Zeke in trouble

i can't qwhite figure out why dak's character is being attacked in the midst of all of this.
It's the perfect segue for the Prescott haters to insert their brilliant takes.
he could buy and sell the guard, the cop wannabe was power tripping and laughing at the best RB. He knew who Zeke was and provoked him.

And you believe that if the Guard had just kept his mouth shut it would have been better? I mean, I don't know if the Guard said one thing or not but, I do know this, if the situation had escalated into a physical altercation and the Guard had done nothing, that Guard would have been fired and the Park would likely have been sued for one of it's employees just standing around allowing something like that to happen. No, there is no place in society where what you suggest is a good idea IMO.
Zeke said to him "you got something to say?" You usually don't say that unless the other person mumbles something to you first. Mr. "Dak is a bad guy because his dog bit someone".


The guard could have literally said ANYTHING. He could have said "How guy, how about calming down" and Zeke could have have went off. He was already getting into his girls face and stumbling around like a moron.

So until you have actual, you know, verifiable evidence that the guard said something that justified Zeke getting in his face trying to provoke - stop flapping your gums.

Yes, let's take the word of a drunk dude and rando twitter accounts.
Zeke=great player
also = bad decision maker
I heard the guy flopped like Vlade Divac that said Zeke needs to pull his head out of his arse. People are going to try and take advantage of him and he needs to get this. Hes young and entitled to fun but be aware at all times people are people and most of them are jealous and will try to get a paycheck for nothing.
Rando Cowboys fan account says Zeke was innocent in all of this. What is the "source" for this claim? People hearing what they want to in the video?

Color me shocked.

Which is why I said "If this is true". And if true there's no excusing what the security said to Zeke. No matter how you feel. If Zeke is expected to make smart decisions and behave better. Then the security guard should be expected to act like a decent human and not use the N-word against Zeke. IF he did in fact say it.

"No extension for you!"
Which is why I said "If this is true". And if true there's no excusing what the security said to Zeke. No matter how you feel. If Zeke is expected to make smart decisions and behave better. Then the security guard should be expected to act like a decent human and not use the N-word against Zeke. IF he did in fact say it.

It's a rando account. It's not even worth posting. We've all seen the video, there was no "N word" said anywhere in there. So until someone quotes witnesses saying this or has audio, you can literally make anything up on the interwebz and it's not surprising people would try to attach the boogie man word to a guard to demonize him and make their drunken and stumbling football player look good.
Zeke was arguing with his girl, and the security guard probably said something under his breath to him. should've kept his mouth shut. SG saw the slimeball from TMZ with his/her phone and decided to flop to the ground. Cops probably cuffed him to make sure he wasn't belligerent, uncuffed him and escorted him off property. obviously he wasn't inebriated enough to detain.
Haha haha You just made all this up

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