Zeke decision coming today

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CT Dal Fan

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Does anybody know how much of a "norm" it is for the NFL to announce their suspensions by 4pm, Tuesday?

There's nothing normal about this case or anything the NFL does anymore. They try so hard to make everybody happy the exact opposite happens.

As I said dozens of times, a case like Zeke's needs to be the first and last of it's kind. And the only way for that to happen is to have the NFL stop poking it's noses into cases where players are never charged.

It's clear they cannot handle such matters and as a self-governing organization, they're an absolute joke. There's no consistency in punishments (see Josh Brown) and they can't even get an appeal done in a timely manner.


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It would be nice if people in the media would stop using 'if' this happens and just call out the NFL for the nonsense and childish games they have pulled.

Peter King had no problems going after Goodell with DeflateGate, but here we have a man that is being 100x more railroaded for something that he clearly didn't do. Not only is the no evidence against EE, but there's a mountain of evidence and eyewitnesses...which include police officers and friends of Tiffany Thompson...that all go against her and stated that she lied. There's VIDEOTAPE that was played at the appeal showing this lunatic Thompson attempting to smash the windows of her own car so she could blame it on EE. There's the lack of credibility of both doctors hired by the NFL...one of which lied about being hospitalized with an illness to get out deposing.

But hey, it's the Cowboys and it's a woman accusing a man of hitting her...so we'll continue to give her the benefit of the doubt and treat the NFL with kid gloves.


have you not figured out yet yet the King works for the nfl? nothing he says is published without the nfl's approval.
they told him to write a negative piece to promote contoversy.


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the Cowboys will go 3-3 without him and still have 5 division games left.
its all cake to a wildcard birth


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All depends on the individual Phil. As for me, I've always taken responsibility for the things I've done wrong (and there have been many). On the contrary, if I'm innocent of something, I'll be damned if I'm just gonna lay down on it. I agree with what you say though. There ARE a lot of people out there who will fight no matter what to get their way. Integrity is just a word to some.
I agree it depends on the individual that's why I made sure to put probably. I'm trying not to generalize too much but being this is online you know a lot of people will say anything to sound good. I have no reason to not believe you so I take you at your word.
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