yall keep whining ...


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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Hostile;2294318 said:
Question. Please be honest.

Have you ever been watching the game and exploded in anger when we get a stupid penalty? Illegal procedure on Flozell Adams for instance.


question please be honest: do you really disagree with everything im saying?


More than meets the eye.
Reaction score
Hostile;2294318 said:
Question. Please be honest.

Have you ever been watching the game and exploded in anger when we get a stupid penalty? Illegal procedure on Flozell Adams for instance.

I do. Frequently. It's the very reason I don't post during games.


The Duke
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dadymat;2294357 said:
Do you feel disgust with yourself when you do?

question please be honest: do you really disagree with everything im saying?
I never said I agreed or disagreed.

I think disgust at other people because they do on a forum what you do during a game is a bit hypocritical. We all need to vent at times.

You can call it whining, but then it's also whining when you do it.

That's all I am saying.

Bob Sacamano

Reaction score
CATCH17;2294355 said:
By some of the reactions we have on this board I think we deserve to be laughed at.

the product on the field deserves some derisive chuckles as well


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
dadymat;2294374 said:
you must not have been in the game thread during game
I was in the chat room. There are always a bunch of negative nancies posting, but they don't stop being Cowboys fans.

They typically are those who try to lower their expectations so much that if/when the 'boys don't pull it out, they're not as disappointed.


Active Member
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dadymat;2294232 said:
this is how the world views us Cowboy fans......


its sad that they are right..............yall say the boys have no heart or passion.......if they had the commitment of most here we'd truly be doomed.......what ever happened to support your team ALWAYS...even in loss...

I havent been on this forum for long...but man some of yall disgust me...especially while watching the game...some wanted Romo, Garrett and Wade ran out of town in the 2nd qrt......maybe yall would welcome the good ole days of 1997 thru 2005

Accurately I never wanted Wade in the 1st place he was better than Norv but please Wade Phillips has always been a mediocre HC at his 3 previous stops

Funny How his trend of bad special teams followed him from Buffalo to Dallas

Funny how he is this great defensive fixer and the defense looks no better than the Zimmer ran one and it has more talent if you want to know the truth Zimmer did a better job than Stewart has done so far in Dallas

Man I wish we had a freakin Buddy Ryan defense disciple yea they are still out there Rex Ryan; Jeff Fisher they freakin get after people on defense

So sorry if I ***** and moan about the defense when they play about 1 geat effort a season


1st Round Pick
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Bob Sacamano;2294380 said:
the product on the field deserves some derisive chuckles as well

Yeah, well, we're going to lose another game this year too.

I just dont think its time we make a fool of ourselves and start saying everyone sucks.

You see how smart Giants fans are for wanting Tom Coughlin fired all those years.

You would never know that at one point in time 90% of their fan base thought Eli was the most pathetic QB ever either.

I get mad, I get frustrated, but just because Terrence Newman has a bad game doesn't mean I question what type of player he is.


Mick Green 58
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Hostile;2294371 said:
Do you feel disgust with yourself when you do?

I never said I agreed or disagreed.

I think disgust at other people because they do on a forum what you do during a game is a bit hypocritical. We all need to vent at times.

You can call it whining, but then it's also whining when you do it.

That's all I am saying.



New Member
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I posted about an hour ago about the moderators of this site lightening up on the censorship when there is no foul language or reason for it other than cowboy criticism.

It has been deleted. This site is ridiculous. HOnest debate and criticism get stifled at the whim of the moderators. Intellectual cowardice.


Semper Fidelis
Reaction score
TEUFELI;2294563 said:
I posted about an hour ago about the moderators of this site lightening up on the censorship when there is no foul language or reason for it other than cowboy criticism.

It has been deleted. This site is ridiculous. HOnest debate and criticism get stifled at the whim of the moderators. Intellectual cowardice.

It's a conspiracy man!:lmao2:

On a serious note, you know you don't have to come here if you don't like it. Just saying.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
TEUFELI;2294563 said:
I posted about an hour ago about the moderators of this site lightening up on the censorship when there is no foul language or reason for it other than cowboy criticism.

It has been deleted. This site is ridiculous. HOnest debate and criticism get stifled at the whim of the moderators. Intellectual cowardice.
This site has guidelines about publicly criticizing the staff. You are more than welcome to address your concerns privately to anyone of us via PM. However the particular post you made wasn't just criticizing, it compared the staff to **** Germany which I find to be way overboard. Your other post was in appropriate. Period. And I think others would appreciate that particular post being deleted.

However, you are not part of the inner workings of this site. You don't know what threads are deleted, merged, modified, moved, or anything else as it relates to the running of this board or how we apply the guidelines. Suggesting otherwise would be false. This board has guidelines, every member who participates on this board agrees to those guidelines when they register to the board. All we ask is be respectful and keep it family-friendly. You want to air it out in other ways, the internet has more than enough sites where you can go do that.

PBJTime;2294575 said:
It's a conspiracy man!:lmao2:

On a serious note, you know you don't have to come here if you don't like it. Just saying.

We would never tell a member if he doesn't like a site, he doesn't have to come here, but we will certainly say that nobody's making them stay if the site administration is so poor. There are many other sites in which one can get Cowboys news.


New Member
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PBJTime;2294575 said:
It's a conspiracy man!:lmao2:

On a serious note, you know you don't have to come here if you don't like it. Just saying.

I don't think its a massive conspiracy dude. But the fact remains that what I said is true, and it is pretty dumb. I just would like to have honest debate and criticism of our players without it being censored when there is no reason for it, and this happens to be a nice site with a good collection of cowboys fans who for the most part are well informed and polite, so I like visiting it. Just sayin...

("Just sayin" might be the most overused current linguistic pop culture fad that I have seen in some time....If you read Mattew Berry on ESPN's chats you will notice 1 "just sayin" per 12 words. Just sayin...)


Semper Fidelis
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Well, I've seen plenty of honest debates and PLENTY of criticisms of players and coaches that haven't been censored. Just check any one of the threads on the front page. There's everything from firing the coaches to "Romo sucks" threads. I'm not sure what you think is being censored unless it was going beyond the boundaries of simply criticising. Just sa....ah...I just wanted to point that out.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
TEUFELI;2294597 said:
I don't think its a massive conspiracy dude. But the fact remains that what I said is true, and it is pretty dumb. I just would like to have honest debate and criticism of our players without it being censored when there is no reason for it, and this happens to be a nice site with a good collection of cowboys fans who for the most part are well informed and polite, so I like visiting it. Just sayin...
Examples? :cool:


New Member
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WoodysGirl;2294590 said:
This site has guidelines about publicly criticizing the staff. You are more than welcome to address your concerns privately to anyone of us via PM. However the particular post you made wasn't just criticizing, it compared the staff to **** Germany which I find to be way overboard. Your other post was in appropriate. Period. And I think others would appreciate that particular post being deleted.

However, you are not part of the inner workings of this site. You don't know what threads are deleted, merged, modified, moved, or anything else as it relates to the running of this board or how we apply the guidelines. Suggesting otherwise would be false. This board has guidelines, every member who participates on this board agrees to those guidelines when they register to the board. All we ask is be respectful and keep it family-friendly. You want to air it out in other ways, the internet has more than enough sites where you can go do that.


We would never tell a member if he doesn't like a site, he doesn't have to come here, but we will certainly say that nobody's making them stay if the site administration is so poor. There are many other sites in which one can get Cowboys news.

Well we are clearly wound up a little tight. I didnt call anybody a ****. WHat I did was referrence **** Germany as being a ridiculous example of a horrendous period in human history when censorship of criticism occured.

Clearly...I am not accusing an football internet site with being on par with the evils connected to that failed state responsible for the murder of millions...it was a comment saying that this is NOT that...that we dont need to fear good debate which will inherently contain criticism b/c we ARE NOT **** Germany.

Look, I take your point. and I am sorry if my post was misunderstood. I apologize if my phrasing was poor. But honestly, I do believe the moderators should lighten up to and allow good natured ribbing, and criticism of our own players....even if it doesnt make you happy. I dont like what alot of people say in this country, but I would rather people be able to argue than censor opinions that I dont agree with. And I understand there have to be limits, I am not saying allow EVERYTHING...but some of the censorship on this site has gone to far, beyond keeping it "familiy friendly"...to the point of being opinon biased, and that is not right.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
TEUFELI;2294625 said:
Well we are clearly wound up a little tight. I didnt call anybody a ****. WHat I did was referrence **** Germany as being a ridiculous example of a horrendous period in human history when censorship of criticism occured.

Clearly...I am not accusing an football internet site with being on par with the evils connected to that failed state responsible for the murder of millions...it was a comment saying that this is NOT that...that we dont need to fear good debate which will inherently contain criticism b/c we ARE NOT **** Germany.
Really? That's how you want to justify that? The overall post was out of bounds. And what you posted was offensive not just to me, but to the rest of the staff, but your apology below is accepted.

Look, I take your point. and I am sorry if my post was misunderstood. I apologize if my phrasing was poor. But honestly, I do believe the moderators should lighten up to and allow good natured ribbing, and criticism of our own players....even if it doesnt make you happy. I dont like what alot of people say in this country, but I would rather people be able to argue than censor opinions that I dont agree with. And I understand there have to be limits, I am not saying allow EVERYTHING...but some of the censorship on this site has gone to far, beyond keeping it "familiy friendly"...to the point of being opinon biased, and that is not right.
I don't think I'm being wound up tight other than pointing out that you have no idea how the staff manages the board. You make blanket statements about censorship, but have not provided any examples.

The majority of what the mods do on a daily basis is merge duplicate threads. Which on game day, we tend to have alot of. There have been very few deleted posts today. People have been able to express themselves freely for the most part as they have stayed well within the guidelines, so you tell me where the censorship is in that?