CFZ You know what annoys me about our FO?


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You know what annoys me about our FO? The way the FO seems to think midseason that everything is fine with our roster. I appreciated the move last year for Hankins and the trades earlier this year for Cooks and Gillmore. I also liked the swap we did with KJ. That said, I think it's mind boggling how the Eagles are able to make the trades that they do with no concern for salary cap, while Jerry and Stephen, for some confusing reason, don't really have this approach. The Eagles see a problem, and they make a move to try to fix it in a trade. Jerry sees a problem, and it's "It should be fine". I think a lot of this saw this roster and knew running back was a key weakness after letting Zeke go. Now, it's looking like a key weakness. Similarly, LB is also a big weakness of ours when it comes to depth. Jerry never seema to realise the problem until it smacks him in the face, and it's too late when that reality check comes.

I do think that our coaching staff and players need to be better. That said, the FO has to be better too. If they keep giving the coaching staff hamburger, then they can't be surprised when they get hamburger results. They need to provide steak every so often. They need to realise that, when there's a key problem that they can fix, then they should do it. There is this thing called a comp pick. I liked what they used to do where they would make late round trades to fill holes, then those players' contracts wouldn't be renewed, then we get the comp pick. It's a nice cycle. It's one the Eagles seem to use. It's a smart system because then you can trade some late round picks knowing you're getting more with comp picks anyway. In other words, Jerry and Stephen need to give McCarthy and Quinn the tools they need to succeed. Yes, McCarthy's playcalling could be better. No doubt. But, has it crossed the minds of the FO that maybe they have something missing?

I'll give an example. McCarthy stated he wanted to run the ball more. Jerry has given him Pollard, Dowdle, Vaughn, and Luepke (who, tbf, Mike hasn't used nearly enough). They do not replace what Zeke did. It's not just that the oline isn't as good as it once was. A rushing style has to be congruent with the style of oline being used. Pollard is not Zeke. Unfortunately, because Jerry hasn't given him a back to do what Zeke was able to do, Mike is having to use Pollard like Zeke. It's like putting a square peg in a round hole. Of course it's not going to work! Why would it be surprising that Pollard isn't as good up the middle as he is on the outside? Guess what? Jerry Jones has a week to fix the problem before the trade deadline. Yet, he makes this comment last week about "we won't initiate a call". Maybe it's a negotiating tactic, but he really should make a few calls. Who knows? He might get some deals on players that we could really use like a LB, RB, or a lineman. Plus, it doesn't always have to take draft picks. We made a good move earlier with Joseph. That was good! But, they did it likely because they couldn't take KJ anymore. It shouldn't come to that to realise that a player should be moved on from. Perhaps there might be players that other teams want that might be expendable for us? Who knows? You never know if you don't shake the tree.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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You know what annoys me about our FO? The way the FO seems to think midseason that everything is fine with our roster. I appreciated the move last year for Hankins and the trades earlier this year for Cooks and Gillmore. I also liked the swap we did with KJ. That said, I think it's mind boggling how the Eagles are able to make the trades that they do with no concern for salary cap, while Jerry and Stephen, for some confusing reason, don't really have this approach. The Eagles see a problem, and they make a move to try to fix it in a trade. Jerry sees a problem, and it's "It should be fine". I think a lot of this saw this roster and knew running back was a key weakness after letting Zeke go. Now, it's looking like a key weakness. Similarly, LB is also a big weakness of ours when it comes to depth. Jerry never seema to realise the problem until it smacks him in the face, and it's too late when that reality check comes.

I do think that our coaching staff and players need to be better. That said, the FO has to be better too. If they keep giving the coaching staff hamburger, then they can't be surprised when they get hamburger results. They need to provide steak every so often. They need to realise that, when there's a key problem that they can fix, then they should do it. There is this thing called a comp pick. I liked what they used to do where they would make late round trades to fill holes, then those players' contracts wouldn't be renewed, then we get the comp pick. It's a nice cycle. It's one the Eagles seem to use. It's a smart system because then you can trade some late round picks knowing you're getting more with comp picks anyway. In other words, Jerry and Stephen need to give McCarthy and Quinn the tools they need to succeed. Yes, McCarthy's playcalling could be better. No doubt. But, has it crossed the minds of the FO that maybe they have something missing?

I'll give an example. McCarthy stated he wanted to run the ball more. Jerry has given him Pollard, Dowdle, Vaughn, and Luepke (who, tbf, Mike hasn't used nearly enough). They do not replace what Zeke did. It's not just that the oline isn't as good as it once was. A rushing style has to be congruent with the style of oline being used. Pollard is not Zeke. Unfortunately, because Jerry hasn't given him a back to do what Zeke was able to do, Mike is having to use Pollard like Zeke. It's like putting a square peg in a round hole. Of course it's not going to work! Why would it be surprising that Pollard isn't as good up the middle as he is on the outside? Guess what? Jerry Jones has a week to fix the problem before the trade deadline. Yet, he makes this comment last week about "we won't initiate a call". Maybe it's a negotiating tactic, but he really should make a few calls. Who knows? He might get some deals on players that we could really use like a LB, RB, or a lineman. Plus, it doesn't always have to take draft picks. We made a good move earlier with Joseph. That was good! But, they did it likely because they couldn't take KJ anymore. It shouldn't come to that to realise that a player should be moved on from. Perhaps there might be players that other teams want that might be expendable for us? Who knows? You never know if you don't shake the tree.
This team is always way too positive and overvalues their own guys.


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This team is always way too positive and overvalues their own guys.

That's probably the best way to look at it. Honestly though, you'd think Jerry would evaluate what the Vikings and Browns did, look at what we had with Zeke and why we can't use Pollard the same way, and find how to fix it. I think 42-10 is clear enough to show that we are not able to matchup with SFO with our current squad. So, it's Jerry's job to provide players who can help us with that matchup.


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Not having the proper ammo to fix a weakness now is why you don’t trade a future 5th to draft a project corner who couldn’t possibly start until year three, about when it’s time to pay them IF they pan out.


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Jerry is not a GM. Jerry is not a football mind. Jerry is a snake oil salesman only interested in growing revenue and turning a profit. The Cowboys are a plaything for him.

He is not serious about setting up an infrastructure built for winning championships


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Not having the proper ammo to fix a weakness now is why you don’t trade a future 5th to draft a project corner who couldn’t possibly start until year three, about when it’s time to pay them IF they pan out.

Perhaps, but we have players that might be expendable if we wanted to trade for players. The Eagles just did that with Edmunds. Perhaps Sam Williams is useable to make a trade work?


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You know what annoys me about our FO? The way the FO seems to think midseason that everything is fine with our roster. I appreciated the move last year for Hankins and the trades earlier this year for Cooks and Gillmore. I also liked the swap we did with KJ. That said, I think it's mind boggling how the Eagles are able to make the trades that they do with no concern for salary cap, while Jerry and Stephen, for some confusing reason, don't really have this approach. The Eagles see a problem, and they make a move to try to fix it in a trade. Jerry sees a problem, and it's "It should be fine". I think a lot of this saw this roster and knew running back was a key weakness after letting Zeke go. Now, it's looking like a key weakness. Similarly, LB is also a big weakness of ours when it comes to depth. Jerry never seema to realise the problem until it smacks him in the face, and it's too late when that reality check comes.

I do think that our coaching staff and players need to be better. That said, the FO has to be better too. If they keep giving the coaching staff hamburger, then they can't be surprised when they get hamburger results. They need to provide steak every so often. They need to realise that, when there's a key problem that they can fix, then they should do it. There is this thing called a comp pick. I liked what they used to do where they would make late round trades to fill holes, then those players' contracts wouldn't be renewed, then we get the comp pick. It's a nice cycle. It's one the Eagles seem to use. It's a smart system because then you can trade some late round picks knowing you're getting more with comp picks anyway. In other words, Jerry and Stephen need to give McCarthy and Quinn the tools they need to succeed. Yes, McCarthy's playcalling could be better. No doubt. But, has it crossed the minds of the FO that maybe they have something missing?

I'll give an example. McCarthy stated he wanted to run the ball more. Jerry has given him Pollard, Dowdle, Vaughn, and Luepke (who, tbf, Mike hasn't used nearly enough). They do not replace what Zeke did. It's not just that the oline isn't as good as it once was. A rushing style has to be congruent with the style of oline being used. Pollard is not Zeke. Unfortunately, because Jerry hasn't given him a back to do what Zeke was able to do, Mike is having to use Pollard like Zeke. It's like putting a square peg in a round hole. Of course it's not going to work! Why would it be surprising that Pollard isn't as good up the middle as he is on the outside? Guess what? Jerry Jones has a week to fix the problem before the trade deadline. Yet, he makes this comment last week about "we won't initiate a call". Maybe it's a negotiating tactic, but he really should make a few calls. Who knows? He might get some deals on players that we could really use like a LB, RB, or a lineman. Plus, it doesn't always have to take draft picks. We made a good move earlier with Joseph. That was good! But, they did it likely because they couldn't take KJ anymore. It shouldn't come to that to realise that a player should be moved on from. Perhaps there might be players that other teams want that might be expendable for us? Who knows? You never know if you don't shake the tree.
you know what annoys me about our FO? Jerry Jones!


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You know what annoys me about our FO? The way the FO seems to think midseason that everything is fine with our roster. I appreciated the move last year for Hankins and the trades earlier this year for Cooks and Gillmore. I also liked the swap we did with KJ. That said, I think it's mind boggling how the Eagles are able to make the trades that they do with no concern for salary cap, while Jerry and Stephen, for some confusing reason, don't really have this approach. The Eagles see a problem, and they make a move to try to fix it in a trade. Jerry sees a problem, and it's "It should be fine". I think a lot of this saw this roster and knew running back was a key weakness after letting Zeke go. Now, it's looking like a key weakness. Similarly, LB is also a big weakness of ours when it comes to depth. Jerry never seema to realise the problem until it smacks him in the face, and it's too late when that reality check comes.

I do think that our coaching staff and players need to be better. That said, the FO has to be better too. If they keep giving the coaching staff hamburger, then they can't be surprised when they get hamburger results. They need to provide steak every so often. They need to realise that, when there's a key problem that they can fix, then they should do it. There is this thing called a comp pick. I liked what they used to do where they would make late round trades to fill holes, then those players' contracts wouldn't be renewed, then we get the comp pick. It's a nice cycle. It's one the Eagles seem to use. It's a smart system because then you can trade some late round picks knowing you're getting more with comp picks anyway. In other words, Jerry and Stephen need to give McCarthy and Quinn the tools they need to succeed. Yes, McCarthy's playcalling could be better. No doubt. But, has it crossed the minds of the FO that maybe they have something missing?

I'll give an example. McCarthy stated he wanted to run the ball more. Jerry has given him Pollard, Dowdle, Vaughn, and Luepke (who, tbf, Mike hasn't used nearly enough). They do not replace what Zeke did. It's not just that the oline isn't as good as it once was. A rushing style has to be congruent with the style of oline being used. Pollard is not Zeke. Unfortunately, because Jerry hasn't given him a back to do what Zeke was able to do, Mike is having to use Pollard like Zeke. It's like putting a square peg in a round hole. Of course it's not going to work! Why would it be surprising that Pollard isn't as good up the middle as he is on the outside? Guess what? Jerry Jones has a week to fix the problem before the trade deadline. Yet, he makes this comment last week about "we won't initiate a call". Maybe it's a negotiating tactic, but he really should make a few calls. Who knows? He might get some deals on players that we could really use like a LB, RB, or a lineman. Plus, it doesn't always have to take draft picks. We made a good move earlier with Joseph. That was good! But, they did it likely because they couldn't take KJ anymore. It shouldn't come to that to realise that a player should be moved on from. Perhaps there might be players that other teams want that might be expendable for us? Who knows? You never know if you don't shake the tree.
I'd be careful on what Jerry says in the media though. He said he liked their team last year and come to find out he was trying to trade for Brandon Cooks. They may not be honest with the media about their team but behind the scenes they seem to be.


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To be fair Rusty, I believe our FO tries to fill holes. My opinion is that they seem to be reactive rather than proactive. Hankins filled a hole finally and maybe we have something in Mazi, but that hole had been an issue for many years. We tried to address it sooner with some with some previous draft picks that didnt work out. Cooks and Gilmore were smart, proactive moves, IMO. Now our running back situation. I liked Zeke, hated to see him go but we all understand the business/money of it. We havent been able to do much up the gut now matter who has been running, Zeke or Pollard. I think we can still be successful with what we have, but in order to do so, we need to change up the blocking scheme a little and make better calls. Pollard off tackle seemed to work. Add in some misdirection, get him in space and we are feeling a little better about our run game. Pounding Pollard up the gut with our blocking right now seems futile.

LB, now here I am little bit torn. I think we have been proactive to a point. LVE was a first round pick, 2018. Micah, again, 1st round pick in 2021. So 2, 1st round picks in 4 years and a 3rd round last year (Overshown). That tells me they are trying. Now with injuries to Overshown and now LVE and with the realization of what we really had in Micah and how we use him, seems we are once again in reactive mode. Here is hoping that Evans can fill this hole.

But back to your point. I think our FO really does try, but we seem to be a day late and a dollar short many times, reactive instead of proactive. This year I felt they were more proactive. Two 12-5 seasons is good. Then they tried to shore up the DL, added Gilmore to an already decent backend, brought in Cooks to add to what I felt was a decent WR group with Gallup coming back. I really believe that our FO felt like they had done enough to take that next step.

I dont think we have truelly overcome the switch from Moore to MM and the loss of Diggs.


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I'd be careful on what Jerry says in the media though. He said he liked their team last year and come to find out he was trying to trade for Brandon Cooks. They may not be honest with the media about their team but behind the scenes they seem to be.

I understand that, but I think Jerry should be careful how he says things. I am not saying in terms of us fans. I mean with the sort of message that sends to the locker room. Some may see it as, "we can keep playing as we are because we're the best", when clearly that's not the case with what we have on our team. Meanwhile, players like CeeDee Lamb or Micah Parsons may have vehement disagreements and probably would like more talent on the roster.


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To be fair Rusty, I believe our FO tries to fill holes. My opinion is that they seem to be reactive rather than proactive. Hankins filled a hole finally and maybe we have something in Mazi, but that hole had been an issue for many years. We tried to address it sooner with some with some previous draft picks that didnt work out. Cooks and Gilmore were smart, proactive moves, IMO. Now our running back situation. I liked Zeke, hated to see him go but we all understand the business/money of it. We havent been able to do much up the gut now matter who has been running, Zeke or Pollard. I think we can still be successful with what we have, but in order to do so, we need to change up the blocking scheme a little and make better calls. Pollard off tackle seemed to work. Add in some misdirection, get him in space and we are feeling a little better about our run game. Pounding Pollard up the gut with our blocking right now seems futile.

LB, now here I am little bit torn. I think we have been proactive to a point. LVE was a first round pick, 2018. Micah, again, 1st round pick in 2021. So 2, 1st round picks in 4 years and a 3rd round last year (Overshown). That tells me they are trying. Now with injuries to Overshown and now LVE and with the realization of what we really had in Micah and how we use him, seems we are once again in reactive mode. Here is hoping that Evans can fill this hole.

But back to your point. I think our FO really does try, but we seem to be a day late and a dollar short many times, reactive instead of proactive. This year I felt they were more proactive. Two 12-5 seasons is good. Then they tried to shore up the DL, added Gilmore to an already decent backend, brought in Cooks to add to what I felt was a decent WR group with Gallup coming back. I really believe that our FO felt like they had done enough to take that next step.

I dont think we have truelly overcome the switch from Moore to MM and the loss of Diggs.

That's exactly my problem with the FO. The Eagles are proactive. We are reactive. That's why this season is likely to have the same predictable end, then reality will hit Jerry in the face. By that point, it's too late and we are left wondering what could've been. If he was proactive, he'd see that there are moves he can make (that don't necessarily have to involve draft picks) right now that have a chance to put us in the SB. With the way we are constructed at the moment, sure. We will make the playoffs. Sure, we will probably beat one of the teams from the NFC South. But what then? Are we to just say, "Oh well, maybe next year?" What kind of FO is that? We obviously don't have the players to beat SFO. We can get it though. We have a week to bring in what we need to take a good roster and turn it into a great roster. The problem is, Jerry isn't proactive. If we had Howie Roseman, I think we do make trades. I think our FO would realise that there is more to be built on our team. If we had John Lynch, I think Derrick Henry would be on a plane to Dallas tonight. I think with the Chiefs GM, we would have a LB on this roster this afternoon to shore up our LB position. I like what they did in the offseason. But player acquisitions and roster adjustments don't end just because the season started. We can make adjustments during the season. The Eagles do it every year, as do the 49ers. And so should we.


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To be fair Rusty, I believe our FO tries to fill holes. My opinion is that they seem to be reactive rather than proactive. Hankins filled a hole finally and maybe we have something in Mazi, but that hole had been an issue for many years. We tried to address it sooner with some with some previous draft picks that didnt work out. Cooks and Gilmore were smart, proactive moves, IMO. Now our running back situation. I liked Zeke, hated to see him go but we all understand the business/money of it. We havent been able to do much up the gut now matter who has been running, Zeke or Pollard. I think we can still be successful with what we have, but in order to do so, we need to change up the blocking scheme a little and make better calls. Pollard off tackle seemed to work. Add in some misdirection, get him in space and we are feeling a little better about our run game. Pounding Pollard up the gut with our blocking right now seems futile.

LB, now here I am little bit torn. I think we have been proactive to a point. LVE was a first round pick, 2018. Micah, again, 1st round pick in 2021. So 2, 1st round picks in 4 years and a 3rd round last year (Overshown). That tells me they are trying. Now with injuries to Overshown and now LVE and with the realization of what we really had in Micah and how we use him, seems we are once again in reactive mode. Here is hoping that Evans can fill this hole.

But back to your point. I think our FO really does try, but we seem to be a day late and a dollar short many times, reactive instead of proactive. This year I felt they were more proactive. Two 12-5 seasons is good. Then they tried to shore up the DL, added Gilmore to an already decent backend, brought in Cooks to add to what I felt was a decent WR group with Gallup coming back. I really believe that our FO felt like they had done enough to take that next step.

I dont think we have truelly overcome the switch from Moore to MM and the loss of Diggs.
Being reactive always makes you a day late and dollar short. Preventive actions plus planning make you better. And that comes from good leadership. Something this organization sorely lacks….


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Being reactive always makes you a day late and dollar short. Preventive actions plus planning make you better. And that comes from good leadership. Something this organization sorely lacks….

Exactly, and when it's clear we don't have a type of player that we need, then it's the FO's job to go get that type of player.


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I understand that, but I think Jerry should be careful how he says things. I am not saying in terms of us fans. I mean with the sort of message that sends to the locker room. Some may see it as, "we can keep playing as we are because we're the best", when clearly that's not the case with what we have on our team. Meanwhile, players like CeeDee Lamb or Micah Parsons may have vehement disagreements and probably would like more talent on the roster.
Yeah I mean that's a good point. I'd hope the players know better but that is a good point and that's a big part of the "culture" around here. Stuff like that goes unnoticed but its crucial. Very good point.


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I understand that, but I think Jerry should be careful how he says things. I am not saying in terms of us fans. I mean with the sort of message that sends to the locker room. Some may see it as, "we can keep playing as we are because we're the best", when clearly that's not the case with what we have on our team. Meanwhile, players like CeeDee Lamb or Micah Parsons may have vehement disagreements and probably would like more talent on the roster.

I think what Jerry should have said is "We are keeping all options open". That way, any move is on the table.


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Being reactive always makes you a day late and dollar short. Preventive actions plus planning make you better. And that comes from good leadership. Something this organization sorely lacks….
Very good point. I feel like there was a time when Jerry was and its why we ended up with guys like Roy Williams and Joey Galloway. I'd rather be aggressive than conservative. Sure fans will complain but that's going to happen regardless.


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Yeah I mean that's a good point. I'd hope the players know better but that is a good point and that's a big part of the "culture" around here. Stuff like that goes unnoticed but its crucial. Very good point.

Plus, other GMs might take that as "well, may as well ask others". If he says, "we are keeping all options open", then maybe he has leverage with other GMs with whom he might want to make a deal.