Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

on what possible basis? While Robespierre has wide ranging power, he cannot just suspend people willy nilly

No legal basis, only mean it as it wouldnt surprise me personally. I mean they've been investigating him for almost a year for the other incident.
Hey, if she's fine with it, great. I hope she is. Doesn't mean what he did wasn't wrong. This can either be a very big deal or a non issue and she will determine that.

He's got to learn he's Ezekiel Elliott and he's got too much to lose doing stupid, idiotic stuff like this.

Watch Prescott. Do the opposite. Be a Hall of Famer.

There are no stupid decisions, only stupid people.
Hey, if she's fine with it, great. I hope she is. Doesn't mean what he did wasn't wrong. This can either be a very big deal or a non issue and she will determine that.

He's got to learn he's Ezekiel Elliott and he's got too much to lose doing stupid, idiotic stuff like this.

Watch Prescott. Do the opposite. Be a Hall of Famer.

I did write above, if you are going to do that, don't do it in full view of morons with cell cameras/recorders, don't do it in Dallas, do it in New Orleans where no one cares
Yup. I'm not some ecstatic womens rights advocate or anything but the amount of people here who think what he did was no big deal is concerning.

Regardless of gender, anyone puts their hands on me without my permission and there's going to be a problem. Now imagine if someone did that to you and exposed your genitals or whatever. How on earth can anyone blow that off and say its no big deal? I'm sure if it was their girlfriend, mom, sister, daughter, etc they wouldn't be so easy about it.
Well this is the new age where everybody wants to be concerned about things that aren't even the norm. Not surprising.

Also I wish you and others would stop with the weak well what if it was your sister, mother, junk. For me my view doesn't change if they were ok with it I can't really be that upset. It's only a problem when it's a problem period. If someone exposed my genitals it would whatever as long as it's a girl but being realistic that's not the norm going the opposite way in public. I've had girls I was friends with do it before and it was nothing to me but others might feel differently. I've had women touch my arms and butt before I don't know again nothing to me but everybody is different. I just really don't like the sympathy play of what about your ______ because when you feel like me what's your next retort?
I suspect he didn't even mean for the shirt to go down, she was asking him to grab her, he meant to do that, and the shirt fell, the exposing of the boobage isn't the issue, it is the touching of it, if she consented to the touch, then all is good
Lol, this is ridiculous. Are you just trolling because your bored?
Who are the morons - the ones with cameras, or the ones pulling a woman's shirt down in public?

Lol seriously, that guy calls people who filmed the guy groping a woman morons, and not the actual groper. Good grief, where do these people come from?
These geniuses on the board that think it is no big deal to surprise a woman by exposing her bare breast are also the same savages that think it is cool to get a woman drunk and then take advantage of her inebriation by having sex with her. That is rape fellas. It's not a laughing matter. She can not consent to sex when she is in that state of mind.
Well this is the new age where everybody wants to be concerned about things that aren't even the norm. Not surprising.

Also I wish you and others would stop with the weak well what if it was your sister, mother, junk. For me my view doesn't change if they were ok with it I can't really be that upset. It's only a problem when it's a problem period. If someone exposed my genitals it would whatever as long as it's a girl but being realistic that's not the norm going the opposite way in public. I've had girls I was friends with do it before and it was nothing to me but others might feel differently. I've had women touch my arms and butt before I don't know again nothing to me but everybody is different. I just really don't like the sympathy play of what about your ______ because when you feel like me what's your next retort?
Pretty simple. We live in a society where it isn't acceptable to put your hands on someone without their permission, let alone expose them. Its also against the law so it really doesn't matter whether or not it bothers you, its wrong to begin with.
Well this is the new age where everybody wants to be concerned about things that aren't even the norm. Not surprising.

Also I wish you and others would stop with the weak well what if it was your sister, mother, junk. For me my view doesn't change if they were ok with it I can't really be that upset. It's only a problem when it's a problem period. If someone exposed my genitals it would whatever as long as it's a girl but being realistic that's not the norm going the opposite way in public. I've had girls I was friends with do it before and it was nothing to me but others might feel differently. I've had women touch my arms and butt before I don't know again nothing to me but everybody is different. I just really don't like the sympathy play of what about your ______ because when you feel like me what's your next retort?

Phil, how did you make it out of that without being traumatized for life man, your a beacon of hope for men like us!
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