Twitter: Zeke's response to tweet suggesting they wished a relative had been attacked by dog for payout


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Zekes a top 3 RB in this league, but his contract is pretty easy to deal with, so Im not worried about it, but will need to invest with a draft pick or two in the very near future.
Yep. It’s not near as bad as people think. JJ did it right. Maybe we will have a out before Pollards rookie deal is done. If he improves a little from where he is now then that will be good enough.


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Zeke’s lawyer declares him 100% innocent and the accuser completely at fault.

Case closed guys. We got the side of the story we needed.

Who said anything about case closed? It's a DIFFERENT side to the story which some won't want to consider mostly due to the ax grinding I mentioned. Why else would I call out the ax grinder extraordinaire? At least he admits it though. I can respect that. The real serpents are the ones feigning to be "objective" while trying to hide an ax stuffed down their pants.


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Yeah, I already have but not sure in this thread. I’ve said all we can do is speculate now and I’m 50/50 but giving the slight edge to the woman because of zeke’s history, he’s an idiot.

If the lady was there unannounced or not when she was supposed to be then I don’t think he should be held responsible. I let my dog out to go to the bathroom, run around, etc and if pest control showed up out of the middle of nowhere and entered my back yard (fenced in) and got bit I would be furious if I was responsible. But...I’ve never not received a notice of when they’ll be there and they always knock on the front door first to announce they are there and ask about pets.

So if it was the other way around and she showed up when she was supposed to or gave prior notice and he forgot or didn’t do anything (could easily see this happening with that knuckle head) than he should be 100% responsible as I would be as well.

P.S I’m glad my opinion on ezekiell is so sought after ;)
@MarcusRock was this reply not satisfactory or did it not meet your expectations? Did you expect more hate, irrationality and controversy?

I can change my answer to something more to your liking if you wish.


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Sooooo if your daughter got tore up and dragged around the selfish irresponsible childish idiot’s backyard you wouldn’t be lobbying for compensation for her huh?

MarcusRock thinks EVERYBODY is jealous of football player's big money and so ALL of our opinions are colored by that jealousy. (except him).
So if you have any problem with exorbitant salaries negatively affecting the team's salary cap, it's really just your jealousy at work and has nothing to do with the team's welfare. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


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@MarcusRock was this reply not satisfactory or did it not meet your expectations? Did you expect more hate, irrationality and controversy?

I can change my answer to something more to your liking if you wish.

Haha. I think I went out or something right after I saw it but didn't reply even though I meant to later and forgot about it. But I did mean to comment that I thought that was a fair answer. And you will always be consulted for things concerning Zeke. It's too entertaining not to. Lol.


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MarcusRock thinks EVERYBODY is jealous of football player's big money and so ALL of our opinions are colored by that jealousy. (except him).
So if you have any problem with exorbitant salaries negatively affecting the team's salary cap, it's really just your jealousy at work and has nothing to do with the team's welfare. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Nah I just think the salary cap makes for a nice cover. Opinions about players are identical in baseball and basketball but they're mysteriously different in football? Riiiiiiight.


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Haha. I think I went out or something right after I saw it but didn't reply even though I meant to later and forgot about it. But I did mean to comment that I thought that was a fair answer. And you will always be consulted for things concerning Zeke. It's too entertaining not to. Lol.
Lol, I was just messin’ with ya mostly but I’m sure a lot of people were expecting a different, more unreasonable answer. Thanks for thinking of me and the tag :)


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And he isn’t? The diva carries purses and bullies people to make himself feel like a man. He’s a selfish punk. I bet her rap sheet is nothing compared to zeke’s, if she even has one. I can’t wait until the day zeke screws with the wrong person or does something so dumb that he can’t buy his way out of it.

Zeke buying his way out of it? The benefits of being successful.


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Just saw pics of the victim's arm, no wonder if she needed surgery. Her arm was SERIOUSLY injured.


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Who said anything about case closed? It's a DIFFERENT side to the story which some won't want to consider mostly due to the ax grinding I mentioned. Why else would I call out the ax grinder extraordinaire? At least he admits it though. I can respect that. The real serpents are the ones feigning to be "objective" while trying to hide an ax stuffed down their pants.

Wait, so am I now supposed to be a Zeke hater?


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Nah I just think the salary cap makes for a nice cover. Opinions about players are identical in baseball and basketball but they're mysteriously different in football? Riiiiiiight.
There is no salary cap in baseball, and teams in basketball can pay their own FA's more than anyone else in a slotted system.

Offhand, I'd say this "cover" doesn't exist near as much as you think!!!!!!!!


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Needle tracks. (Just kidding, but just because she was injured by his dogs doesn't mean he was at fault...necessarily.

True, I don't claim to know all the facts involved, just speaking to the serious nature of the injury. No needle tracks, the pics were taken pre-surgery. It was a gruesome injury.
She had bruises and at least one puncture mark I could see on her leg or legs, but the arm was a large, deep gruesome injury.
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True, I don't claim to know all the facts involved, just speaking to the serious nature of the injury. No needle tracks, the pics were taken pre-surgery. It was a gruesome injury.
I think what bothers me more than anything is that Z doesn't even appear to be bothered that his dogs injured someone. That often indicates sociopathic tendencies.


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I think what bothers me more than anything is that Z doesn't even appear to be bothered that his dogs injured someone. That often indicates sociopathic tendencies.

Yeah as far as I could see he didn't offer any sympathetic note or apology for her injuries, he just accused her of unjustly money grabbing. Tell ya what, if his dog tried to eat my arm the way he tried to eat hers, I'd be looking for some serious compensation as well.
I don't know who's fault it will be when it all comes out in the wash, but regardless of fault, I'm not at all sympathetic to the concept of anyone owning vicious, dangerous dogs.
Especially someone who, like you said, "doesn't even appear to be bothered that his dogs injured someone".