War, Europe Universalis, Civilization, and Starcraft can't be played on the PS2 or the Xbox. I own a PS2 just for the sports games but as far as I'm concerned, consoles are useless until the next ones come out and they take advantage of HDTV, higher system specs, more mature consumers, and other stuff that computers have been able to cope with for years.

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