News: SDFW: Dallas Cowboys: Why do fans always side with ownership?


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Dallas Cowboys: Why do fans always side with ownership?

The Dallas Cowboys fan base is beyond loyal. They are supportive, rabid and inherently believes it is their divine right to win the Super Bowl. Every. Sing...

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Dallas Cowboys: Why do fans always side with ownership?

The Dallas Cowboys fan base is beyond loyal. They are supportive, rabid and inherently believes it is their divine right to win the Super Bowl. Every. Sing...

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That site is clown central. The articles reek of know-nothing kids.

It's a capped league. Using cap effectively is how you win. Fans who want to win side with getting value for the team's cap dollars, not with management or with players. Immaturity takes everything personally.

Note that the name Emmitt doesn't appear in the article.
Who did fans side with when Emmitt held out?

But that didn't fit The Narrative.


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Why would ANY fan side with a player? How does a player getting a huge salary or dictating to a team help the team win?

ANY fan with half a brain would want players signed for reasonable, bargain type contracts. Rarely happens, but.

How often do you or I or other fans accept bargain, below market value pay for the job they do in order to help the company have money to spend on other resources?

Obviously fans would like to see reasonable contracts, but does that mean all players should accept bargain or below market value contracts?

The reality is both sides have every right - as they should - to negotiate what they think is fair.

Besides, even if the team overpays a player, how is that all on the player? The team has the option to walk away from it if they feel paying a certain dollar amount is counterproductive, so the team does bear blame.
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The salary cap has brought parity to the league and created interest that would not exist otherwise.

Yeah that’s what I said in my post prior to that.

There are positives and negatives to every thing. The salary cap has its positives. But it also has its drawbacks.


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Dallas Cowboys: Why do fans always side with ownership?

The Dallas Cowboys fan base is beyond loyal. They are supportive, rabid and inherently believes it is their divine right to win the Super Bowl. Every. Sing...

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I dont think its exactly a siding with ownership thing. I think fans look at it from the perspective of these players are playing a game...a game many of us have played for free, or they look at it as whats the difference between 10 million a year vs 11 million per year and the only reason they look at it like that is because they want to see them back on the field because it gives their team the best chance to win. So fans take it personally because from their vantage point the player cares more about the money than bringing the "fans" joy.

Well owners are conducting business, and the players have to sometimes jump in that arena. Football careers are short. Family members have their hands out and there are other sharks in the water coming for their money, and these guys are looking to make their money grow because football doesnt last forever. They are trying to get all they can to maintain their lifestyle...and everyone is not a equipped to be on ESPN, FoX, ABC, NBC etc. Just call to mind how bad Emmitt Smith was, or Jason Witten. What if they never got big contracts.

So in short fans "take the owners side" simply because they are selfish. They want to see the best product on the field so they can see their favorite team have the best chance to win. They want that whether the player is over paid under paid....they just want the player suited up..


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Without that financial risk, there would not be professional sports....

Players risk severe injury - really - when was the last time an NFL player died on the field? Manufacturing sector has more risk in their job than an NFL player - how about a railroad worker? Don't even try to compare, there are tons of jobs that take their toll, especially when you have to work 40 years at it instead of 10-15.

And no, as much money as possible, there is way too much money in sports - way too much for the value it provides.

so the owners have every right to try and earn as much money as possible because of the financial risk. Which is fine. I agree with it.

but players aren’t allowed to leverage their own risk of injury PLUS their incredibly rare talents..... and skills that they have spent literal decades developing, to try and get as much money as possible?

that’s ridiculous

You mention factory workers and the middle class. Sure there are dangerous jobs out there. But the facts are that factory workers skills
And talents aren’t rare like an NFL player.

even so. Factory workers and every other type of worker really, has the right to leverage their skills and abilities to try and earn as much money as possible for their work.

As such, NFL players have every right to use their skills or talents to try and earn as much money as possible.

if the nfl owners don’t like it. They could also not pay those players...... but the owners won’t do that because they themselves make money off of the players talents.

I mean you speak of it like it’s a one way equation. Owners take the financial risk and that’s it.

well..... they also make millions of dollars off hiring the best players they can find to put out the best product available....... and the players are the ones providing that talent.

owners aren’t the victims. They aren’t being forced to sign players they don’t want for money they don’t want to pay. They pay players based on how good they think the player is and how much value that player adds to their asset, which is the team.

You also ask the question of when was the last time an NFL player died? Dude players get serious injuries that require surgery and months of rehab all the time. All the time.

and there are a ton of lower level players that get those injuries and then get chewed up and spit out by those same owners who cut them and never hire them again post injury or their body breaking down.

let’s also mention that there are NFL players who have literally died early in life or been permanently debilitated due to injuries they got playing football.

The ones who actually make it deserve
The right to negotiate for whatever they can get.
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Guess you never heard of a salary cap? If there was no salary cap fans would not care what each player made.
And who created the salary cap. The owners. The greed is originated by the owners, networks and sponsors.

The players would mostly play for nothing like they did for decades if there wasn’t any revenue to share.


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High price doesn’t mean low risk. Look what happened to GameStop shares.
Someone doesn’t invest everything they have if it’s a high risk for return.

The Cowboys were one of the most iconic brands in sports in the country that had fallen on tough times in last couple years. All that was needed was winning. The rest was in place for success.

Losing about a million a month which was reported at the time for entity as such worth 140 million is really small potatoes. Just a small cash flow issue which is fairly easily turned .


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They are football idiots and they will pay Dak because they are no longer a trend setting team and being trend setters is what made them successful.

Now they are the Mike McCarthy follow what everyone else is doing bunch. Smart decisioning themselves to 8-8.

Mahomes was a huge risk coming out of college and replacing a QB in Alex Smith who was having success.

Signing Brady, getting rid of Winston, and going all in was a huge risk for Tampa.

Dallas is the safe bunch.. Hiring Mike McCarthy, building only through the draft, signing our guys like Dak & Zeke to whatever stupid number the league set.. That’s the Cowboys.
Post of the year


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Because I have Johnny Walker stock.
Owning stock in Diageo, the British conglomerate and largest spirits company in the world is a wise investment. They of course own Johnny Walker and many of the top brands including Crown Royal.

Years ago under my brokers advice I decided to begin investing in more products I consumed .

And out of frustration with the Cowboys priorities in sponsorship revenue over football operations I decided it was time to benefit from those success as well as I wanted my check from the financial success if there wasn’t going to be success on the field.


Regular Joe....
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I hear what you’re saying.

But my ultimate point is. The salary cap is an artificial construct, that whatever it was created for, acts as a means to limit the salaries can be ultimately paid based on the agreed upon revenue sharing between the teams and players Union.

If there was no cap, each individual team would be ultimately making its own choice for how much they want to spend on their players.

Owners who are wealthy outside of football could even choose to take an overall loss on players salary, in the name of trying to win.

Now the cap does have negative impacts on driving down salaries for mid to low level players as the star players continue to push and soak up more and more of the pie. You’re right about that.

The artificial construct is why fans care about player salaries so much though. If Jerry Jones was losing money on the cowboys. By paying players ungodly amounts of cash in an uncapped league. Would any of us care? I wouldn’t. Maybe other fans would. Idk

Spend or don't spend? This salaries have gone up significantly since the incept of the the cap. What has driven that? It's more likely that salaries would not have increased nearly as much, without the cap and that players and owners would still be operating the way it did before the cap. You could extend that argument to say that without the CBA, it's likely that the players union would not still exist either. I think that the cap has done more good for the players then bad, by far. I honestly don't even think it's a question, to be honest.

Now, the good it's done for the sport overall or for the fans, that's a different discussion. But in so far as what it has done to further players salaries in general, think it's been a definite driver in salary increases. So while it caps, or as you say (limites), it also serves as the driver to increase salaries overall. Without that cap, owners would have never agreed to the increased percentage of funds to begin with because they would have feared that it would not stop there.

I don't think it's all negative, necessarily.
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Besides, even if the team overpays a player, how is that all on the player? The team has the option to walk away from it if they feel paying a certain dollar amount is counterproductive, so the team does bear blame
Bingo!!! Case in point, Steelers and Leveon Bell.


More than meets the eye.
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Someone doesn’t invest everything they have if it’s a high risk for return.

The Cowboys were one of the most iconic brands in sports in the country that had fallen on tough times in last couple years. All that was needed was winning. The rest was in place for success.

Losing about a million a month which was reported at the time for entity as such worth 140 million is really small potatoes. Just a small cash flow issue which is fairly easily turned .

Losing a million month isn’t small potatoes, especially back then. Look, bro. You’re welcome to your opinion. Just know that it’s the minority.


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Dallas Cowboys: Why do fans always side with ownership?

The Dallas Cowboys fan base is beyond loyal. They are supportive, rabid and inherently believes it is their divine right to win the Super Bowl. Every. Sing...

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Because it's been so long since the Cowboys have even sniffed an NFCC game, the tide is turning. The diehard Cowboy fan that supports ownership above all else is a dying breed. Jerry is a powerful owner but his predecessor won't be unless the Cowboys start winning championships.


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It's an interesting take ........on one side they don't wanna pay Dak and others believe Jerry and Stephen are idiots. So I'm not sure what to think (LOL).
Jerry had a solid track record decades long of being an idiot and the Apple seemingly doesn’t fall too far from the tree


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Dallas Cowboys: Why do fans always side with ownership?

The Dallas Cowboys fan base is beyond loyal. They are supportive, rabid and inherently believes it is their divine right to win the Super Bowl. Every. Sing...

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I find it hard to root for millionaires that refuse to be accountable for their short-comings and have the maturity of a ten year old child. They compare their jobs , which pays millions, to slavery and their greed is only matched by their feelings of entitlement that comes from being athletically blessed. It is hard to have sympathy for a person that can work for five years and be set for life, but they want to play the part of an exploited victim.


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Dallas Cowboys: Why do fans always side with ownership?

The Dallas Cowboys fan base is beyond loyal. They are supportive, rabid and inherently believes it is their divine right to win the Super Bowl. Every. Sing...

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I totally agree with this article. Since the 80s, I have always been a fan who sides with the players without which this game flounders. And these players’ careers last a decade if they are lucky, and they should try to maximize their earnings while playing.

NFL Owners have a lifetime to maximize profits, which owners like Jerry do in spades. In fact, the “risk” of owning an NFL team is one of the lowest in the business world. These guys don’t own a family diner or family lumber company. They own a financial juggernaut that is a profit making machine that even shares the wealth among its “partners” who have less fan support. It’s the closest thing to a guaranteed profit out there.

And this article nails it on the Dak issue. The Jones boys enjoyed 4 years of paying Dak 4th round wages and had several opportunities to sign him at a much cheaper rate than he can demand now, but they blew it. And it’s the Jones’ who are always “leaking” info about the Dak contract negotiations. Conveniently leaving out details that would clarify the real issues. They do that knowing many Cowboys fans will buy into the narrative that it’s the player who’s being greedy, not the multi-billionaire who hasn’t been able to build a roster that wins anything in a qtr century.

Jerry has a long history of overpaying the wrong guys, and yet somehow with too many of our fans, they see him as an owner willing to do what it takes to win. If Jerry wanted to win more than anything, we would see meaningful changes in the decision power hierarchy. His hubris and stubborn arrogance are THE greatest reason we have become a mediocre at best product on the field. That’s not the players’ fault.