Zeke in trouble

I don't know that the "Guard" did or did not show respect for his "Better" here. I mean, what qualifies as better? Is a guy who can play Football better then a person who has a job in another vocation? Even if he is "Better" is this what the rules of society should be predicated on? There is an old saying, "Respect is earned and not given". To me, it's probably a pretty good way to live. JMO
This is the Exact thought process that Turns me off from DWEEDLE DUM& DWEEDLE DEE . . . Milenial Entitlement they think they are "Better"
by definition, you only work as a security guard because you can't get a real job in law enforcement.

So....... Is this like a Canada thing or something? Why Would being a security guard and not a cop make him a loser? I mean, maybe he doesn't want to be a cop. Maybe he doesn't even want to be a security guard. Maybe that's just a job he can get to allow him to further himself, pay his bills, go to school, whatever the case. Why does it make him a loser? I don't get that at all.
This maybe falls under the intimidation part of the rules:

Zeke never puts his hands on the woman but he uses his body to block her from walking away several times during the argument.

That's just it. He doesn't have to beat someone, especially with one strike already against him.

Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to the following:

 Actual or threatened physical violence against another person;
 Violent or threatening behavior toward another employee or a third party in any workplace setting;
 Stalking, harassment, or similar forms of intimidation


The guard could have literally said ANYTHING. He could have said "How guy, how about calming down" and Zeke could have have went off. He was already getting into his girls face and stumbling around like a moron.

So until you have actual, you know, verifiable evidence that the guard said something that justified Zeke getting in his face trying to provoke - stop flapping your gums.

Yes, let's take the word of a drunk dude and rando twitter accounts.

Zeke has a track record. I stopped believing his excuses a long time ago.

He stumbled over a security guy because he was drunk. I really don't care that he was drunk. Just that he doesn't know how to handle being that drunk and does stupid things like fall over security guys knocking them on the ground or getting into public fights with his girl friend who has no pants on.

Again. I love the football player. He is a genius on the field but as good as he is on the field he is just as bad off of it.
Zeke should just keep himself out of those type of situations. With the recent NFL players being caught on tape abusing women, Zeke should be extra careful and cautious in not doing anything that comes off as violence. :facepalm:
Stupid is as stupid does
That Gump Logic right there
So....... Is this like a Canada thing or something? Why Would being a security guard and not a cop make him a loser? I mean, maybe he doesn't want to be a cop. Maybe he doesn't even want to be a security guard. Maybe that's just a job he can get to allow him to further himself, pay his bills, go to school, whatever the case. Why does it make him a loser? I don't get that at all.

regardless of anything, no one should be disparaging someone over their job. you don't know that person's situation.
They weren't "jumped" - Dak got into the middle of an incident that didn't involve him, and got his butt whooped.

And no, I'm not talking about stuff that only happened as a Cowboy - I'm talking about a pattern, there is no "cutoff" point here.

I'm glad my employer does not hold me accountable for some of the things I did while in college. Dallas knew all the stuff you are talking about prior to drafting Dak so all that matters is what Dak has done after Dallas drafted him. Since Dallas drafted Dak he has had the incident with his dog and nothing else that I am aware of. If you would like to back your story with some facts then I am more than willing to listen to your argument. You said something about arguments in bars but I am still waiting on the proof.

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