Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

Look honey keep your goodies under wraps! Wait, women in SF are protesting by burning their bras and exposing their god given talents to everyone? Wait people in Europe and south America take'em out at the beach and get'em even cooked with the rest of their goodies?

Well heck...

You are correct, but our society and culture is one that considers exposed breasts taboo. Plus, Zeke did this to the woman without provocation. It was a bad move on his end, because even if nothing comes of it, it puts him, the Dallas Cowboys, and the NFL in a negative light.

Personally, I think it was just a silly action and Zeke got caught up in the moment. Heck, he's a young guy and and there's all kinds of attractive girls around. But there has to be a voice in the back of Elliott's head that says:

"I'm a superstar for the Dallas Cowboys, there are cameras everywhere I go, and I better watch myself".
Crazy how many on here think it's all good to expose a woman's breast IN PUBLIC like that.
Yup. I'm not some ecstatic womens rights advocate or anything but the amount of people here who think what he did was no big deal is concerning.

Regardless of gender, anyone puts their hands on me without my permission and there's going to be a problem. Now imagine if someone did that to you and exposed your genitals or whatever. How on earth can anyone blow that off and say its no big deal? I'm sure if it was their girlfriend, mom, sister, daughter, etc they wouldn't be so easy about it.
Yeah, my dad always told me to respect women that want to be respected. Something tells me this woman d
That pool girl, I hope she is not too traumatized in the future by Ezekiel's atrocious action. His premeditated assault on her was preceded by him raping her with his eyes. I pray Commissioner Goodell does the right thing and protects the good moral standards that the shield stands for by appropriately punishing Elliott.
Can't elite this is a 20 page thread.

Anyway how did he know she'd be OK with it? It worked out for him in the end but he acted without consent.
I can't answer that you'd have to ask him but it doesn't really matter since she allegedly said it was ok. He might have but I don't know what was going on before that that had him thinking he could get away with it. I guess I can't get to hype about it unless the girl had a problem with it. Everything else is just faux outrage because I don't know how anybody can be more hype than the person it happened to (if she really said it was ok).

Not sure I'd call it outrage. Most just recognize idiotic and offensive behavior when they see it. We can always focus on anything but the idiot who did what he did but he Zeke deserves any of the scrutiny he gets. Dumb move by a juvenile who thus far has escaped real backlash but eventually play time will end. Hope he grows up and grows smart.
I call it outrage because all of a sudden everybody cares about something that has been going on forever that they knew about before. That's faux outrage to me. The girls gone wild guy became a multi millionaire off stuff like this but now its idiotic and offensive please. I'd willing to be most who say such were never party types so they don't understand. Now it doesn't mean she or any other girl is asking for trouble but if she isn't complaining how can others be all mad? Also you do know young kids make mistakes all the time but guess because he might mess up your happiness on a Sunday you're mad? Makes no sense to me but we all have lived different lives that depending on how they were lived help get us to our current views.
Hey, if she's fine with it, great. I hope she is. Doesn't mean what he did wasn't wrong. This can either be a very big deal or a non issue and she will determine that.

He's got to learn he's Ezekiel Elliott and he's got too much to lose doing stupid, idiotic stuff like this.

Watch Prescott. Do the opposite. Be a Hall of Famer.
And Zeke knew that before the pulling her shirt down? As quick as she pulled her shirt up it didn't look like she was fine with it at the time.

I suspect he didn't even mean for the shirt to go down, she was asking him to grab her, he meant to do that, and the shirt fell, the exposing of the boobage isn't the issue, it is the touching of it, if she consented to the touch, then all is good

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