Zeke in trouble

To me they are a Combo . . . I am judging Dak by his Performance as a fraud as QB. There Should Be an Astericks next to his name in the Record Books

*Was Ezekiel's QB. & Side Kick
Rode on Elliott's Coat Tails to a 30 Million dollar a year contract

If No Zeke No Dak . . . I say wait to see how Dak Perform a without Zeke before we pay him

what is this utter nonsense?
before I say anything, english is not your first language, i assume?
lol what

how is dak a clown..? the dog thing? not great, but he's otherwise been personally a fine individual in his time here.
He's a Clown . . . because Only in Clown World could any one believe there is an value to this Fraud without Ezekiel Elliott
I wouldn't compare the two. Dak's incident with his dogs is something that is unlikely to happen again. The stuff with Zeke seems to be more of a pattern.

It's about patterns. Dak also doesn't have a clean history either - from his mugshot, to getting in fights on a beach, to running around clubs with Zeke where they both found themselves in the middle of arguments.
Zeke was arguing with his girl, and the security guard probably said something under his breath to him. should've kept his mouth shut. SG saw the slimeball from TMZ with his/her phone and decided to flop to the ground. Cops probably cuffed him to make sure he wasn't belligerent, uncuffed him and escorted him off property. obviously he wasn't inebriated enough to detain.
It doesn’t really matter if was a big deal or if nothing came of it yet, the point is he’s already got himself into trouble with a few of these incidents. Cowboys have a target on their back with the league office, and zeke is just making this harder on everyone. Some self awareness needs to be had.

The first part of your post is what I laugh at that people don't understand.

This is just another example of poor judgment from the kid. I am not sure why people are so quick to excuse it.
yeah the guard showed no respect for his better

I don't know that the "Guard" did or did not show respect for his "Better" here. I mean, what qualifies as better? Is a guy who can play Football better then a person who has a job in another vocation? Even if he is "Better" is this what the rules of society should be predicated on? There is an old saying, "Respect is earned and not given". To me, it's probably a pretty good way to live. JMO
what is this utter nonsense?
before I say anything, english is not your first language, i assume?
The nonsense is the Fact that Dak sucks and the only thing you can attach to Dak is a Winning Record that Ezekiel carries upon his Shoulders . . . Dweedle dee just makes a play here or there . . . all the time missing a Smorgasbord of Opportuites passing before his Eyes . . . As Dweedle Dee Pretends to play QB

And All the Clowns in Clown World eat it up
I don't know that the "Guard" did or did not show respect for his "Better" here. I mean, what qualifies as better? Is a guy who can play Football better then a person who has a job in another vocation? Even if he is "Better" is this what the rules of society should be predicated on? There is an old saying, "Respect is earned and not given". To me, it's probably a pretty good way to live. JMO
the loser guard wasn't respecting Zeke
Right......that's beyond Twilight Zone, Outer Limits bizarre.
Yeah Twilight Zone . . . Yet half the Fan Base with a Clue publicly say it continuously on this Board

You keep Chaulking it up to BIASED HATE . . . all the time Blinding yourself to the Glaring truth
Zeke was arguing with his girl, and the security guard probably said something under his breath to him. should've kept his mouth shut. SG saw the slimeball from TMZ with his/her phone and decided to flop to the ground. Cops probably cuffed him to make sure he wasn't belligerent, uncuffed him and escorted him off property. obviously he wasn't inebriated enough to detain.

LOL anything to excuse our players, even though you have no evidence of this.
It's a pattern with this guy.

At some point, you can't just chalk it up to bad luck. He's a kid who puts himself in situations like this. Hard to have much sympathy for him. There was no reason for him to body push that security guard.

But hey he's a Cowboys so............... COWBOYZ!!!!

Yeah, it's amazing how some people will rush to defend bad behavior because he happens to play for their favorite team.

Take the freaking blinders off, he stumbled around drunk as a skunk and then leaned into someone until the guy fell over a barricade. If people feel the need to lie to themselves, I wish they'd keep it to themselves.
Zeke should just keep himself out of those type of situations. With the recent NFL players being caught on tape abusing women, Zeke should be extra careful and cautious in not doing anything that comes off as violence. :facepalm:

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