Face Tattoos I Don't Get It


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You got these rappers & singers writing all over their faces. I don't get it. I don't think it is all about gang stuff. You know if the music gig doesn't work out what are going to do for a job.? Also I remember seeing a well known rapper and he didnt have as many tattoos on his face as previous and I wonder if it is just fake ink to sell a look. THE PROBLEM - You have stupid naive kids that look up to them and ruin their faces and chances for good jobs because they did something idiotic while they were young. . I don't like face tattoos on a woman . I dont even like all those piercings on the face of a woman....... Please can someone explain to me why some guy like Post Malone does this because to me he looks like a bigger dork than he is.


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You have that rapper with rainbow colors in his hair. Something 69 little shrimp who snitched to avoid a big prison term. Does he think he is going to survive prison being a known snitch or have a rap career after he gets out? .. I am not understanding . You have the rapper outed by Jaden Smith(Will Smith's son) outed him as his lover..... You have the Country of Chaz and them freaking out about the American Flag.... I'm sorry what the he11 has happen to this youth? That's right "GET OFF MY LAWN"!! Seriously these kids are lost. I think this is the generation of "TIME OUT" instead of lighting up their buttocks when they didnt get their way. ....If I was in charge I'm shaving their heads and they are joining the Marines to remove their heads from their @#$@%


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Like 69 rapper, listen to a radio interview never even went to High School. So I am sure he will be broke later probably signed a horrible contract . No where to go when he is not the popular flavor the month in the music industry.


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I don't have any enlightenment on the subject, but agree with you. It's disturbing.
I'm wondering if the selling of themselves for fame ,putting crappy tattoos is like branding them. They own you..... I worked for a company and we would get parolees and these barely wet behind their ears kids and tattoos all over their faces. I constantly asked prison guards why they do that because lot of older prisoners did not do this. Answers was to try to intimidate others. I truly thought one of two things. 1-the kids did it to make themselves look ugly to avoid sexual advances or 2- they were property of a tougher guy and he could do anything he wanted with you so showcase your face your identity.
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"We Are Penn State"
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Nothing I would do personally, but, different strokes for different folks. As long as a person is bringing no harm to others, who am I to judge their decisions in their own walk in life?

(that's not a dig at you Timb2, just my own personal feeling)


The Cook
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There is the rare occasion when it works..

https://encrypted-tbn0.***NOT-ALLOWED***/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSs_LG8n0G699-8kxQBkupaAudnenHGHuCKiJx-eibQJ2IyxSFk&usqp=CAU Katt rocks..


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@timb2 you sound like a bigot from 1930-40s Germany with your shaming of people that don't do things as you would do them. People today are free to do as they please. This freedom should be celebrated, not shamed as you are doing. Freedom is a beautiful thing that comes in many shapes and forms. You are bound to come across some that you don't personally like but you should still tolerate. Tolerance is the virtue that allows us to all come together from all ethnicities and backgrounds and be stronger together for it. Tolerance is in rare supply these days so stop being part of the problem by not having it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
@timb2 you sound like a bigot from 1930-40s Germany with your shaming of people that don't do things as you would do them. People today are free to do as they please. This freedom should be celebrated, not shamed as you are doing. Freedom is a beautiful thing that comes in many shapes and forms. You are bound to come across some that you don't personally like but you should still tolerate. Tolerance is the virtue that allows us to all come together from all ethnicities and backgrounds and be stronger together for it. Tolerance is in rare supply these days so stop being part of the problem by not having it.
I don't see this lack of tolerance you speak of, he's merely making an observation about facial tattoo's. Who the hell are you now? The authority on tolerance with some of the attack posts you make on this site? You need to take a hard look in the mirror before you make assumptions and observations about people you do not know.

Reverend Conehead

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I agree it's bizarre, but I just file it under "not my problem." If people want to get some absurd facial tattoo, they're free to do so. They shouldn't expect me to gush about how great it supposedly looks, but it's their choice and hence their problem, not mine.


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I have noticed some people keep trying to cover themselves with tattoos because they think that's an improvement because I don't think they like themselves without them. It was a matter of time before they got to the face.

Personally, I don't get tattoos but I do get the significance they have to some people. It's not an external sign but something deeper to them. My daughter-in-law asked for one several birthday's ago and it caught me by surprise until I saw them, one for each of the women in her life, her Mom and my wife. She has them on her arm so she can hug them.

When I see body art that looks like there's a story behind it, I have to fight the urge to ask a stranger about it. Then I wonder do they have that out in the open in hopes someone will ask about it?

Since the "revolution" in the 60's, people have been trying to differentiate themselves through their hair and mode of attire but I began noticing a lot of women from that era, my contemporaries, with tattoos and it was just a matter of time. It makes some feel hip but also allows for a different form of self expression than they'd had in the past. And there's nothing wrong with either.