News: Yet another Dak thread. So sue me I am bored


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So you don't believe you are only worth whatever you are first offered? Or that you should not just take an offer as a sign of complete and total gratitude because you did not earn it first? You also not be willing to take less than you were offered because "similar employee" who has been at the company for a few years does not make as much?

Say it ain't so ...

Well I hate to tell you this, but no one should consider YOUR OPINION about THEIR WORTH. This includes, but is not limited to, Dak Prescott.

If Dak receives $300k a year to play football, guess what? He's worth $300k a year. If he can sign for $50 million a year contract, then he is worth $50 million a year.

You can cry, complain, wishing you had half his talent, ect..., but Dak will be cash his checks and YOUR OPINION of what he is worth will have absolutely no relevance in his life.

And I'm the one with the koolaid glasses?

But hey, keep doing you and claim YOUR OPINION should be treated as fact. That should work our real nicely for you.
yes you are... Daks on the FT and hasn't got this unicorn deal hes demanding, I guess those on my side of the argument INCUDE his employers LMAO..NEXT


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yes you are... Daks on the FT and hasn't got this unicorn deal hes demanding, I guess those on my side of the argument INCUDE his employers LMAO..NEXT
The thing is Jerry wants to give him a unicorn deal lol. Dak doesn't want a 5 year deal lol. Jerry is the one that wants him long term.


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you lost all validity and your manager should fire you trying to compare an ofer of 33MILLLION per year/105 mil guaranteed as minimum cant even offer a valid comp as to what minimum wage would be, that would be offering Dak Vet minimum not top 5 money..

you need to get those koolaide drinking glasses off and realize you get paid for what ever you bring to your company as compared to what a lot of other similar employees in your field make with other company..

cashiers make less then CEO correct? well if Russ and players like Mahomes , rogers etc are more like the ceos(elite) of qbs and Daks ranked around 10 hes more like upper management(tier 2) under the ceos they definitely make less..

Daks offer of 33/105 is actually top 5 in his field and hes basically 10th on the management chain..issues? that like taking minimum wage.?!.you are delirious,thats the issue..

dak hasn't even earned the 33/105 but hey go grab it and get back to work..
but don't forget that it maybe top 5 today ala, when Eli first signed a new contract, or when Ryan did or when Cousins did, but in a couple of eyars, it will be average....and perhaps even if he is upper management, you may want to sign him today, so that you have your high level upper management in place down the line, given the salaries keep going up!....


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The hangup is Dak wants more than he's proven that he's worth, and is holding the team hostage trying to get more pay than he's earned.

There's a ton wrong w/ doing that. Paying Dak elite money if he doesn't progress to elite would be a huge factor in keeping us from super bowl contention.
how is he holding the team hostage? the team can easily say no and release him. or the team could tag him, which they did. ultimately the team can decide to pay him what he wants or renegotiate, which they are. not sure why you think he is holding the team hostage?


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Without question, I just don't think the team can put enough talent around Dak to overcome his shortfalls. Love the guy as a person, you couldn't ask for a better face of the franchise, I just don't think he has the "it factor" to get over the hump.
and his shortfalls are?


Taco Engineer
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The thing is Jerry wants to give him a unicorn deal lol. Dak doesn't want a 5 year deal lol. Jerry is the one that wants him long term.
Some fans act like the tag was punishment or a "prove it" deal and not what it probably is - more time to iron out the deal.


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Two years ago.................lawd.......

Wait, so you’re telling me Dak Prescott, the top dog and soon-to-be most financially successful player on a per-year basis in NFL history, leader on the most talented team possibly on Earth, is a world reknowned clutch performer who wins when the chips are down and has had a stranglehold on the division since he was drafted....

And was reigning NFCE Champion and had a 2.5 game lead as far as late November AND carried the tie breaker against a QB who is so unbelievably injury-ridden that it would take a modern miracle for him just to finish the division.

This other guy, a broken-down, failure of an experiment at QB played for a team with an inferior roster BEFORE it was so dramatically devastated by injuries that they had to sign people out of unemployment just to fill out the minimum squad limit to even finish the season.... and that team conquered Goliath, made it all the way back to somehow pull this thing off?

Did we just write a Disney movie here? You can’t blame me for finding this hard to believe.


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how is he holding the team hostage? the team can easily say no and release him. or the team could tag him, which they did. ultimately the team can decide to pay him what he wants or renegotiate, which they are. not sure why you think he is holding the team hostage?
By demanding to be the highest paid player in football when is obviously not the best player in football.


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Some fans act like the tag was punishment or a "prove it" deal and not what it probably is - more time to iron out the deal.
These guys act so dumb some times. Like even if you aren't knowledgeable about how tags've at least seen how the Cowboys have used the tag. Jerry has always used the tag as a way to keep negotiations going on a long term deal. I think Anthony Spencer is the only guy who actually got a tag and had to play through it. I think Demarcus Lawrence too if I'm not mistaken. Its not a sign of "prove it". Jerry wants Dak and wants him for 5 years.
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Wait, so you’re telling me Dak Prescott, the top dog and soon-to-be most financially successful player on a per-year basis in NFL history, leader on the most talented team possibly on Earth, is a world reknowned clutch performer who wins when the chips are down and has had a stranglehold on the division since he was drafted....

And was reigning NFCE Champion and had a 2.5 game lead as far as late November AND carried the tie breaker against a QB who is so unbelievably injury-ridden that it would take a modern miracle for him just to finish the division.

This other guy, a broken-down, failure of an experiment at QB played for a team with an inferior roster BEFORE it was so dramatically devastated by injuries that they had to sign people out of unemployment just to fill out the minimum squad limit to even finish the season.... and that team conquered Goliath, made it all the way back to somehow pull this thing off?

Did we just write a Disney movie here? You can’t blame me for finding this hard to believe.

I'm not entering a Wentz v Dak discussion. I'm not Dan Overlosky or Max Kellerman. I do not care. Cowboys got Dak in the 4th round. Eagles got Wentz by trading 2 1st round picks a, 3rd round pick a 4th round pick and a second round pick for Wentz. There is nothing to discuss here. You want to talk Eagles that's fine. I'm not doing this Wentz v Dak thing.


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I'm not entering a Wentz v Dak discussion. I'm not Dan Overlosky or Max Kellerman. I do not care. Cowboys got Dak in the 4th round. Eagles got Wentz by trading 2 1st round picks a, 3rd round pick a 4th round pick and a second round pick for Wentz. There is nothing to discuss here. You want to talk Eagles that's fine. I'm not doing this Wentz v Dak thing.

I’m confused you talking about when he was hurt this year or two years ago? Or is this suppose to be some Dak bash post? Because you surely aren’t talking about Wentz who has yet to see the end of a playoff game.......

You had me fooled, I admit.


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The thing is Jerry wants to give him a unicorn deal lol. Dak doesn't want a 5 year deal lol. Jerry is the one that wants him long term.
Which I still dont understand on several levels.

If Dak signs for say, 5 years, and his 2023 salary is scheduled to be, say 36 million....

If there are other QBs at that time making way more and/or doing way less, Prescott will hold out, leaving Jerry no leverage yet again.

Yet.....if Prescott STILL hasn't won anything by 2023, what leverage would HE have?

A short deal allows the team to move on much more easily in that scenario, so it's really win/win for Jerry on short term.

I have to be missing something because a short deal completely benefits the team.

Prescott wants to bet on himself big time....why not LET him??


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By demanding to be the highest paid player in football when is obviously not the best player in football.
so again, how is that holding the team hostage? he can ask for the triple biggest contract....its his option/choice. like I said, we have a choice, pay him, negotiate, tag, cut....we chose to tag. now he is hostage to the tag.

he is not holding us hostage.