News: Zeke investigation complete

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Team looks stupid insisting he won't be suspended at all.

6 games seems excessive and unprecedented.
I wonder how long will the appeals process take. I don't think it will go as long as the Brady suspension because now there's precedent for courts to rule that Goodell can do whatever he wants. I think Goodell will complete his appeal hearing rather quickly. After that, I'm not even sure if any court will even hear an appeal because of the Brady precedent.
Wow is all I can say....

IMO this is not a good look for the NFL. What evidence do they have that law enforcement does not? More made up lies by his crazy ex?

I tried to bring something very similar up in the Hardy deal with the NFL but it kinda fell on def ears. I mean, the circumstances are obviously different in certain respects but the actual premise, is the same to me. How can you take action against a player when there is no proof of wrong doing, in a matter?

The NFL did it to Hardy and they are going to follow on that precedence. Sucks but that's what we are seeing now. As to Elliott, learn and understand that the NFL is not Columbus and it's not a bunch of young kids from University protesting moral platitudes. This is the NFL and it is worth somewhere in the area of 75 Billion Dollars. They have been here for almost 100 years and they will be here a long time after you have come and gone Zeke. You play for them under a Personal Services Contract. You get paid a great deal of money in exchange. It's not a situation where you do things they way you want, when you want. You don't call the shots and you are responsible for adhering to the terms of your contract with the NFL. That means staying off TMZ.

I love watching you play and I think you could be a generational talent but your not the best I've ever seen. I would hate to not watch you play but the reality is that if the NFL takes you off on Sundays, I won't have any choice in the matter. Please stop making it harder for yourself.

That's it, that's what I think.
This is the damnedest thing I've seen in a while.

Mike Florio, Cris Carter, all these media outlets are pushing the story hard of a suspension, today upping the ante to six games.

Meanwhile, Jerry and the Cowboys are insisting that no suspension is coming.

This must be a serious standoff in the background. I suspect threats are flying.

Fascinating, but confusing as can be.

Just gonna sit back and see what happens erod. What else can we do?
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