Your Phone Is Listening


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Meh, contrary to how the tone I may have left in my original post sounds, it doesn't freak me out. It is what it is at this point. The price you pay for technology. It's just crazy to me that we live in a world where our daily activity is turning into data for major corporations.

I actually had this conversation not too long ago with somebody about the validity of this "business" and if it was possibly a ploy to just start collecting DNA. I'm not saying I sway in that direction but the debate is certainly there. The good news is that it helps catch people like the Golden State Killer. Without it he may have forever been a mystery.
My family recently discovered a half sister and half brother in a part of PA, where my father knew a lot of people. They both used one of those ancestry sites, as did my nephew. I can definitely see my father's features in my newly discovered half brother, so I think those tests can be fairly accurate and useful.


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I actually had this conversation not too long ago with somebody about the validity of this "business" and if it was possibly a ploy to just start collecting DNA. I'm not saying I sway in that direction but the debate is certainly there. The good news is that it helps catch people like the Golden State Killer. Without it he may have forever been a mystery.

The bad news, is biological warfare. Biology, race, gender, family, person specific bio weapons.

I have a Biblical look on the world. If you look at Genesis chapter 6 and the book of enoch, and some other places, you have hybrids. Angel and human which created giants and mighty men. You have goliath, og of bashaan, amorites, and all the other ites, that their flesh was corrupted in the Bible, and God wanted wiped off the earth. Flood of noah, all flesh was corrupted. If you get into bloodlines and all of that. What if there are people searching for certain bloodlines and dna, that can mix with other things.

History that we now call mythology all over the world shows giants and half human/animal hybrids. Painted on walls, in caves, and stories told. Oral histories and places in the world that believe this as history. There are things on earth that we can not build today. It makes you think.

They have been making animal chimeras for quite awhile. Vaccines that have animal and aborted fetal tissue/dna in it for humans. The stuff we know about.

Crisper cas 9 gene manipulation for humans. Supersoldiers. Countries are doing it
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I mentioned this awhile back. The wife and I were watching TV on the couch talking about older movies. I said I wouldn’t mind seeing Porky’s again since it has been 25+ years and forgot much of it. We were not on phones or any device, just a smart TV in front of us.

Well well, about a week later I was scanning the channels and guess what appears on Showtime later that day........Porky’s! I have not seen this movie listed on any movie cable channel for at least two decades, probably longer.

I chalked it up to coincidence but this isn’t the first time something like this, or similar, happened.


Safety third
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A couple years ago I mentioned this to some coworkers. There was some skepticism, so we tested it by adding the name of a somewhat obscure product to the end of every sentence, while we chatted throughout the day.

There was no more skepticism by the time we met again, the following day.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I mentioned this awhile back. The wife and I were watching TV on the couch talking about older movies. I said I wouldn’t mind seeing Porky’s again since it has been 25+ years and forgot much of it. We were not on phones or any device, just a smart TV in front of us.

Well well, about a week later I was scanning the channels and guess what appears on Showtime later that day........Porky’s! I have not seen this movie listed on any movie cable channel for at least two decades, probably longer.

I chalked it up to coincidence but this isn’t the first time something like this, or similar, happened.
That one probably was a coincidence. I've recently seen ads for Porky's too. (Probably about 4 months ago.)


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5g and 6g after that are going to make a lot of things possible. Interestingly enough it is being called 6genesis. It is going to be connecting everything.

Already you notice all devices, accounts, and profiles are being connected. Even if you don't want them to be, they are linking up. I like youtube. It is google owned, so if you make a youtube account it is linked to your google account. If you have android phone it connects and so on. Your smart devices connect to your car

You have the smart devices being introduced to the houses. All your appliances (smart devices) are running on computer chips that are linking together. Smart AC control, garage doors, and refridgerators. Cameras and microphones on everything. Doorbell cams spying on neighbors.

Everything is being linked. It is being indoctrinated as a convenience, and the new thing to do. But it is a control system.

Alexa monitoring and controlling your devices. But how long before you can tell your oven to turn on and preheat with your voice. Do you go through the electronics on your appliances to know if they have microphones.

Xbox had kinnect. Which mapped out the room you had it in by sending a signal and using motion to play the game. So, it scanned and mapped out your room. What if there is a backdoor program where it is on, but looks like it is turned off, and people have it pointing at them in their living rooms.

They showed us synchronized drone flying in a superbowl years ago. So, coordinated ai run drones can be used. They can monitor you from the sky, use xray technology to see inside buildings.

Self driving smart cars.

They needed 5g for the bandwith and signal to make all this stuff work, and it is just a step to 6g. The infastructure is being laid out.

What if everything in your house spies on you, you get in your car and it can be turned on shut off and control where you go, you can be followed by ai drones. When you come close to other people, their devices turn on, and monitor you. All they have to do is write the right algorithm for an AI program that monitors everything.

Then the next step is, this group a people is a threat to us. Monitor everything they do. These are not good citizens. Look at Chinas social credit system. It is happening.

Technology is cool, but it seems like walls are closing in. Technology is always weaponized.
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I mentioned this awhile back. The wife and I were watching TV on the couch talking about older movies. I said I wouldn’t mind seeing Porky’s again since it has been 25+ years and forgot much of it. We were not on phones or any device, just a smart TV in front of us.

Well well, about a week later I was scanning the channels and guess what appears on Showtime later that day........Porky’s! I have not seen this movie listed on any movie cable channel for at least two decades, probably longer.

I chalked it up to coincidence but this isn’t the first time something like this, or similar, happened.
I noticed that you didn't mention your wife's reaction to you wanting to see Porky's. If I'd mentioned that to my wife sitting on the couch, that's where I would have slept that night. After boring a peephole through the wall into our bedroom.


Well-Known Member
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I noticed that you didn't mention your wife's reaction to you wanting to see Porky's. If I'd mentioned that to my wife sitting on the couch, that's where I would have slept that night. After boring a peephole through the wall into our bedroom.

You can't think oldschool in this thread. Not a peephole, your phone camera set up so you can listen and watch


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I noticed that you didn't mention your wife's reaction to you wanting to see Porky's. If I'd mentioned that to my wife sitting on the couch, that's where I would have slept that night. After boring a peephole through the wall into our bedroom.

Yea, she just rolls her eyes at me when it comes to my love for 80’s movies. The cheesier the better :thumbup:

She probably wasn’t even listening to me :laugh:
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Well-Known Member
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Dude. It goes much deeper than that.
The general peeps just don't know.

Your TV listens. Wherever you go listens. What you buy is noted by many.
How you buy is noted.
You like some particular WWE wrestler? They know.

You like coffee? They know.
You like a movie you have on a hard drive that's not connected to the internet?
They know.

If you have anything "smart" it's going to have that capability. On phones, certain apps, if left to run in the background they do listen. It's too give you a better ad experience. And it's most likely something you agreed to on the app. You know, when you hit agree to terms but never read.


Well-Known Member
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Dude. It goes much deeper than that.
The general peeps just don't know.

Your TV listens. Wherever you go listens. What you buy is noted by many.
How you buy is noted.
You like some particular WWE wrestler? They know.

You like coffee? They know.
You like a movie you have on a hard drive that's not connected to the internet?
They know.
It's about time "THEY" got a boot up their arses!!