I look forward to the time when it is legal across the entire U.S.. I've tried it before and it did nothing for me. I probably won't try it again even if/when it becomes legal, but I know several people that would enjoy it.
I don't think it has a direct impact as a performance enhancing drug; however, I do believe it can possibly have an indirect effect for athletes. It can help them to relax, which can be beneficial to an athlete and others in life. The ability to calm down or come down from highly stressful situations is good for a person. Every now and then a drug can be a useful tool to help a person relax a little easier.
It serves a gazillion positive purposes.
A lot of it can be used in a positive fashion in an oil form. Like people with arthritis that use the oil and simply rub it on their joints. The oil has also been used to prevent seizures (particularly in children).
There was a documentary on legalizing medicinal marijuana. One of the people they followed around was a woman that had cystic fibrosis. Due to the cystic fibrosis this woman had the worst stuttering problem I had ever heard of. She was very debilitated in other ways. She said the only thing that relieves her stutter and pain is marijuana. Finally, the documentary makers arranged for her to buy some pot and she took it and after about 30 minutes her stutter was gone. She would speak a bit slowly, but she didn't stutter at all.
I look forward to the time when it is legal across the US as well. I will partake in it. But, I don't see it becoming a habit. However, the biggest reason I look forward to it is that I am outraged that people that have these debilitating conditions either don't try get to try marijuana because of the stigma attached to it or if they want to try pot, they have to sneak around like a criminal in order to do so. Who are we to tell parents of a child with severe seizures that they can't use marijuana oil? I'm downright ashamed that we act this way.