Twitter: Zeke working it


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I’ve put on 12 lbs in the past 6 weeks on purpose, obviously some fat but my fat % hasn't gone up too much. What you eat, how you lift and how much cardio you do make a big difference. In my early twenties I would regularly cut from ~250 to 220-15 in 6-8 weeks.

It shouldn’t be that hard for most of these guys at their age. Look at Jeff Saturday and how many other O lineman drop over 100 lbs in a relative short amount of time just based on diet alone.
Body weight. Consists of fat and muscles. And you have to do two different things to lean up depending on what you’re trying to lose or gain. It’s easier to lose fat than it is muscle. It’s easier to put on weight fact that it is muscle. There’s a big difference between the two


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I’ve never understood the chest/tri’s and back/bi’s routine, I gave it up almost 20 years ago (it didn’t last long). I’m not saying you’re wrong and a lot of people still follow that formula but I think it’s an old school mindset that hasn’t gone away.

I purposely do back and bi’s and chest and tri’s as far away as I can from each other. For example, I did chest and legs today, traps/bi’s tomorrow, just cardio on Sat due to work, tri’s/shoulders on Sun, and back/lats on Monday. Then repeat.

I want to be able to get the most out of each muscle group and obviously if you do tri’s/chest and back/bi’s together than one of them will suffer since they’re secondary to each other. When I did bi’s and back together I wouldn’t be able to lift as much or do as many sets in bi’s if I did back first or vice versa compared to separating them a few days between. Why not maximize each muscle group by giving them time to heal between days?

I definitely benefited from doing it that way in both strength and size.
I totally agree. To me it’s all about variety. Never do the same thing twice if possible. I do pyramid. Bench 5 pound dumbbells and then work all the way up to 50. And then go back again. And the next day do some thing else. You have to have fun. Yeah the same old routine Monday Tuesday Wednesday is ridiculous in my opinion


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I’ve never understood the chest/tri’s and back/bi’s routine, I gave it up almost 20 years ago (it didn’t last long). I’m not saying you’re wrong and a lot of people still follow that formula but I think it’s an old school mindset that hasn’t gone away.

I purposely do back and bi’s and chest and tri’s as far away as I can from each other. For example, I did chest and legs today, traps/bi’s tomorrow, just cardio on Sat due to work, tri’s/shoulders on Sun, and back/lats on Monday. Then repeat.

I want to be able to get the most out of each muscle group and obviously if you do tri’s/chest and back/bi’s together than one of them will suffer since they’re secondary to each other. When I did bi’s and back together I wouldn’t be able to lift as much or do as many sets in bi’s if I did back first or vice versa compared to separating them a few days between. Why not maximize each muscle group by giving them time to heal between days?

I definitely benefited from doing it that way in both strength and size.
You can do chest three days in a row. As long as it’s a different exercise you don’t have to worry about giving it time to rest. Front dealt side dealt red dealt it’s all different. Too much to explain 60 years. But you got the theory right


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I totally agree. To me it’s all about variety. Never do the same thing twice if possible. I do pyramid. Bench 5 pound dumbbells and then work all the way up to 50. And then go back again. And the next day do some thing else. You have to have fun. Yeah the same old routine Monday Tuesday Wednesday is ridiculous in my opinion
For sure, I do a slight variation. I’ll do the same lifts for 3-4 weeks and switch up the order in which I do them, then change the lifts for 3-4 week, etc.

I’ve gone the low weight high rep route, especially when I was cutting, and it’s challenging in its own ways and has different results but it’s mentally hard for me to go in there and lighten the weight. Unfortunately, it will probably take a major injury (knock on wood) for me to stop lifting mostly heavy. I know the older I get the worse it is on my joints, cartilage, etc and I need to stop so I can walk when I retire and not end up like Ronnie Coleman or guys I work with.

I’ve lifted consistently since I was ~13 and I often question how much damage I’ve already done. If I lived in the mountains, I would probably barely go to the gym, if at all. I would spend so much time outdoors hiking, biking, snowboarding, etc that I would probably drop 20-30 lbs of muscle and either be just skinny or fit. Living in DFW, I have nothing else to do so going to the gym is more of a hobby but in no way would I ever skip the activities above to go the gym instead.


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You can do chest three days in a row. As long as it’s a different exercise you don’t have to worry about giving it time to rest. Front dealt side dealt red dealt it’s all different. Too much to explain 60 years. But you got the theory right
I usually do 3-4 different exercises and 4 sets of each for every major body part.

I know there’s tons of different theories and ways of doing things, I’ve tried a lot of them, but I think it ultimately comes down to personal goals, diet, genetics, age and what works for each individual.


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I forgot the running back’s name from the New York Giants. He was always putting the ball in the ground. Then he learned how to hold onto the football . He totally changed the way he held the ball . Maybe that’s what you should be working on
Tiki Barber


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What did I say? Something about Zeke? LOL F off.
Claims of "stalking" because I responded to you. Like a little melting snowflake.

And plus you redefine and lie about what I say about Zeke....proves you are a melting snowflake. I have said many times over I would have ditched zeke during his holdout. lie about it.....and act like you're the winner. Snowflake .


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Workout advice thread! Thanks fellas! Cheers


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And probably 10 more minutes than you’ve ever worked out in your entire life.

This might shock you but I am in great shape. It’s true. Not professional athlete shape but for 49 I can still get er done.


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This might shock you but I am in great shape. It’s true. Not professional athlete shape but for 49 I can still get er done.
Why are you crapping on Zeke? Are you there with him every day? Are you there with him in the locker room? Are you there with him on the field behind a line made up of undrafted free agents and with a 2nd, 3rd string QB? Are you?