Many cooks in the kitchen, without a chef!


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Let's say the 2 best Jerry ever had, he fired. Amazingly enough, Jerry was the only owner to have had all 3, Landry/Johnson/Switzer SB winning HC's on his payroll.

He fired Landry one day after closing from purchasing The Cowboys. Jones stated he did not give consideration to retaining Landry for even a season, as he said he would not have purchased the team unless he could hire Johnson as HC.

And to think some of our fanbase says Jerry is "stupid" etc....:rolleyes:
:omg::eek::eek: worst mistake Jerry ever made was firing Jimmy --fresh off 2 Super Bowl -back to back wins---totally stupid:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:


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Me introduction to America was mixing 2 packets of yeast, 2 cups oil, pound of flour, 4 cups water, half cup salt plus cheddar specks to make a pizza crust.

Blokes. Workaday contractors and plumbers and penny stock analysts:

We do not have a way forward. YET.
But, Jerry, arbiter of averageness.
Unify the ranks.
Make the painful solutions.
I say, let Ma cca make the decisions!
Cut Dak, put Pollard in beast mode.
Oh, my.
We can dream, can't we, lethargic followers?
Hip, hip then!
Up we go.
Sounds like a cake fit for Super Bowl Win.


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Wait, nothing against Jimmy, believe me, but Tom produced the most winningest team in NFL history, won two Superbowls (like Jimmy) while in 5, nearly showed up in several others, oversaw a team that was always in the competition in the playoffs, generated a whole era of football fans/media that called the Cowboys "America's Team', he done this for over 20 something years and without the help of a 'Hershel Walker' trade.
Jimmy had a good run of 4 years, but he was no Tom Landry.

Agree! being a heels fan I love Roy Williams but he is still no Dean Smith even though he has more ships. I look at Dean and Tom in the same class. Guys ahead of there time.


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The HC should always be the central head figure, but again it depends upon the quality of that central figure.
Some HC's are just not quality HC's and that ends up bringing up issues that should be well under their control
and ends up bringing on their eventual demise and departure.
While the more quality ones seem to find ways to keep their teams fighting and scraping into post-season play,even if they end up losing asst coaches to new team HC hires. ala Belicheck, Tomlison,Reid, etc.)

- As far as Moore/Garrett- hat could be purely speculation as to Garrett's interference on Kellen ..or was it times where Kellen made obvious rookie novice inexperience mistakes as an OC in just his first year in that role.

- Whatever rookie OC mistakes Kellen could have and did make while under Garretts' wing, could have
been avoided and made better .. if not for Garrett's own flaws as a game manager and inability to make adjustments on the run and in-game. I saw one stat that if Garrett's team is not leading by a certain margin at halftime, they seldom made comeback adjustments to eventually win the game.

- Frankly i hope McCarthy does not give Kellen full control and responsibility of the offense early on, especially
until it becomes clear how and what Kellen understands what MM expects and gains full
and complete confidence.

- It's not like Kellen has been under MM's wing, so the two will have to come to adapting and
adjusting to each other and that could take some time adjustment period.
There could already be some instances where same " terminology" (as the word term as been thrown
around so frequently without explanatory details) - such as both believing in strong pre-snap motion, multiple pre-snap looks and formations, quick huddle to no huddle pace,
as well preferring similar personnel packages such as:
11 personnel (1 RB, 1 TE's, 3 WRs) ..
20 personnel (2 RBs, 0 tight ends, 3 WRs )
10 Personnel (1 RB, 0 TEs, 4 WRs)

But it's gonna be some things that one is gonna prefer more than the other, imo.
i.e. Moore may want more more RPO's formations,in shotgun formations.. while MM may prefer QB
more under center.
It's up to that central figure to how much and if he wants to be open to and implement such suggestions-ideals his from his kitchen help,..imo.

-MM has a successful track record as a playcaller, but many believe the reason why he lost his job was cause his offense became too predictable. He had a year to self-evaluate, study other offenses around the league and knows he has to adapt to more of a modern scheme. Having a young, talented OC will help his scheme transition to more of a modern one. It will be more of a calloborative effort between the two, however, MM will have the final say and make in game adjustments if needed.

-We do not know for certain, if Garrett forced Moore's hand in regards to calling the plays, but at times the offense sure look entirely different and more like the one Garrett ran.

-I expect MM to bring his wco scheme concepts, where Moore will design modern tweaks to the scheme. He will try to take away the predictability and find ways to disguise what they want to accomplish. Ultimately, they want a offensive scheme that the defense has no idea what they are doing in a given play.


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Jerry always talked about letting him "learn on the job."

I really dont think things like clock management are that difficult, but ok.

After a few years and blown games. Ice kick and at Balt in 12 come to mind without thinking at all.....Jerry would say thing like.....we went through the pains of him learning as a HC, we may as well stay with him.

Really??? How many FANS are better at clock management? You don't need to LEARN that.

It was always just hope that made us hang on.

Jerry better get this hire right is all I know.

Clock management is a league wide problem, believe it or not. Many coaches have their struggles managing the clock. This franchise can no longer wait on a HC learning on the job, they need an experience coach who knows what it takes to lead a team to success.


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They all take time to develop or they wouldn't be rookies. That's routinely their nature. Normally it takes a few games, even for the smart ones to adjust. Some will be starters and some won't. Ending up on the practice squad certainly isn't unusual for many, until they settle in. CeeDee is one who's almost a lock to start day one. I'm not so sure about the rookies who will be destined for the secondary. We'll see about them in due time. You're right about the rookies and the lack of OTA's being a handicap, without a doubt. I'll be very anxious to see how Trevon Diggs makes out. ;)

Both Diggs/Robinson needs a lot of work with their technique. They kind of remind me when they selected Jenkins and the small schooled, Scandrick.


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We are moving to more of a wco scheme, it's more of a quick hitting offense and should benefit our OL as they no longer have to block so long for all those slow developing plays down the field.


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That's true, unless you happen to be named Jason Garrett. He had a decade of on-the-job training before he got canned. (Jerry loved him.) :rolleyes:

Jerry actually wanted to extend his contract again. Jerry gets way too attached people within his organization, where he should be treating it more like a business.


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We are moving to more of a wco scheme, it's more of a quick hitting offense and should benefit our OL as they no longer have to block so long for all those slow developing plays down the field.



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Because, as we all know, Tom Landry was just some spare guy in a funny hat.

Landry never worked with Jerry in any capacity. In fact, Jerry's first act as owner was to fire him. I'm a huge Landry fan and I was pissed, but Jerry and Jimmy did inherit a 3-13 roster with no QB. What Jimmy did in his short tenure was so remarkable it got him into the NFL HOF.


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Both Diggs/Robinson needs a lot of work with their technique. They kind of remind me when they selected Jenkins and the small schooled, Scandrick.

Diggs tends to get behind in coverage at times, although, he has good catch-up speed. He has a knack for INT's, something Dallas sorely needs. I expect him to have a period of development -- just hoping it's fairly brief and doesn't get overly extended.


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Diggs tends to get behind in coverage at times, although, he has good catch-up speed. He has a knack for INT's, something Dallas sorely needs. I expect him to have a period of development -- just hoping it's fairly brief and doesn't get overly extended.

He may start in the sub-packages, but the hope is he becomes the starter early in his career, hopefully year 1.


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If that is the only thing you got out of that, then yeah go ahead call Jimmy the better coach, but without Jimmy, I think the vast majority of us would still be die hard fans of the Cowboys. We would still retain the glory of what makes this team America's Team.
Without Landry..... We would just be another team.
this is still the house Coach Landry built.
hell....he cleared the land as well.


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The whole Cowboy Organization has lacked a central leader in many areas within the team:

-We have heard that picking the draft picks was a team effort, where Jerry was the tie-breaker if it came to that point. As we have seen, the front office/coaching staff & the scouts haven't been on the same page. S. Floyd was high on their team board, yet when he fell to them, they refused to take him cause he didn't fit Marinelli's profile as a 3T DT. We are all aware of the whole Watt/Taco debacle. MM stated this year that the organization should empower the scouts and Will McClay as they do all the work on evaluating the players. On paper, the Cowboys has one of their best drafts in several years.

-We have heard that it's a team effort putting the offensive game plan together, the likes of Kellen Moore, Jason Garrett, Nuss, Kitna & even Dak all were involved in the process. So many men, probably so many different opinions. Why hire a OC if they don't trust him to put together his own game plan? We aren't sure of all the logistics how it we all work between MM & Moore, but it is clear, they are in charge.

-Do we even need to discuss the Defense, having two so called DC's not being on the same page was an absolute disaster. What we do know now is Mike Nolan is the team's DC, he will be implementing his own scheme, making his own calls and having the entire unit being on the same page.

So many cooks in the kitchen, without one Chef!!
In 2016 we had one of the best drafts in years as well. Getting input from multiple sources on the draft is not a bad thing. The more people are in agreement on a player the better the odds are that player will work out. As for McClay, are you suggesting he wasn't allowed to do his scouting in the past? I'm not sure I understand the notion that he was just this year empowered to do that.

I do, however, buy the idea that Garrett wasn't a strong enough leader, and that hopefully McCarthy will have a stronger grip on what's going on.


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1.Jerry handed the keys over to Garrett
2.Jerry could no longer trust Garrett with the keys.
3.Jerry handed out multiple keys to multiple coaches.

This is where all the chefs came from.