Probably would have got banned for life.Zeke is very lucky he didn’t put his hands on that girl or knock her down.
Probably would have got banned for life.
It was st. patty's day and she loved it
Lol. Wow. So they really were looking for a reason to suspend him.Yep, a block earlier, she was flashing the crowd.
She spent the weekend with him.
The NFL "investigators" tried to get her to turn against him.
If someone is looking for a "source", it's on public record.
We are doing great. Daughter is a couple of years from graduating so her and her mother are driving me crazy with all of the college stuff right now.
Exciting times, and bite-your-nails-to-the-knuckle times at the same time. Emotional times for everybody. I'm pulling for you, jujo. And your wife and daughter, too.
I'll leave you alone now. Don't want to get you a reputation of consorting with the enemy. I'll check out birdsmigration. I'll keep my eye out for fmart. My eagle eye that is.
Wishing you and yours health and happiness.
But tyreke hill gets off. Amazing
Goodell has already stated that if Zeke get's into any more trouble there would be huge ramifications. Contrary to what you may think (flop wise), Zeke is still roaming around, perceived as intoxicated and put himself in a position that could've been avoided.