You Won’t Believe Who Broke The Smear Campaign On Greg Hardy!

Wow some of you are ridiculous. Attack the writer and ignore the horrendous pictures. Makes perfect sense.

And maybe, just maybe, it had more to do with the millions of clicks the website he works for got rather than football? Just a theory

It is the timing of the release that people are talking about. Of course he was going to put the pics out there for clicks... but he held on until the week of Hardy's first game against the Eagles.
You can be sure he will. Probably the whole team will.
Might end up being a big a mistake by him to do that.

It's already making the rounds with the team and it's not because Hardy is a good guy, it's because there is a lack of balanced reporting as to the credibility of Holder's testimony that nobody outside of Charlotte legal circles is aware of and it feels like a Cowboy witch hunt. I'll give you an example--

Did you know back in the 80's before Jerry was Jerry, he was building domestic violence safe houses for women? He would get Nolan Richardson and Eddie Sutton to hold charity basketball games in Arkansas with some of the players to raise money.

Have you EVER read a national story on Jerry about this because I haven't. I heard it on Ben & Skin.
Another embarrassing thread. Serious rationalization going on.
Another embarrassing thread. Serious rationalization going on.

Yep - good thing we just let stories go unchecked with a politically correct media because as we all know it's all cut and dried. Just ask Duke Lacrosse and Brian Banks.

I don't think one poster here has defended Hardy as innocent - what people want is the entire story told and it's simply not. This was a two way confrontation, both were wrong. One took a settlement to avoid losing in court and disappeared and the other is trying to move on and will have to live with the consequences of his actions in public the rest of his life.
Yep - good thing we just let stories go unchecked with a politically correct media...

This has ZERO to do with the media (which I despise) or political correctness (which I also despise). It also has nothing to do with the Eagles. Hardy committed a criminal act. He was found GUILTY in the courts. Out of fear or intimidation the charges were dropped.

Hardy is a criminal and has shown nothing but mockery at the notion he needs to change his ways.
This has ZERO to do with the media (which I despise) or political correctness (which I also despise). It also has nothing to do with the Eagles. Hardy committed a criminal act. He was found GUILTY in the courts. Out of fear or intimidation the charges were dropped.

Hardy is a criminal and has shown nothing but mockery at the notion he needs to change his ways.

I agree with you about Hardy.
I agree he needs to change his ways.
I agree in that I find his mockery disgusting.
I agree Hardy committed a criminal act - as did Holder.
I understand your outrage at him and his actions no matter the circumstances.

However, the rest is simply not true. This was a two way altercation that escalated. She was not scared off, nor was she intimidated. She took a settlement because she was never going to even make it to court because the charges were going to be dropped. The case was completely falling apart. She lost credibility with every statement she made. Everyone in Charlotte legal circles were uncomfortable with the case in general and Holder in particular.

So - respectfully we will agree to disagree.
If Vick was a Cowboy, certain people in this forum (you know who you are) would be saying "we don't know what happened... maybe the dogs tried to bite Vick first before he strung them up...."

Yep. There's a contingent here that will deny reality for pages and pages and buy the most ridiculous excuses.

Like thinking the Deflator was a reference to weight loss.
I really wish this site didn't have so much censorship. Its really annoying
eagles fans should all be suspended from games...they that cheer career-ending injuries and throw batteries and opposing players' moms....
The greatest claim to fame that city has sports-wise is a fake, semi-******** boxing champion from an old movie

Actually, they have a real boxing heavyweight champ, you may have heard of him, some guy named Joe Frazier...I believe he beat Muhammad Ali.
It is the timing of the release that people are talking about. Of course he was going to put the pics out there for clicks... but he held on until the week of Hardy's first game against the Eagles.

Some things are bigger than football. This is 1 of them. You are 1 of a VERY vast minority who gives a damn about the connection between the football game on Sunday night and these pictures.
There really isn't that much at all.

**** my **** you ****

I don't think this has anything to do with Dead spins editor being an Eagle fan, I believe the timing is down to his exoneration. Goading people into thinking he will "get away with this " by showing pictures will garner the most outrage, and they certainly got their moneys worth. Much like when TMZ released the Rice tape week two or three when I believe he was coming off suspension.
Some things are bigger than football. This is 1 of them. You are 1 of a VERY vast minority who gives a damn about the connection between the football game on Sunday night and these pictures.

I think this has a lot to do with football. Why else isn't everyone complaining about domestic violence that goes on all of the time and calling for those guys (and gals) to be banned for life from their career?

There are cases all the time that are way, way worse than anything that Hardy was accused of. Why aren't we talking about any of those? (Rhetorical question... I don't need an answer)

There are a very large group that only want to create problems for the Cowboys and see Hardy as the perfect platform to go off in self righteous outrage and rail against a team that they always have problems with.

If someone doesn't see that then they are, IMO being naive.
This has ZERO to do with the media (which I despise) or political correctness (which I also despise). It also has nothing to do with the Eagles. Hardy was alleged to have committed a criminal act. He was found GUILTY by a Judge and the conviction was appealed to a jury trial. Out of lack of evidence and conflicting statements the charges were dropped.

Hardy is not a criminal and has shown nothing but mockery at the notion he needs to change his ways for doing nothing wrong.

Fixed that for you.

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