Video: Andy Dalton is putting in some work! Shows some great accuracy as well!


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How many of you that are saying Dak is better than Dalton have actually watched him play? Dalton is a good QB who was on a really terrible Bengals team last year. When he has had talent around him he can get you wins. Our offense here is loaded. I honestly think most QB's could come in and play well without getting paid +$35mil a year.
Except Dak's WRs dropped more passes last season than Dalton's WRs. Dak is an excellent QB who could have rewritten record books last season with more help from his WRs. He still managed to have one of the best QB stat seasons in the league. Being blinded by Dak hate makes your eyes test lie to you. Trust the stats.


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How many of you that are saying Dak is better than Dalton have actually watched him play? Dalton is a good QB who was on a really terrible Bengals team last year. When he has had talent around him he can get you wins. Our offense here is loaded. I honestly think most QB's could come in and play well without getting paid +$35mil a year.
Supporting casts don't make you better. They can make you worse for sure but they don't make you better. If you are a top 15-20 qb in this league you aren't going to turn into a top 10 quarterback all of a sudden. ITs never happened.


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Honestly, I don't really think it's about a three minute video as much as it is about the seemingly endless contract demands. I think people are getting tired of this. I mean, I was watching the sports talk shows this morning and the news of this latest proposal was barely discussed and when it was, there seemed to be very little interest in it. That says something, to me, at a time when these shows are dying for any news to discuss at all. I think the interest in all of this is kinda dwindling and that is probably not positive news for Dak. I think he's losing support here but that's just my opinion.

People are absolutely getting tired of it. I agree. I am somebody who likes Dak a lot and believes in him. (Cowboys fan first and foremost though).

and even though I personally believe in Dak as a player. I am tired of all the contract stuff. So if you’re somebody who doesn’t believe in him. Or isn’t sure what you think of him. Then yeah. I’m sure it’s even more tiresome.


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Dak's biggest strength is his ability to not make dumb throws. He rarely takes shots where you are thinking "Why the hell did you throw that?!?!?" Even last year, a lot of his INT's were off receiver's hands. To some extent, I think Cowboy fans have got spoiled with it. Its a valuable skill. A pick 6 at the wrong time will lose you a game.

Dak also has a stronger arm on deep throws. Dalton has a tendency to float them. On intermediate throws where its a direct line, I think Dalton throws it harder where Dak tries to place it a little. Dalton has Dak on pure accuracy, that is to say from a comfortable pocket while not moving, I think Dalton will hit targets better than Dak.
Yes, ball protection is one of the things I love about Dak and I believe it's a very underatted part of his game.

When Romo was our QB I was always terrified he was going to blow it with untimely mistakes. This was why I was excited to see Dak take over. I felt we would be a better team with a less risky gunslinger.

Fastpitch Dad

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So let me ask you.....when you say get what extent? You think top 10 production next season?

And this board is nasty....soon as a disagreement comes there's name calling. I don' understand it.
I think in the level right under top ten. I'm certainly not saying he would do better than Dak, but I would be interested to see what he could do.

Pipe dream in the end, I have zero doubt Dak will be our opening day QB.

And I've always been of the opinion that you dumb-down your argument when you start with the name calling.


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I don't think that. I know that. Dak's stat sheet when compared to the rest of the league's QB stat sheets speaks volumes about how the critics outright lie about Dak's accuracy. And you fall for those lies hook, line, and sinker every damn time.


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This is something to get excited about? A dude (a professional athlete) working out at home.....uh ok.


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It's the dycotomy of this fan site.

Older fans watch the games and decide what they see.

Younger fans raised in the time of Google..prefer their phones to do their thinking for them.

They believe if it's on the MUST be right.

What a joke.

I like technology but it's only as good as the reader is in analyzing data.

It's like these doctors on TV talking about cures.

They have no clue what this virus is doing. It keeps mutating and we are always behind defeating it.

The doctors daily contradict themselves about what to do...

wear a mask, no need for masks, kids are immune, no they are not.

Information can not always tell the story.

To even suggest that an older fans opinion carries more weight than a younger fan whom uses technology to enhance evaluation is plum ludicrous.

So by your analogy, big Mike McCarthy should throw his analytics team to the curb and rely on his Betty Davis eyes to show the true story and forget technology? If I'm being honest, your comment is coming from the old man "get off my lawn" headspace.. Not a great look red...

Denim Chicken

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In your opinion. I mean, it's not accurate but if that's what you believe, that's fine but so we are all straight, this is only opinion on your part.

Not really an opinion.

I remember the same convo's about Zeke and Tank right before they got their deals.

The FO & coaches are going to do what they think is best. Always have, always will.

Trust if fan opinion mattered we would have fired Garrett a long time ago.
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I've never worked out in front of a dishwasher before. Looks like I need to up my game. :muttley:

On a serious note, I won't lie. There is a part of me that kind of wants to see what Dalton would look like in this offense.


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Dalton has the skills to put up similar numbers that Dak did in 2019, if given the opportunity.

He’s never played with this much talent, and he is a much better natural thrower.

I come across as a Dak hater, sure. I don’t believe he’s a franchise QB worthy of top-end money; sue me. But those who universally defend him are just as bad.

Dalton could do the job for a year or two. Can he take the Cowboys to the Super Bowl? Who the heck knows. But I honestly don’t think Dak can do it, either, which plays a part in me not wanting to pay him crazy amounts of money.

Some of you Dak defenders would have probably given Quincy Carter a massive extension back in the day before he got himself cut.
:laugh::lmao::lmao2:When did you become a Dalton butt kisser?


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To even suggest that an older fans opinion carries more weight than a younger fan whom uses technology to enhance evaluation is plum ludicrous.

So by your analogy, big Mike McCarthy should throw his analytics team to the curb and rely on his Betty Davis eyes to show the true story and forget technology? If I'm being honest, your comment is coming from the old man "get off my lawn" headspace.. Not a great look red...
Stale in the NFL = unemployment


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Dak finishes 2019 as one of the NFL's most accurate passers, as accounted for in multiple statistical databases:

*fans blow it off*

Dalton tosses a few into a net in his back yard:

*OMG, such accuracy!*

I'm not crazy about paying $35 million for any QB, but the narratives of this place have rendered any sort of objective analysis virtually obsolete. :muttley:



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What about the Rams game the week before? Were they a bottom dweller too?

Of course you want to cherry pick because you have no case.

The entire team didn't show up for that game. I don't hear you talking about anyone else. Your agenda is showing.

No defending Dak or any of them. And certainly no defending a HC that had none of his players ready.
Those other players aren't asking for +$35mil a year.


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Except Dak's WRs dropped more passes last season than Dalton's WRs. Dak is an excellent QB who could have rewritten record books last season with more help from his WRs. He still managed to have one of the best QB stat seasons in the league. Being blinded by Dak hate makes your eyes test lie to you. Trust the stats.
Dak has issues with pinpoint accuracy, always has. He can get the ball to the WR so statistically it is catchable, but the WR has to make an adjustment or just a great catch to actually bring it in. There is a difference between catchable and easily catchable.