I honestly don't get the Zeke and Amari hate


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Amari Cooper is about 100 yards away from breaking 1,000 yards this season with the majority of it has been from bums behind centers. If he crosses that threshold, he would've crossed it for the last 5 out of 6 years as a starter in the NFL. The only time he didn't do so, he was hurt. Dude has more than earned his money and will be just as good going forward with Dak.

Zeke-I somewhat understand. However, Zeke is playing behind a line that no longer has ANY of his starters. Yesterday was also a prime example of Moore abandoning the run because we were done. This is what happens when you have a poor defense, you have to abandon your winning formula. Without his starting qb, and his offensive line, Zeke is about 200 yards away from getting over 1k and is averaging about 4 yards a carry. I thought he looked very good yesterday. My only issue with him this year has been the fumbles but i feel that's him trying to do too much because the talent around him is very good.

I hope the front office doesn't take the cheese that some fans are trying to sell. Fix this defense, protect your quarterback with a good line and everything else will fall in line.


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Amari Cooper is about 100 yards away from breaking 1,000 yards this season with the majority of it has been from bums behind centers. If he crosses that threshold, he would've crossed it for the last 5 out of 6 years as a starter in the NFL. The only time he didn't do so, he was hurt. Dude has more than earned his money and will be just as good going forward with Dak.

Zeke-I somewhat understand. However, Zeke is playing behind a line that no longer has ANY of his starters. Yesterday was also a prime example of Moore abandoning the run because we were done. This is what happens when you have a poor defense, you have to abandon your winning formula. Without his starting qb, and his offensive line, Zeke is about 200 yards away from getting over 1k and is averaging about 4 yards a carry. I thought he looked very good yesterday. My only issue with him this year has been the fumbles but i feel that's him trying to do too much because the talent around him is very good.

I hope the front office doesn't take the cheese that some fans are trying to sell. Fix this defense, protect your quarterback with a good line and everything else will fall in line.

Dude it's not worth the effort trying to understand haters. Hate is not a rational emotion and it is almost never based on logic or reason. Cooper and Zeke are both very good NFL players.. who in the estimation of some internet experts make too much money.. never mind the fact that the reason they make so much money is that people pay truckloads of cash to watch them play. So by watching them play, the haters are helping to justify their paychecks. I don't think the front office pays any attention to what these whiny fans say. Nor should it. We fans have a right to piss and moan about this or that.. But we don't get a vote on how the team is built or who gets paid what. Like you my only issue with Zeke has been the fumbles.. and I agree that in most cases he's gotten caught up trying to do too much. When he just focuses on doing his job and only his job he's been fine. Even the last one against Washington he got caught trying to reach the ball to the sticks when it really wasn't necessary. It was going to be 2nd and less than 1 I think.. He looked really good last night and had we been able to keep the game closer (thanks defense) I have no doubt he was on his way to well over 100 yards. There was more than one 3rd and short play where he got zero blocking but bulled and pulled the defense for the first down anyway. That's what I love about that kid.. I just wish Moore would scheme up something other than the delay up the middle for him. With the line being where it is, that is just sacrificing Zeke to the lions, the ones in the Bible, not in Detroit.


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Amari Cooper is about 100 yards away from breaking 1,000 yards this season with the majority of it has been from bums behind centers. If he crosses that threshold, he would've crossed it for the last 5 out of 6 years as a starter in the NFL. The only time he didn't do so, he was hurt. Dude has more than earned his money and will be just as good going forward with Dak.

Zeke-I somewhat understand. However, Zeke is playing behind a line that no longer has ANY of his starters. Yesterday was also a prime example of Moore abandoning the run because we were done. This is what happens when you have a poor defense, you have to abandon your winning formula. Without his starting qb, and his offensive line, Zeke is about 200 yards away from getting over 1k and is averaging about 4 yards a carry. I thought he looked very good yesterday. My only issue with him this year has been the fumbles but i feel that's him trying to do too much because the talent around him is very good.

I hope the front office doesn't take the cheese that some fans are trying to sell. Fix this defense, protect your quarterback with a good line and everything else will fall in line.


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Zeke played a very good, if not a great game last night. Hampered with a 3rd string OL, another poor game of play calling against a stout stack the box type defense.
He showed some burst and moves to be elusive at times. Though the game thread many said their standard posts about him.

Zeke has not lost it, but the OC has. Back up QB's, though Dalton not as bad as some think, and again no OL. That will hurt any RB and offense.


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Zeke and Amari are payed to be difference makers. They haven’t made a difference this season.

Using stats as your sole indicator of success is where you fail.

Football is the ultimate TEAM sport / game. When the rest of the team do their job, they can do theirs better. 2 players alone can't win games.


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As soon as someone gets paid they get held to completely unrealistic standards...doesnt matter who it is. You can go back and find hall of fame players who fans hated while they were playing because of the money they made.


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Yes, they are but football is all intertwined. In order for them to make a difference, their job relies on others to be successful. It's seriously not that hard.

Football is the ultimate TEAM sport / game. When the rest of the team do their job, they can do theirs better. 2 players alone can't win games.

True but fumbling and giving up on routes doesn’t help the cause.


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Amari's been open all year. Dude is getting separation for days and has been productive with nothing but garbage QBs for the last 8 weeks. But there is a limit to the kind of stats a WR can put up with backup quarterbacks playing behind backup tackles.

Zeke showed up focused last night and was making the kind of plays we paid him to make - hitting cutback runs, hands catches along the sideline, etc. He can still be a productive player when he is checked in, but he has played so sloppily and indifferently this year that I don't trust him to stay that way.
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Zeke has slowed down and not the player he used to be. He can still grind tough yards but has lost most of his explosiveness. He is not a game breaker. He was a Ferrari when he entered the league. He is now a zamboni. A very expensive zamboni. I believe his off field lifestyle has cut short his effectiveness, and ultimately will cut short his career.

I have no issues with Cooper. He's had a good year despite the slugs with him the ball. He's pricey at $20M a year. But that's the rate these days.


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Simply put, Zeke has been The Fall Guy for the offensive woes. Jaylon Smith is hands down for the defense.

Problems with the base......too many get immunity for their play. OL and scheme have been a problem all year. Defense is a "take your pick" choice each week, but Jaylon is the primary target. I announce your Fall Guy Winners...….drum roll please.....Zeke and Jaylon. Zeke congratulations on the your Cabo visit. Amari....we're sorry, you did get votes. You are a repeat winner. Jaylon, please thank the DL, the secondary, your LB peers and your DC. You won in a landslide.



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
True but fumbling and giving up on routes doesn’t help the cause.

Fumbling yes, it has been an issue, but I do not believe it will continue to be a chronic issue.
giving up on routes, I have not seen that. It is a fan myth as they will say anything to hate on a player. Just like the myth of Amari's sideline attitude fans whine about.
they aren't on the field and see what is going on. Just as fans only see TV camera angles on plays. They do not see the entire scope of plays.


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Scapegoating. I think Zeke is what he is at this point. I don't think he's bad or have fallen off...I just think he needs Dak more than Dak needs him which is funny because the narrative was Dak needed him lol.


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Zeke collected his money. He's now just going through the motions and no one is pushing him for more. Would you pay him what he's getting for the production he's had for last couple of years? On top of that he did this with time still remaining on his contract. Jerry was a fool here

I like Amari- he sometimes seems aloof which I think attracts the negative feelings by some but I like him.


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I think Moore’s running scheme is the issue with the running game along with having 3rd string Olinemen playing


Village Idiot
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Amari Cooper is about 100 yards away from breaking 1,000 yards this season with the majority of it has been from bums behind centers. If he crosses that threshold, he would've crossed it for the last 5 out of 6 years as a starter in the NFL. The only time he didn't do so, he was hurt. Dude has more than earned his money and will be just as good going forward with Dak.

Zeke-I somewhat understand. However, Zeke is playing behind a line that no longer has ANY of his starters. Yesterday was also a prime example of Moore abandoning the run because we were done. This is what happens when you have a poor defense, you have to abandon your winning formula. Without his starting qb, and his offensive line, Zeke is about 200 yards away from getting over 1k and is averaging about 4 yards a carry. I thought he looked very good yesterday. My only issue with him this year has been the fumbles but i feel that's him trying to do too much because the talent around him is very good.

I hope the front office doesn't take the cheese that some fans are trying to sell. Fix this defense, protect your quarterback with a good line and everything else will fall in line.

Don't you pay these guys so they can excel in these situations? Andy Dalton isn't a bum. AJ Green put up huge numbers with him throwing the ball to him.

Cooper is fine. His main criticism is that he disappears for long stretches at a time and doesn't seem to like football that much. This has been the knock on him going back to Alabama. He is the same guy he was before the contract, so I don't blame him. When his head is right, he produces. Not worried about him.

Zeke is a different story. Since holding out with 2 years left on his contract, he has gotten worse and worse. His performance this year has been awful, especially when you factor in the 6 fumbles. He has more fumbles than TDs this year. Simply put, he hasn't helped the team.