How many of you would take less?


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There are two factors that we do not consider and one specifically affects QB's, ego.

Money is the pecking order, it isn't All Pro or the pro bowl, it is money because it's all made public. Some players have it in their contract that no player at their position can be paid more. That one little clause cost the Seahawks Steve Hutchinson who signed a contract with MN that stated if any other G was paid more, his 49M contract would be fully guaranteed. SEA got their revenge when they signed Walter Jones to a higher contract and MN had to release Hutchinson as that would have wrecked their cap.

And let's take the other issue, the owner. Why in the hell should Prescott even consider taking less than the max he can get from an owner that makes sure the price of his toys, 250M boat, is made public? Think these players don't know how their owners live? Why should they cut them a deal?

But the biggest reason not to take a team friendly deal is that with this brain trust none of them knows if that even benefits the team. Give them a deal and what if they use that on jag's or not at all?

When Hines Ward last contract was up, there were PIT players petitioning the Rooney's to keep him, he represented the heart and soul of that team. But not one player offered to take a cut to keep him.

We are a take care of #1 society and nothing portrays that better than professional sports. This country worships capitalism, why should they be any different? Of course, an athlete can support his family on 30M just as well as 35M, that's not the point. The "family" is the smokescreen that is convenient. Ego keeps the score, every player knows what every other player at his position is making and if he forgets, he has his agent to remind him. Agents are ego pumpers.


Safety third
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So if the Cowboys let Dak walk and he signed with the Commanders are you saying that the present and future would look brighter for the Cowboys or Commanders?
I said exactly what I said. Pretty straightforward. Not taking the bait Roy. :D


Safety third
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That’s exactly what free agency is. Putting a band aid on a gun shot wound.

Didn't KC target key defensive players in free agency after their AFCCG loss and then went on to win the SB?


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And that’s always hard for me to imagine. I know some make bad business moves and investments. But the spending and not planning is something I don’t get. You get a big contract and 30 million dollar signing bonus so you know after taxes and agent you will walk with half. Take 7 million and open a safe annuity. Leave it alone and live on the other 8. You will get paid per game every year so put those checks in savings. No reason to not be financially sound after football.

Give me 7 million, ONE TIME! Me and my kids will live like kings for life!

5 houses, 16 cars, a helicopter and a posse is not required!


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I'll never be in this position, but myself today almost 33 years old... I'd definitely take less. If I still have millions of dollars to my name after taxes, I can make that work... anyone should be able to... even if their peer is getting a few million more.

But if I were his age, with people in my ear, and a totally different perspective and lifestyle... then it may be a different choice.

But us average joes would and should be totally fine taking "less"


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Safety third
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You are thinking from the common man perspective. The more millions you make the more expenses you face. That couple of million you are saying he should leave on the table can go to his agent. These guys don’t just go broke because they spend too must they do it because of up keep and expenses.


Your position is that these athletes who go from poor to multi millionaire go broke because of "upkeep" and "expenses"?

Wouldn't not being able to afford the upkeep and expenses on your lifestyle indicate that maybe your living beyond your means and just maybe you should maybe cut down to three cars and a house with maybe only ten bedrooms and only one pool?

That is some very strange logic you are trying to use there,


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Some cases not all, some teams do it just to add the cherry on the top. Now if you are putting all your eggs in one basket, then you are are not getting up that hill without cracking some with that method.
Oh of course. I'm all good with putting the cherry on top. But you don't need a bunch of money to put the cherry on top.


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Your position is that these athletes who go from poor to multi millionaire go broke because of "upkeep" and "expenses"?

Wouldn't not being able to afford the upkeep and expenses on your lifestyle indicate that maybe your living beyond your means and just maybe you should maybe cut down to three cars and a house with maybe only ten bedrooms and only one pool?

That is some very strange logic you are trying to use there,

Its not strange at all. I'm telling you the facts of life. A lot of these guys haven't had ANYTHING in their life. They aren't thinking of expenses. All they know is they are a millionaire and they can buy whatever they want. Some of it isn't even them splurging. Some of it they are taking care of their community. Taking care of their family. That costs. And the thing about buying your family cars and houses is that you have to continue to pay money on that stuff.

I'm not justifying it but my 30 year old self looks at life a lot different than my 20 year old self did. I wasn't even rich in my 20's and I spent money on stupid stuff.


Taco Engineer
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The salary cap leaves some fans with tunnel vision. Messi (Soccer) made 127 million in a year. That could be consider "overpaid."


Taco Engineer
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There are two factors that we do not consider and one specifically affects QB's, ego.

Money is the pecking order, it isn't All Pro or the pro bowl, it is money because it's all made public. Some players have it in their contract that no player at their position can be paid more. That one little clause cost the Seahawks Steve Hutchinson who signed a contract with MN that stated if any other G was paid more, his 49M contract would be fully guaranteed. SEA got their revenge when they signed Walter Jones to a higher contract and MN had to release Hutchinson as that would have wrecked their cap.

And let's take the other issue, the owner. Why in the hell should Prescott even consider taking less than the max he can get from an owner that makes sure the price of his toys, 250M boat, is made public? Think these players don't know how their owners live? Why should they cut them a deal?

But the biggest reason not to take a team friendly deal is that with this brain trust none of them knows if that even benefits the team. Give them a deal and what if they use that on jag's or not at all?

When Hines Ward last contract was up, there were PIT players petitioning the Rooney's to keep him, he represented the heart and soul of that team. But not one player offered to take a cut to keep him.

We are a take care of #1 society and nothing portrays that better than professional sports. This country worships capitalism, why should they be any different? Of course, an athlete can support his family on 30M just as well as 35M, that's not the point. The "family" is the smokescreen that is convenient. Ego keeps the score, every player knows what every other player at his position is making and if he forgets, he has his agent to remind him. Agents are ego pumpers.
Above bold - Great point. I brought this up. Dallas had Prescott at under a million a year for 4 seasons. Now he's supposed to take a team friendly contract so they can put together a championship team?


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There you go thinking like a dull crayon again. :rolleyes: If Dak gets the new contract then Amari gets the tag. The guys under contract aren't being cut. LOL You should stick to something you know about like KP duty and let the football talk be done by others. LOL
Show some respect. Veterans have put their lives on the line for our freedom! Have you?


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The other part of this is who benefits the most besides the player? How much light was shining on the agents for Lawrence, Elliott and now Prescott? Think those first two didn't get more clients because they controlled their players?

I love it when the idiots that run this team let it be known "they don't like working with X agent". The light gets brighter because the Joneses have the reputation in the league of being THE blinkers. Every star player they've been in a stare down with, they've blinked. They're crappy negotiators because all of the agents know this.

They have a RB holding out for an unprecedented 2 years before the end of his contract and there was never any thinking the agent/player would win. There was very little thinking that it wouldn't be the largest contract ever given to a RB. The Joneses are ego driven so they think that's cool. Booger likes for people to know how much he spends on things.

It is Todd France as much as Prescott, probably more. He has the rep as a hard negotiator for his clients and he's proving that once again. Smart players leave it all up to their agent if they believe in him because he's more money driven than they are and let's not forget the lack of life experience these players have. Many grow up in a cocoon and are not equipped to deal with an owner and his team of lawyers. Agents level the playing field.


Safety third
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Its not strange at all. I'm telling you the facts of life. A lot of these guys haven't had ANYTHING in their life. They aren't thinking of expenses. All they know is they are a millionaire and they can buy whatever they want. Some of it isn't even them splurging. Some of it they are taking care of their community. Taking care of their family. That costs. And the thing about buying your family cars and houses is that you have to continue to pay money on that stuff.

I'm not justifying it but my 30 year old self looks at life a lot different than my 20 year old self did. I wasn't even rich in my 20's and I spent money on stupid stuff.

I certainly understand being financially irresponsible as a youngster, I'm sure most of us do.

Still not seeing how it is the responsibility of the employer to somehow protect the employee from their own poor decision making though. Frankly, the concept is ludicrous. Especially in an example like this where were talking a low salary of 80 million dollars guaranteed + fringes. If one can't set themselves, their family and a very productive charity up for a very very very comfortable life than another 20 million isn't going to help.

There are no shortages of cautionary examples for these guys. They all have financially astute agents. Doesn't the league even provide financial counseling to rookies?

Not buying it.


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I took less...Come on now, I get the chance of a life time thing, but if I worked 327years I would make what Dak's team is asking for next year only, and i'm considered upper middle class where we live. I know the next play could be their last. If you Like/love what you do the human nature aspect would want to make sure to have success. can anyone spend 30 million dollars? yes, but Dak is no dummy....He can make it work.

I lost 10,000 a year when I moved but, it's a small business and the owner is golden. makes life better. I don't regret it at all.
The difference is we can make those adjustments in quality of life and peace of mind.

These players are going to be doing the same thing regardless of who they play for so there's no golden owner, might as well go to the one that will pay them the most.


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Show some respect. Veterans have put their lives on the line for our freedom! Have you?
I'm a retired combat veteran myself. This is how we talk to one another. There is no disrespect intended here. Someone has to be the dull crayon. I'm glad someone stepped up to be just that... Hooah to @USArmyVet.

You, my friend need to disengage and understand the banter with which this is intended. In the military, life gets far to serious in a hurry at times. It's good to chill and tease each other when the opportunity arises. I love my brothers and sisters in arms. They are my family.
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I certainly understand being financially irresponsible as a youngster, I'm sure most of us do.

Still not seeing how it is the responsibility of the employer to somehow protect the employee from their own poor decision making though. Frankly, the concept is ludicrous. Especially in an example like this where were talking a low salary of 80 million dollars guaranteed + fringes. If one can't set themselves, their family and a very productive charity up for a very very very comfortable life than another 20 million isn't going to help.

There are no shortages of cautionary examples for these guys. They all have financially astute agents. Doesn't the league even provide financial counseling to rookies?

Not buying it.

Wait. I never said his employer should take on his responsibility. I didn't say any of the above. Maybe that's why you think its ridiculous?You made it up. My argument was strictly for those saying "Oh its only a few millions".