Twitter: Zeke's agent speaks out


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Seems to me like Zeke and his agent are doing all they can to deflect criticism away from themselves and into Jerry's direction. Just small potatoes. ;)
It's a good play. It was a harmless remark but one they should use, it's all politics at this point.


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I guess cuz I used to be that bully, I can relate to the loneliness that guys like him go through. He just wants you to love him, and 15 million a year.
Honest to god Ranch, I would be more scared of you with your “old man strength” ;), south texas toughness, and huge mits than that big headed bully. I’m actually more scared of the quiet guy in the corner than the loud mouth strutting around.

Almost every bully I’ve seen “get tangled with” by someone they weren’t expecting got what was coming to them. When they are used to hand selecting who they normally pick on it’s usually someone smaller and who they perceive as weak. Sometimes that smaller person isn’t what they expect (I learned never to screw with wrestlers, no matter how small) or it’s someone bigger that got tired of seeing them bully others.

I have a good feeling Zeke has never met his match off the grid iron and NFL player or not, that’s a completely different ball game (no pun intended).


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Jerry is your drunk country uncle that never knows how to shut up, And likes to air out everyone's business.
* Jerry's got a dog in this fight,my Friend, and,I'd reckon that grants him carte Blanche/ free gradis Football Dad's fireside chatting time,,,
ya know?
were the life's roles/footware somehow reversed? I know I'd be more than 'miffed' with an underlying case of butt hurt due to this stunt Elliott's pulled, as in it having burned my *$$ royally,,, were I standing in JJ's shoes,,,& you ,yourself, might have a different perspective as well,,,maybe,,, were you standing in the different footwear:starspin:


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That has no teeth, the players know that the new deal erases all past transgressions. All is forgiven.

Some assume Elliott wants them to lose without him and have to crater but what if they show they do not need him? He gets traded or outright released and is free to do his own deal.

glimm, I am of the mindset that he might want out and this as much to get them to trade him as to get a new deal. Is he happy in Dallas? Is he happy being a Cowboy? Is he happy leading the league in carries every season and being on a team so dependent on him. He equates that to years in the league and making millions, less might be more in his mind.
I think he wants to be a Cowboy and he knows JJ will pay up. I don’t blame either side but I do think JJ is slightly more in the right. Never expected Elliot to play the 5th year or under the tag but did expect him play his 4th year of his rookie deal.


Regular Joe....
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If he wanted to take that chance I would support his right to do it, sure. I'm in favor of players getting what they can. We wouldn't be here if owners weren't screwing players way back when but no one ever cares about the cause for why something is the way it is.

But how far back do you take that because we can take it way far back. Hell, Should Homo Sapianes be caring about Neanderthals? I mean, it is what it is. It's crazy, you gotta consider the dynamics at play. The NFL wasn't this major money making operation in 1920. It was a shoe string operation ran on a shoe string budget and to be honest, College Ball was much more popular then, and continued to be for a fairly long time. Money didn't become a real thing till the last 20 years or so. "Screwing players" as you term it, was probably why you have a modern NFL today. If wages weren't kept down, the NFL probably doesn't survive. Lots of dynamics that need to be considered in any discussion of this type.


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Honest to god Ranch, I would be more scared of you with your “old man strength” ;), south texas toughness, and huge mits than that big headed bully. I’m actually more scared of the quiet guy in the corner than the loud mouth strutting around.

Almost every bully I’ve seen “get tangled with” by someone they weren’t expecting got what was coming to them. When they are used to hand selecting who they normally pick on it’s usually someone smaller and who they perceive as weak. Sometimes that smaller person isn’t what they expect (I learned never to screw with wrestlers, no matter how small) or it’s someone bigger that got tired of seeing them bully others.

I have a good feeling Zeke has never met his match off the grid iron and NFL player or not, that’s a completely different ball game (no pun intended).
Just hope he stays clear of those cartel boys in Cabo, they will set him straight real quick.


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This is new ground being broken and there will be others building on it because of that option year for 1st round picks. Why does that even exist?

This is going to bring that up as a point of contention in the CBA because a team can use that and two tags on a player and if he gets a bad injury in any of those three years, he's vulnerable. He is only guaranteed for that season.

If you were a player, would you not consider the possibility of a career ending injury. Especially if you are in the business of making contact with larger men? And let's not forget, since 2014, a Cowboys RB has led the league in rushes four of the five seasons. Even the dumbest RB knows more carries = more possible injury.

All valid points but the rules have not changed since EZ signed up to play in the NFL.
So he and his agent were aware of the ramifications going in.

"Even the dumbest RB knows more carries = more possible injury."

So why is EZ so adamant with the "feed me" motion.


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Unless there are some changes to the CBA and retroactive. I've not heard about the option or tag relative to the negotiations but that might be something the owners are willing to give up instead of a %.

The owner won't give up the Franchise Tag. They might give up their ability to use it in consecutive years on the same player.

I don't see the contract tolling rule going away.

The owners will tell the players (NFLPA) that if they want more money they'll have to play 18 games.
- There is a good chance the 18 game issue is something the owner came up specifically to answer the NFLPA's request for a higher percent of revenue.
- If the players want the 18 game issue to go away, then they have to drop the request for his higher percent of revenue.

In reality, I don't think percent of revenue per se will be the issue.
- The accounting process for revenue is highly likely to be an issue.
- If Jerry has a personal business that get's hired to do the game concessions, then that company can make 95% of the profits and the Cowboys can make 5%.
- The 5% would be team revenue and the 95% would be Jerry revenue.

The overwhelming issue is likely going to be the personal conduct policy and weed testing policy and the enforcement process.
- Players having to constantly worry about accidentally taking some unapproved substance is affecting all players.
- The randomness of the penalties for conduct and drug offenses also really irritates many players and agents.
- Agents end up wasting a lot of their time when players are involved in conduct issues because of the cumbersome NFL process for dealing with appeals.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
The differences. I don't think you would put yourself in that situation in the first place
I saw your post about the little guy. I preach that constantly can people take kindness for weakness until it bites them. Always watch out for the quiet little guy will kick your ***. I couldn't find your post I would have given it 10 likes