How many of you would take less?


Taco Engineer
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And he's the one who refused an extension before the season.

Have no idea why you think it's unrealistic. More players than you think have done this, you just don't hear about them because extreme greed makes better headlines.
You assume greed, for whatever reason. The market value was last set by Seattle. That's just the way it goes.

Dallas couldn't win a championship in for years while Prescott made one million a year. You suggested you'd take a 10 million cut to 30. That wouldn't have made a difference. Unrealistic.
Prescott deserves to get as much as he can. He played for nothing at a high level for 4 seasons. It's not his fault the staff couldn't build a better team and it's not his responsibility to "take one for the team."
Elliott didn't. Lawrence didn't.


Taco Engineer
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I took less...Come on now, I get the chance of a life time thing, but if I worked 327years I would make what Dak's team is asking for next year only, and i'm considered upper middle class where we live. I know the next play could be their last. If you Like/love what you do the human nature aspect would want to make sure to have success. can anyone spend 30 million dollars? yes, but Dak is no dummy....He can make it work.

I lost 10,000 a year when I moved but, it's a small business and the owner is golden. makes life better. I don't regret it at all.
If you ask, the majority of athletes don't play the game just because they love it, that's a myth.


The Cook
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If you ask, the majority of athletes don't play the game just because they love it, that's a myth.
I know it's a business. I get that. Those that are only there because of that.....i'm sorry. life is short. I would give anything to play one play with the star on my helmet.

true story...


Beyond tired of Jerry
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It's ridiculously funny to me that some keep saying "take less"!!!! Would you settle? Less money for your family? Less money for a career that might be cut short with and injury! Less money for a team that will cut you as soon as you slip? What the hell?? I get it, salary cap....blah, blah ,blah. I wouldn't settle and I sure as hell don't blame anyone that would.

Almost every fan will tell you they would because "I'd play for free!". :rolleyes:

Ask how many would take less at their real job and you'll get an honest answer.


Taco Engineer
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I know it's a business. I get that. Those that are only there because of that.....i'm sorry. life is short. I would give anything to play one play with the star on my helmet.

true story...
I'm just saying, as a fan it's perfectly ok to think that way. As an athlete, the vast majority treat it like a job that was misery every monday after a game for weeks, years. It's a job.


Taco Engineer
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Almost every fan will tell you they would because "I'd play for free!". :rolleyes:

Ask how many would take less at their real job and you'll get an honest answer.
Especially when you're getting you ars kicked.


Well-Known Member
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I would want as much as I could get for my worth. They are all over payed and the market keeps going up. I don’t blame the players for that. I don’t like the way some of the agents have handled it though.


Well-Known Member
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It's ridiculously funny to me that some keep saying "take less"!!!! Would you settle? Less money for your family? Less money for a career that might be cut short with and injury! Less money for a team that will cut you as soon as you slip? What the hell?? I get it, salary cap....blah, blah ,blah. I wouldn't settle and I sure as hell don't blame anyone that would.
I honestly would settle for less in most circumstances. I am settling for less at my current job because I enjoy what I do, where I work and who I work with.

If I were a professional athlete making MILLIONS of dollars which would be more than enough for myself, kids, grandkids, (not that I would ever have kids) etc to live off comfortably just on interest alone then I wouldn’t haggle over a few million a year unless it were somewhere I hated and wanted to leave. I especially wouldn’t care if I thought the team I was on had potential to win a Super Bowl which would be worth way more to me than 4-5 million a year if I’m already making 6X that.


The Cook
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I'm just saying, as a fan it's perfectly ok to think that way. As an athlete, the vast majority treat it like a job that was misery every monday after a game for weeks, years. It's a job.
or, that's your take.


Well-Known Member
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Dak has been the most underpaid player in the league the past 4 years. 40 wins while earning a total of less than 1% of the salary cap over that period.

He’s already taken less. Now is the time for more.
He hasn’t taken anything, that’s part of his contract, and if it weren’t for the players around him he wouldn’t have that record.


Well-Known Member
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It’s been said time and time again but you can’t compare an average individuals salary of say 100k to a 15 to 20 mil salary, it’s just not apples to apples

Once your income is over a certain threshold the incremental increases mean smaller and smaller overall increase in purchasing power.

I never understood why people try to have this discussion bc it’s not a fair comparison


Well-Known Member
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It would be irrelevant. At 30 mil/year, I'd already be rich. A few more million would make no difference whatsoever. Not even a little.

I'd much rather make 30 mill/season and compete for super bowls than make 40 mil/season and be mediocre. And that's what the choice generally comes down to.
You are thinking from the common man perspective. The more millions you make the more expenses you face. That couple of million you are saying he should leave on the table can go to his agent. These guys don’t just go broke because they spend too must they do it because of up keep and expenses.


Well-Known Member
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I wish they would put a cap on the positions. Let’s them go up equally every year the cap goes up. A starting NFL QB gets X amount. Starting DE gets X amount. Blah blah. Would put a end to all this contract stuff. Rotational and second string make a certain amount.


Well-Known Member
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You are thinking from the common man perspective. The more millions you make the more expenses you face. That couple of million you are saying he should leave on the table can go to his agent. These guys don’t just go broke because they spend too must they do it because of up keep and expenses.
And that’s always hard for me to imagine. I know some make bad business moves and investments. But the spending and not planning is something I don’t get. You get a big contract and 30 million dollar signing bonus so you know after taxes and agent you will walk with half. Take 7 million and open a safe annuity. Leave it alone and live on the other 8. You will get paid per game every year so put those checks in savings. No reason to not be financially sound after football.


Well-Known Member
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Then guys like Mahomes would get screwed.
We will see what his agent says but he is already talking about taking a team friendly deal. So likey 35 million a year instead of 40+. I think he will eat ok. Lol.


Well-Known Member
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That’s exactly what free agency is. Putting a band aid on a gun shot wound.

Some cases not all, some teams do it just to add the cherry on the top. Now if you are putting all your eggs in one basket, then you are are not getting up that hill without cracking some with that method.


Well-Known Member
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I would take less money to play QB for the Cowboys than I would from, like, the Browns. IMO, endorsement money would more than make up the difference.

I wouldn't take less money just for the sake of it though.

With that said, this is a DALLAS COWBOYS forum. Every dollar paid to a player comes out of some other player's pocket and ostensibly makes the team less able to compete. As a fan of the Cowboys, I am rooting for Dak to get a very long, cheap deal because that is what is best for the Cowboys. The people who seem to be outright rooting for Dak to get a big deal . . . I . . . uh, don't understand the thinking.

If there wasn't a cap, I wouldn't care one iota what Dak got paid.