Zeke and NFL have discussed settlement


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The NFL offered that deal in August?
No...... I am saying that was the type of deal Zeke could've taken in August but he has some leverage now

One is not one person has protested Elliott or Joe Mixon..... not a lot of outrage
Two is that 2 Federal Judges have decided Elliott has a chance of winning and wrote strong opinions about fairness
Three is that NFL is getting hit from all angles and this battle is self-inflicted....ratings, attendance, boycotts, injuries to Watt, OBJ and ARod are brutal


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100% !!!!! I agree. It’s all a setup.
Hafta admit, I believe this is a little too coincidental in that an owner's meeting takes place, the 2018 draft is awarded to Dallas and a rumored Zeke settlement is all of a sudden in play.

Not to mention Roger's "pending" contract extension that has yet to be confirmed.

Those billionaires and their behind closed doors poker games at work.


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No...... I am saying that was the type of deal Zeke could've taken in August but he has some leverage now

One is not one person has protested Elliott or Joe Mixon..... not a lot of outrage
Two is that 2 Federal Judges have decided Elliott has a chance of winning and wrote strong opinions about fairness
Three is that NFL is getting hit from all angles and this battle is self-inflicted....ratings, attendance, boycotts, injuries to Watt, OBJ and ARod are brutal
But he couldn't have taken it if it wasn't offered.


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But he couldn't have taken it if it wasn't offered.
Just saying he doesn't need to take any games now....... the tide has changed

At most take sensitivity counseling and make a charitable donation

And this is not a DV conviction of any sort


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When somebody has a 90% chance of winning in a court of law they don't start flirting with settlements.

(if these rumors about a settlement are true)

Maybe Jerry wants him too.. Jerry as an owner with the NFL owner interests at heart..


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@LocimusPrime ......... I picture William Wallace at Stirling with his terms for the Brits

Ok if I'm Zeke, I'll take a settlement.
Here's my deal

  1. Drop everything, all suspension talks etc
  2. Public apology for wasting my time, and the cowboys time
  3. Cowboys get to host a Super Bowl
  4. Public apology for messing up the Dez catch in greenbay
  5. We get to swap BJones for Landon Collins
  6. He takes Taco back and gives us Reuben Foster
  7. We get Leary back
  8. Makes Belichek coach the cowboys
  9. Autographed photo of Ed Hochuli


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Keep dreaming. NFL has 90% chance of winning in long run.
Would have to seriously disagree based on the 5th court ruling and what two federal judges have ruled on and said about the unfairness of the arbitration. This is now not just about Zeke but arbitration and not just the NFL but between any employee/employer. The NFL thought they could get another Brady ruling and Zeke would bow down. It didn't happen and now word is that there is better than an even chance that the full 5th court will hear the entire case to be ruled on, meaning all the evidence, witnesses, accuser, accuser's friends, etc, etc. including Harold Henderson and Roger Goodell.

Do you really believe the NFL wants Roger in front of the 5th Court of Appeals? Really don't think anyone is that crazy to believe that. Sure the NFL wants a settlement now because it is the only thing in their best interests. Elliott wants complete vindication and highly likely would only take a reprimand about something other than a DV charge/incident. The NFL does not want to lose how Roger doles out punishment and there is a huge chance that he could with a ruling from the 5th court. 90 percent chance is more like a 1 percent currently and in no way does the NFL look good from whatever comes out of this.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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Would have to seriously disagree based on the 5th court ruling and what two federal judges have ruled on and said about the unfairness of the arbitration. This is now not just about Zeke but arbitration and not just the NFL but between any employee/employer. The NFL thought they could get another Brady ruling and Zeke would bow down. It didn't happen and now word is that there is better than an even chance that the full 5th court will hear the entire case to be ruled on, meaning all the evidence, witnesses, accuser, accuser's friends, etc, etc. including Harold Henderson and Roger Goodell.

Do you really believe the NFL wants Roger in front of the 5th Court of Appeals? Really don't think anyone is that crazy to believe that. Sure the NFL wants a settlement now because it is the only thing in their best interests. Elliott wants complete vindication and highly likely would only take a reprimand about something other than a DV charge/incident. The NFL does not want to lose how Roger doles out punishment and there is a huge chance that he could with a ruling from the 5th court. 90 percent chance is more like a 1 percent currently and in no way does the NFL look good from whatever comes out of this.
I don't know who's closer to being right about the end result of all of this, but my hope is that you are!


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Sorry for the confusion. Don't mean Wallach, mean goshan, the poster. His credibility here seems to be lacking.

Lol. I have consistently predicted the NFL would win if it went to court. Nothing has played out yet. Zeke may win in court, the NFL may win, or they may settle.


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Lol. I have consistently predicted the NFL would win if it went to court. Nothing has played out yet. Zeke may win in court, the NFL may win, or they may settle.

Zeke's team is insisting they are not looking to settle.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I'm fairly certain you guys know which side of the road I'm on in this one...
It's time to dethrone the petulant and unqualified buffoon King Joffrey of the NFL.

Where's a dwarf with a nice glass of red vino when you need one?

PS: I speak metaphorically, for the sensitive and literal eyeballs out there.


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If Zeke accepts ANY suspension, his guaranteed money no longer is guaranteed and he could lose millions. Any settlement from his end should include language that keeps his guarantees in tact.


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As I said in other thread

1 game only for simply there even being an issue. But the trade off would be there isn’t a charge for domestic violence. I’m all for this to avoid further distraction.

Zeke has openly said he needs to smarten up and make better life choices. This game is against SF. Get one game done and come back with a fresh start against Washington and let’s go on a Fn run
I wouldn't take any deal. The nfl needs to learn its lesson. Stay out of players private lives and stop trying to be the judicial system. Zeke has a chance to change the illegal discipline of players in the nfl by the nfl. I hope he not only wins, but she's the nfl for 100 billion, and bankrupts it, or forces Goodell, McKay, fisher, and those other evil entities out of the nfl.


Stop chasing
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The NFL is going to pay Zeke some hush money? I would take that settlement.


Well-Known Member
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Hafta admit, I believe this is a little too coincidental in that an owner's meeting takes place, the 2018 draft is awarded to Dallas and a rumored Zeke settlement is all of a sudden in play.

Not to mention Roger's "pending" contract extension that has yet to be confirmed.

Those billionaires and their behind closed doors poker games at work.
That my thought. Way too many things going on at once.