You Won’t Believe Who Broke The Smear Campaign On Greg Hardy!

WoodysGirl I'd love to have the perspective of a woman on those photo's? does it change how you feel about Hardy?

The photo's don't bother me that much the ******** story paints a pretty bad picture, but it comes down to he said she said. The most damning thing to me is the testimony of the girl in the other room..... she didn't actually see anything though. If it went down like Dead spin portrays it then Hardy is one quick thinking, intelligent, and diabolical guy.
You Won’t BELIEVE Who Broke The Smear Campaign On Greg Hardy!
In Cowboys by TomNovember 6, 2015

Earlier today, ******** released an article in which they showed photos from the Greg Hardy case.

The biggest red flag is that these weren’t supposed to be released, so the person that released them had to have a motive for wanting to release them. It turns out that is exactly the case. ********’s current Editor-n-Chief is Tim Marchman. He is an Eagles fan.

Marchman is from Philadelphia and has covered the Eagles in the past, so naturally he has a reason to try and make the Cowboys look bad in any way he can. This can’t be the first time the Cowboys have seen these photos, and we know that they did their due diligence before signing Hardy to a 1-year contract.

Nice try Marchman, but we know what you are trying to do.

The Cowboys are going to DESTROY the Eagles this weekend!

It isn't like he had someone deflate a football.
Wow some of you are ridiculous. Attack the writer and ignore the horrendous pictures. Makes perfect sense.

And maybe, just maybe, it had more to do with the millions of clicks the website he works for got rather than football? Just a theory
So much so they even have a statue of him that they idolize.
I wouldn't doubt some kids growing up now, truly believe he is real and actually won. Heck some grown ups probably do too.

Everyone I ever met from Philly eventually shown their true ways once I was around them long enough. And those ways were not good.

Philadelphia has a real-life Rocky named Joe Frazier. But we can assume why there's no bronze statue of him.
I would be willing to bet these guys were all for giving Michael Vick a 2nd chance though.
The same city that had the federal felon Vick as their QB for a while...While Hardy had charges dropped at his record expunged...It's to be
If Vick was a Cowboy, certain people in this forum (you know who you are) would be saying "we don't know what happened... maybe the dogs tried to bite Vick first before he strung them up...."
Go to, those guys cheered Romo's injury and they talk about Dallas not having class because we got Hardy

LOL - I was trying to think of something witty to say about how ridicules that is but then it simply speaks for itself.

Joe - thanks for breaking that. I'm curious as to your source - I mean is this a story that is being reported anywhere because I would be shocked if it was.
Wow some of you are ridiculous. Attack the writer and ignore the horrendous pictures. Makes perfect sense.

And maybe, just maybe, it had more to do with the millions of clicks the website he works for got rather than football? Just a theory
I don't even understand the complaint. Someone - and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we have no idea who that "someone" is - leaked the photos to ********. So what are they supposed to do? Sit on the story because it isn't noteworthy enough?
WoodysGirl I'd love to have the perspective of a woman on those photo's? does it change how you feel about Hardy?

The photo's don't bother me that much the ******** story paints a pretty bad picture, but it comes down to he said she said. The most damning thing to me is the testimony of the girl in the other room..... she didn't actually see anything though. If it went down like Dead spin portrays it then Hardy is one quick thinking, intelligent, and diabolical guy.

Look, my Mom was a victim of DV (not by my dad). I've seen her pushed through a glass screen door. I've seen the fighting. I've seen it all. I didn't need pictures to know what kind of cuts and bruises the woman could've had.

TBH, I'm pretty agnostic about the Hardy situation, because it still boils down to he-said, she-said. I'm not defending or supporting what he's been accused of. My stance is pretty simple. Hardy went through the legal process. He was not convicted. He was suspended from work for an extended period. Therefore, he case has been processed according to the law and by his employers. What more do people want?

When I go to work everyday, I don't know what the next man has going on at home. They ask you on a job app if you've been convicted. Some have. The question I ask is this.. Is he entitled to work? Yes. That's the end of it for me.
If Vick was a Cowboy, certain people in this forum (you know who you are) would be saying "we don't know what happened... maybe the dogs tried to bite Vick first before he strung them up...."

Look, my Mom was a victim of DV (not by my dad). I've seen her pushed through a glass screen door. I've seen the fighting. I've seen it all. I didn't need pictures to know what kind of cuts and bruises the woman could've had.

TBH, I'm pretty agnostic about the Hardy situation, because it still boils down to he-said, she-said. I'm not defending or supporting what he's been accused of. My stance is pretty simple. Hardy went through the legal process. He was not convicted. He was suspended from work for an extended period. Therefore, he case has been processed according to the law and by his employers. What more do people want?

When I go to work everyday, I don't know what the next man has going on at home. They ask you on a job app if you've been convicted. Some have. The question I ask is this.. Is he entitled to work? Yes. That's the end of it for me.

I can understand why you're a moderator.
Wow some of you are ridiculous. Attack the writer and ignore the horrendous pictures. Makes perfect sense.

And maybe, just maybe, it had more to do with the millions of clicks the website he works for got rather than football? Just a theory

just another excuse.
Did not know they kept moving it around....maybe they should put it here....:igglestrophy:.....:lmao:...

I would say I would like to shake that persons hand, but he would need to wash his hands first of course...:)

I had a friend in college that was from that area and he told me about the statue moving all around because nobody ever wanted it where it was at the time. It was actually his idea to suggest the statue be christened. :D
Wow some of you are ridiculous. Attack the writer and ignore the horrendous pictures. Makes perfect sense.

And maybe, just maybe, it had more to do with the millions of clicks the website he works for got rather than football? Just a theory
The pictures aren't horrendous though. If somebody told,you before you knew where them pics came from those were from a proactiv before pic you wouldn't say they were horrendous. All I see is something went down now to what extent I don't know. Its too many variables IMO outside something happened. That guys that big, strong, and that's the worst she looks like? It don't match up with the strength of Hardy esp if he is mad like most people I would assume are if they are beating somebody in DV cases. Maybe that's not how it goes as I'm not experience in DV but its not open and shut to me unless you believe you should never hit women. If you do I can understand even if I don't agree.

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