Any plans for watching the draft?


Junior College Transfer
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For me draft day menu, I am determined to get
1. A dozen tamales from the Mexican grocery
2. And buy a liter of Dr Pepper
3. Chips
4. And roasted potatoes and picante from the lady at the Mexican butcher shop.
Simple eats, old boys!
We'll celebrate Slater's selection with lemon cookies.


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I’m gonna be in bed by 830 so might catch some on the starts to late on a week night for those of us that get up super early to get kids out the door.

wish the first two rounds were on Friday night and then the rest over the weekend.


Texas Ranger
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Since this is my very first official draft as a Zone Zookeeper, I will be lying in wait to keep some of you out of trouble. And it's OK to not like the pick but try to not dislike those that like the pick too much. Perfectly OK to dislike the FO as much as you like. I'd even relax the naughty words detector for one night if it were up to me. Who am I kidding? I'd relax it forever because we're Cowboys fans and we've earned the right to cuss.

I will be having a variety of margaritas, Modela, XX and Stacked Nachos. That's what I call her because she's hot, chippy and just a little cheesy.
Sounds like our babysitter is going to get drunk like most of us!

Silver N Blue

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Gonna skip my morning workout, going to the cemetery with my dad to visit my mom on their 65th wedding anniversary. Taking him to lunch and then marinating a couple of Ribeyes for dinner. Might pick up a 12 pack too!!!
What are you guys doing??
Will be on here and watching what the boys do with my son.


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Getting wings and streaming on Twitch. I'm going to be streaming announcements, reactions/reactions, and furry content. It's going to be so fun!!!! Look for RustyBourne1 on Twitch please. It'll be a lot of fun!!!! The NFL Draft with a very furry twist. Next year, i plan to shift to YouTube.
I will try to check you out to show support!


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I will watch with my friend and fellow Cowboys fan of almost 30 years. We used to alternate sites between our two homes until 9 years ago when my then 7 year old daughter informed me that she had let her mother know that Thursday through Saturday were reserved for the Draft and she and I would be watching and not to bother us. She has been at my side for each draft since and will be with us for this one too.
Father of the year sir!


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This one is the best. I wish I can do this, but unfortunately friends and family are coming over :( I get to hear dumb arguments and stupid rumors that don’t even sound right. Oh and I have to work tomorrow so I have to worry if these people will leave my house before 10 or 11. They won’t.
I feel your pain. I hate watching football with most people because those dumb arguments, rumors and silly takes aggravate me to no end. I detest Superbowl parties because 90% at the parties do not watch any game other than the SB... and then the halftime show fans....sorry I digress lol.

Try to enjoy it


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Johnnie Walker Gold Reserve to start.

Johnnie Walker 18 yr old if I like what we do.

Johnnie Walker Blue if I don't like what we do. I figured it will make things easier if I can 'see' things from Jerry's perspective.

Wife and kids have been properly trained now after all these years to socially distance themselves from me for next 3 days. I was ahead of my time in that regard.

Food...what ever I feel like an hour before the first pick.


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Perfect! I considered streaming on YT myself (I have a modest channel that I used for Madden for a little while and still have a small Discord community), but I have 2 small kids so I dont want to stream and scream lol... Ill def tune in brotha

Appreciate it. It'll be on Twitch. Next year, when I've got my fursuit, it'll be on YouTube. Twitch is pretty fun though.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I might be there.

In between the drinking game where you have to have a shot every time you see Peter Dinklage in the Cowboys War Room.


I'm totally going to pass out before they even pick, aren't I?
How about those two guys in the back getting ready to make out?