Prescott believes the team is close to winning

I suspected it would be bafflement. Maybe we should wait for the next Dak topic....."Dak visits the School for the Blind and says hi to a reporter."
No, your post in that one was glaringly tough to make out.
I want Prescott, Parsons and CeeDee to put pressure on the Jones boys to figure out how to use free agency, trades along with the draft to stack the roster.

Joe Burrow has done it. He was speaking of the Eagles and said..."The Eagles are paying everybody," Burrow said. "That seems like the way to go, whatever they're doing."

That statement by Burrow can be interpreted as him saying pay Chase, pay Higgins, pay Hendrickson, get other players and pay them, too. This is what I need the Cowboys stars to be saying. It will keep Stephen Jones from always trying to blame them for why they choose not to get more talent in outside of the draft.

Say what Burrow said, Prescott!
Imagine if we could package Micah and Dak for Burrow or Allen...anyone think they'd do it. I don't.
Dak would crumble under the pressure of playing there, so he would have been cut or traded long ago.
And tbh, he really can’t handle the pressure here. Which is why when they play most teams with a pulse, he folds and have that stare that we all see each and every time. Should have never gotten his first extension let alone his second.
lol these crack me up.."I'm appalled he didnt say they suck, what the hell is wrong with him!"
Oh...I promise if you bring in Allen or Burrow their jersey sales would equal Parsons and Daks
I seriously doubt it...

Parsons was top 10 in 23, he was #2 in 2022.
Dak was top 20 in 23, #6 in 2022.

Allen was top 10. Burrows was top 10.

noway jerry would make that deal. the financial numbers don't add up. don't care about cap. but just the finanical numbers.

24 was a down year for both Dak and Parsons because of injuries and lack of TV time.

this has nothing to do with playing ability or skill or contract. just pure popularity for whatever reason.
I seriously doubt it...

Parsons was top 10 in 23, he was #2 in 2022.
Dak was top 20 in 23, #6 in 2022.

Allen was top 10. Burrows was top 10.

noway jerry would make that deal. the financial numbers don't add up. don't care about cap. but just the finanical numbers.

24 was a down year for both Dak and Parsons because of injuries and lack of TV time.

this has nothing to do with playing ability or skill or contract. just pure popularity for whatever reason.
Dak and Micah play in Dallas. Put Allen or Burrow here and their jersey will be #1
This is the main reason he makes $60 million a year. He knows how to handle the media.
I am sure they maybe. but does being #1 in jersey sales equal to more than #2 and #6? its about total jersey sales. not having the #1 overall jersey sales.

and I stand corrected. Parsons did have #1 jersey sales in 23. Dak was #5. Allen and Burrows weren't top 10.
I think if either of them played in Dallas the total Jersey sales would explode. Would it equal both Dak and Micahs top selling years combined? I don't know, but I do know that Micah and Dak are waning in popularity in Dallas so right now I'd say the odds are solid. All moot anyway, never gonna happen but fun to consider
I think if either of them played in Dallas the total Jersey sales would explode. Would it equal both Dak and Micahs top selling years combined? I don't know, but I do know that Micah and Dak are waning in popularity in Dallas so right now I'd say the odds are solid. All moot anyway, never gonna happen but fun to consider
I think you are thinking football and how much better that would be for dallas, but I am thinking from a finanical perspective and a businessman. and Unless the explosion is more than twice the other two combined, which it is not then business wise it doesn't make may explode, it will be larger than parsons, but it will not be more than twice the number, as Parsons will be popular no matter where he goes and Dak will remain popular as well and have jersey sales in top 20.

and secondly, burrows and Allen weren't in top 20 in 2023. being in dallas will help, but as a team we suck. and the reason they weren't top 20 is because their teams weren't good.

again, from pure football perspective it makes a lot of sense. from purely business perspective numbers don't add a businessman, I wouldn't do that trade. as a football guy, I will be all over it.